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Share one thing going on in your life....

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that you haven't already shared here. I have a boat load of things going on, but I don't want to hog a whole thread. So let's all share one (big or small) thing that is going on.



Here's mine- My 8yo was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Due to a major hospital mistake, he didn't get on the OR schedule. The end result was that my dad drove 8 hours, my dh took time off of work and I got myself all emotionally worked up, just to reschedule the surgery for January. I've come to peace with it, but it made for a couple of very stressful days.



Ok, now what is going on in your life?

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I agree! I am sorry you are going through that.


I have shared here that I am OCD and suffer from hypochondriasis. Praise God, I have started taking Lexapro and am feeling 95% better! I am so much happier this Christmas season than I have been during others and I know the meds are helping me. The only drawback I have is that I really didn't want to be on meds for this...I wanted to kick it myself...but I have come to terms and my peace with doing what I need to do to make certain I stay mentally happy and sane for my family.

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that you haven't already shared here. I have a boat load of things going on, but I don't want to hog a whole thread. So let's all share one (big or small) thing that is going on.



Here's mine- My 8yo was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Due to a major hospital mistake, he didn't get on the OR schedule. The end result was that my dad drove 8 hours, my dh took time off of work and I got myself all emotionally worked up, just to reschedule the surgery for January. I've come to peace with it, but it made for a couple of very stressful days.



Ok, now what is going on in your life?



Given all that you are going through, Shannon, you certainly could have a thread to your self if you want.




I don't have any really big issues, but I am feeling more and more like I want to opt out of the big family Christmas stuff this year. My sister is acting like a lunatic, and there is always some sort of chaos with my in-laws.

I usually don't let it get to me, but I really would love to just stay home with my boys and my husband this year.

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Here's mine- My 8yo was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Due to a major hospital mistake, he didn't get on the OR schedule. The end result was that my dad drove 8 hours, my dh took time off of work and I got myself all emotionally worked up, just to reschedule the surgery for January. I've come to peace with it, but it made for a couple of very stressful days.


Stressful is an understatement. How terribly frustrating! I'm so sorry that happened, and I hope that ultimately, the surgery goes well.


My life? Nothing interesting. Nada. Just the usual, and none of that is interesting. I am in the process of sending out Christmas cards, accompanied by the photo you edited for me. Thank you again for that help! I'm sending you a little something soon.:)

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Praise God, I have started taking Lexapro and am feeling 95% better!


I also have started taking Lexapro and am feeling much, much better. I don't struggle with OCD, but with anxiety and depression. I can't believe how much more relaxed and happy I am. I, too, am thanking God for this medicine and how it is working in me.

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{{{{{{Shannon}}}}}} I hope all goes well for the surgery in January.


For me...this Christmas season feels weird. We are already done. Oldest son was here this past week with his girlfriend. They both have to work on Christmas day, so we got together early. Under our tree is bare and I'm already thinking after Christmas sales...and all y'all aren't even done yet. It feels odd.


On the other hand...I can relax and enjoy the best parts of the season for the next ten days. ;)

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My 15yr old developed an ovarian cyst a couple months ago that instead of coming and going unnoticed like most do, has instead ruptured and is now according to the radiologist bleeding into itself. There are only 2 gynacologists in our area that I trust and the first one has rescheduled her appt. 4 times now. I called the other last week and they were able to squeeze her in this Friday (hopefully that doesn't change). They were able to rule out PCOD, thankfully (according to GP there would be kidney damage and her kidneys are very healthy looking on ultrasound).


It has just been incredibly frustrating and she is in constant pain. Physical activity makes it worse so she has had to give up karate until this is resolved. Thankfully she's HS'd because I have no idea how she would have managed going to school through all this.


To make matters worse we don't have insurance so it's all out of pocket. FIL and GMIL have told us just to do what needs to be done and they will help. I hate that, but we don't have a whole lot of options and DH makes just enough that we don't qualify for Denali Kid Care.


That is pretty much the biggest thing happening in my world right now.

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Shannon (HUGS), yes you deserve a thread of your own.


