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What does my dog think?


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This made me think about the whole “dogs talking” thread.

My dog clearly understands “go out”.  I took him out probably less than an hour ago.
A few minutes ago, he got a little whiney and pace-y, but I had just taken him out!  So I specifically asked “Do you have to poop?” And he barked and jumped and assumed the pick-me-up-and-do-my-bidding position.

Dog did not poop.  Dog was trying to find out if Neighbor Dog was out so they could bark at one another.
Neighbor Dog was not out, so Dog made his way back to the door, shooting longing looks over his shoulder the whole way.

So, does my dog think poop means “bark at my friends”, or did he know that claiming to have to poop would mean I’d have to take him out to bark at friends?  Because I’m thinking I just got played.

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Yep, you got played. 

My dog will stand at our back door (it’s in our school room) looking out the door window. Then he’ll scratch the door. I’ll say something like “You don’t need to go out! You just came in!”  Then he’ll scratch again. Look out the window a few more minutes. Give another light scratch. I’ll finally get up and say “Oh, all right. You can go out again.”  
Me: opens door. 
Dog: stands inside and looks up at me like I’m an idiot for thinking he’d need out again. 
I don’t know what his angle is. But we play that game at least once a week. 😂

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Oh, you got played, LOL.

My dog knows that ringing her doorbell means that she needs to go out and go potty, and she uses it for that purpose 99% of the time. But occasionally if there is someone she REALLY wants to see outside (like DD) she will ring the bell. 🙂 

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3 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

Lewis would be thinking, "I am bored. Maybe I can sucker my person into taking me outside to play". Then there is dejection in his eyes when he finds out his person has things to do and is not staying outside so he can chase birds.

Ugh, that look kills me!
My guy isn’t always enthusiastic about the outdoors, but the first few weeks of nice, warm Spring get him every year, and he wants to just wander.  Since he’s hawk bait, he can only wander as long and as far as I’m willing and able to hold the leash and follow. Our energies do not match during that period!

(He and I are very in sync on cold and/or wet days!)

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In honestly, he probably thinks "poop" is equivalent with "go outside". 

That said, my hound, when we moved in and he was being a brat about peeing in the house because he doesn't like to pee on leash, knew that if he didn't pee outside he was going to be put back in his kennel when we went in. So he'd fake pee - like totally lift his leg for a second as if he was going to pee, but not actually pee. I'd have to sternly tell him that I wasn't buying it, and eventually he'd actually go. 

I also had a female a long time ago that would fake pee, but in her case it was if I was calling her to "come" and she didn't want to. She'd do this weird fake squat thing as if she was saying, "oh, I really would like to do what you say, but see....I just really have to pee..it's an emergency". 

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