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Hide tanning...help!!!


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A friend got a large elk and gifted us the hide. I'm not sure if I should be thankful or if the relationship is now in jeopardy because this is WAY out of my element! He said to stretch it out, clean off all meat, wash it well, then salt it and roll until we are ready to use it (I think in his freezer?).

That's all I've got. A pioneer woman, I am not. At all. I would throw this thing in the trash, personally, but it could be a super cool experience for at least one of my dc.

Any help/suggestions? Please don't offer using the brains because that's too much. It just is.

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There is tanning  liquid that you can buy that you just paste on the flesh side. But first you do need to remove the meat, salt etc. 

My ds 27 has tanned several deer hides. He has in The past used an old trampoline frame to stretch it out

Edited by Melissa in Australia
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This is the reply from my son 


I’d recommend getting it done by someone.. either that or tell them to google it.. clean all the meat off best you can then salt it, after a day shake salt of and re salt, do that 3-4 times. Then you all depends on the tanning solution they get. I haven’t done one for years so I’d google how to do it

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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

This is the reply from my son 


I’d recommend getting it done by someone.. either that or tell them to google it.. clean all the meat off best you can then salt it, after a day shake salt of and re salt, do that 3-4 times. Then you all depends on the tanning solution they get. I haven’t done one for years so I’d google how to do it

Got it. Most of meat off tonight, rolled it and have it on ice until tomorrow.

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I would contact an outdoor sports/hunting store for advice. Or the website of a related magazine, like Outdoor Life maybe? 

Im curious how the friend determined that you would like such a gift, if you care to share background. 🙂

Edited by marbel
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Call your local taxidermy shop. If they can’t do it they should be able to direct you to someone who can. DH also suggests that if you live in an area with elk hunting, calling an elk hunting guide might help you find the best in the area. If they don’t do it themselves.

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In the far past, we used to salt them and then mail them somewhere to be processed. 

I cannot find the name of the company.They would do the processing and mail it back. But you could have purses, jackets, gloves etc custom made . I used them fir sewing projects over the years. 

I agree with above posters, let someone who knows how to process it do so. And if you have no plans for using it, gift it to someone who will.

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OK, so right now the hide has been thoroughly scraped, washed, and salted. It has been a tremendous experience for the dc!! They are putting hours and hours into this, and my detail-oriented 16yod is absolutely loving this. They're taking it step by step so hopefully something really neat will come from this.

As to the reason the friend considered us first... In the past this friend has gotten javelina and deer which he has allowed our dc to help process. He was a bit surprised the first time when none of them balked and actually did a good job! He gave the antlers and legs to the kids as a joke one year - he thought they would all just end up in the trash. But our dc (actually, it was our now 16yod's idea) buried the legs feet-up in our front yard and also buried the antlers such that it looked for all the world like an entire deer was buried there. Oh my gosh, people walking by, cars slowing down as drivers did a double-take - it was hilarious! So the "game" game has gone on for a while now with each round involving a different animal. I think our friend just delights in knowing kids, including teen girls, who are not squeamish or afraid of getting their hands dirty.

So that's the history there.

Our friend has a back up plan in case the dc run into trouble. He just wanted to give them first dibs and, while I was very skeptical, it's turning out to be a really amazing thing to watch them do.

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