I have insomnia due to GERD. I've been taking Prilosec, which has been helping until I ate fried food on Thursday. I've felt yucky ever since and have went back to bland food and spent most of the last two days in bed.


Maybe it wasn't the GERD, maybe it was the shock of waking up to snow here in the deep south. :D:lol: Anyway, another day of rest and I should be ready to get back to normal. Right now I just feel blah and drained.

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Nice to hear other women are also taking meds and feeling great. My MIL said it best when she told me that if I had diabetes, I would not let it go unmedicated...so why do I let my mental state rule my life when I could take something and live again. Bam! Like hitting the nail on the head there!! And I am just soooo happy I took the leap. So glad you other ladies are feeling better too. :)

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I'm going to see a cardiac electrophysiologist on Dec. 29 to determine when to proceed with my heart surgery. The medicine isn't working and there is nothing else they can put me on. It makes me feel like such an old lady.:(


OTOH, my ds has his holiday piano recital this week as well as his shooting competition (he shoots BB rifles on a team). Also, after this Friday, I get two wonderful weeks off of work! So it is an exciting week!

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Dee22, so sorry about your Dad!


And everyone with surgeries. Wow, I hope they all turn out well.


My "unmentioned" life is minor by comparison. Our sewer backed up and overflowed the toilets, bathtub, shower, etc. Waiting for a Saturday plumber and freaking out about the $$$$$ it's going to cost. It's nearly 4pm and still no plumber. We might be at a hotel tonight.

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I'm sorry, Shannon, about your son's surgery. That sure is stressful. My lil' guy had heart surgery at 2 months old, but it was next day surgery when it was decided and not much time for me to stress. :grouphug:


My news is that our new little guy (B) will go to adoptive status with us next week. We'll be signing the papers and then waiting the required six months to finalize. We're all really excited!

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I agree you deserve your own thread! :grouphug: until the waiting ends. Hopefully he will be better once this surgery ends.


Since you asked :

Our big thing right now is that we finally got a neuropsych evaluation scheduled for next week to see how much damage 2 years of chemo has done to our son, and it will give us a baseline for future issues that crop up as a result of the 3 years and 3 months worth of chemo he will have by the time this is over. He is only 3, and most learning issues crop up around 2nd or 3rd grade, so we are praying that he will not have to learn to work around any more trouble than he already does. UGH! We are so thankful that this is our biggest thing right now!

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((((((Shannon)))))), ((((((((Dee)))))))), ((((((((Everyone))))))))


Our thing is: Yesterday, while driving to visit with my mother, we were rear-ended while waiting at a stop sign. This guy just plowed right into us... barely even touched his brakes it seems.


We're okay, except for some whiplash, but the whole back end of my minivan needs to be replaced. The girls have doctor appointments on Monday morning, just to be sure, but they seem fine. We're all sore today, and have spent the day schlepping around, moaning and groaning.


But on the brighter side, my step-MIL is out of the hospital after her transplant and is doing much better. We're not sure we'll get to see her at Christmas because she's still at such a high risk for infection, but she's made it through the scary phase.


So, that's good.


And, all my Christmas shopping is done, so I don't have to worry about sharing RegularDad's car to shop while the van's being repaired.


So, that's good, too.


Still... a car accident at Christmas is just no fun. (sigh)

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I have to make lifestyle changes due to diabetes. I have started walking 1 mile Mon.- Fri. and started the Atkins diet I had to stop taking the pill the dr. gave me cause it was making my sugar go way down when I exercised.Hubby said The doc maybe didn't think I would do so well with diet and exercise so gave me the pill just in case!!So I am feeling better except I had my period at the beginning of Nov. and at the end UGH!!

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After moving from Canada 2 yrs ago to a lovely rental property, we thought we were set for the duration of our stay. I contacted the Property Manager the day before Thanksgiving to find out why we hadn't received a new lease to sign. Turns out the developer who owns our house is needing to sell all his investment properties(he has dozen's)....they wanted to just go month to month...all without giving us a heads up:glare: guess they figured we would not notice that our lease had expired. :confused: We have given them our notice and will be moving just after we return from Christmas. So, I am grateful we have found another beautiful house, but I'm still ticked that we are having to go to all the expense and effort of yet another move.

