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I am sad over neighbors moving


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Surprised I am so sad over this, but my neighbors just moved. The new people seem pretty nice, but I feel really sad over the old people being gone. I didn’t expect this. We were not friends or anything, but we were neighbors. The boys came by to say good-bye last night. After saying good bye, I went back inside and decided I wanted to give them a present, but by the time I got back outside, they were gone. Anyway, just thought maybe someone could commiserate or something. Not seeking advice, just talking about it.

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I’m sorry, too.  We had to move suddenly (at the last minute we had a chance to get an earlier date with the moving company and it was a lot better for us to take it, so we knew in advance but at the end we left two weeks earlier than planned).


We were so busy at the end we didn’t have a good chance to say goodbye to our neighbors.  We basically were saying “we leave in two days, we leave tomorrow” and before that we had only said we were moving but not sure when.  

I regretted it.  


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Aw, I'm sorry.  Hugs to you.  I'm glad you got to say goodbye at least but that was so abrupt!  

We have one set of neighbors who are so dear to us and I'd be terribly sad to leave them if we were to move (and we really want to move).  We're not close in a way where we're in touch all the time but I know they are there for us immediately if we ever needed anything and I can trust them completely.  And that goes the same for them with us.  I don't think there is anyone else in our lives that I can count on like I can with them.  And we've known them for 25 years so there's just a lot of history there. 


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I get it.

We had neighbors several years ago who we thought were good neighbors.  We'd look out for each other's homes when one was gone, our kids babysat and dog-sat for them.  After being neighbors for 4 years, we decided to try to get to know them better and got together once to go out for after dinner drinks.  We had a great time! I'm super introverted, so I was so proud of myself for taking this step with them.  Less than a month later he lost his job and was offered a different one in a very different part of the state. 

We were quite sad about it until they asked us if we'd be interested in buying their house.  Great house, we said yes, and then spent the summer in a super rocky relationship trying to buy their house.  By the end we all signed the paperwork but were definitely NOT friends.   We were glad we weren't still neighbors when we found out just how not great of people they actually were. 

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Our neighbors got to finally achieve their dream of moving off grid to Alaska. We had become super good friends over the years and I had helped her learn and prepare to leave. When the day came, even though we knew it for years it was still so hard. We stay in touch through text and got to visit when she came back for the birth of her grandchild but I still really miss her.

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I know the feeling. When our neighbors of 8 years moved, I felt sad even though we didn't know them very well. It was strange to go from seeing them every day to never seeing them again. (Though they got a package shipped to the wrong address and asked me to forward it to them - so I guess we didn't lose all contact!)


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