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:grouphug: everyone :grouphug:


This past Monday my ds had an MRI for a suspected mass pushing on his optic nerve. No mass, everything is normal. DS just has a smaller than normal optic nerve (and sometimes is color blind).


(Can I do two?) My Dad's estate totally and finally settled this past week. As the co-exec on this, this is a huge weight off my shoulders.



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Shannon, I'm sorry your ds didn't have his scheduled surgery on Tuesday, but my dd did! She is 16yo and has been scheduled since September, although she has needed this surgery since before a year-ago Sept.


Dd is doing better than expected on her recovery. I know what you mean about worrying when it's your child. I didn't sleep the night before her surgery, had to wait with her all morning, surgery was supposed to be just under 2 hours and ended up going over 3 1/2 hours.......I was a mess. Then, I stayed beside her bed all afternoon, evening and then stayed up with her all night since the first night after surgery is such a bear. Besides, she didn't want to be alone. It helped her to open her eyes and see that Mom was there, kwim?


We do not have insurance either, although we have the Samaritan Christian sharing plan, so we are hoping that will cover most of if not all of the costs.


Blessings to you as you face the surgery yet again in January. I'm sure your ds felt like he received a reprieve, lol.

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Hugs to all who are having trials right now. I absolutely agree that meds can be a saving grace. I think that I might need a slight dosage adjustment because all is looking very rosy here lately. I intend to monitor and make sure that doesn't get out of hand but right now, I can be the shoulder to lean on for a change.


We had a real, honest-to-goodness snow day here on Friday and I love the snow! :)

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Given all that you are going through, Shannon, you certainly could have a thread to your self if you want.




I don't have any really big issues, but I am feeling more and more like I want to opt out of the big family Christmas stuff this year. My sister is acting like a lunatic, and there is always some sort of chaos with my in-laws.

I usually don't let it get to me, but I really would love to just stay home with my boys and my husband this year.



DO IT!~~ for you and your family! My sister in law with a 3 yr old refuses to leave her house this year. She said everyone can go to her house for dinner if they want to but this year she is staying home with her child! I was so proud of her and her dh who supported her. For the last 20 years I have been drug out of my house by 10am with screaming infants, migraines it never mattered, to go to my mother in laws so she could have "her" family Christmas. Go Sister in Law go!! And you should too!!

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My 15yr old developed an ovarian cyst a couple months ago that instead of coming and going unnoticed like most do, has instead ruptured and is now according to the radiologist bleeding into itself. There are only 2 gynacologists in our area that I trust and the first one has rescheduled her appt. 4 times now. I called the other last week and they were able to squeeze her in this Friday (hopefully that doesn't change). They were able to rule out PCOD, thankfully (according to GP there would be kidney damage and her kidneys are very healthy looking on ultrasound).


It has just been incredibly frustrating and she is in constant pain. Physical activity makes it worse so she has had to give up karate until this is resolved. Thankfully she's HS'd because I have no idea how she would have managed going to school through all this.


To make matters worse we don't have insurance so it's all out of pocket. FIL and GMIL have told us just to do what needs to be done and they will help. I hate that, but we don't have a whole lot of options and DH makes just enough that we don't qualify for Denali Kid Care.


That is pretty much the biggest thing happening in my world right now.

OH Man! This was me last January!!! Mine was due to the blood thinners I have to take. Is she taking any asprins or the like? Can you find out if her Vitamin K levels are too low. Vitamin K would help in stopping the bleeding. Green Leafy Salads.


Much empathy to your dd. It's extremely painful. I hope she's able to get some good pain meds.

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Guest eliza_leigh

I've had this underlying ganglion cyst on my right volar wrist for four years now.Sure, I have difficulty carrying heavy loads on my right hand. The doctor told me that it doesn't require surgery even though this condition is a candidate for surgical operation because if I have to undergo operation, there is a chance that it will come back and grow again. So I have been careful with the things I carry, I don't have any difficulty moving my wrist but it could be painful when it is hit on the hard surface.

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