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Why is Obama terrified of the ceiling fan?


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It's like his arch nemesis.  I just came home from the grocery store and accidentally bumped the light switch, turning on both the light and the ceiling fan, and he jumped about eleven feet in the air with a look of pure terror on his face.  Defcon 4.  All the way to eleven.  

This is not a one time occurrence either.  He's always terrified of the fan.  All I can figure is that his hyper vigilance of hawks has translated to the ceiling fan?  

It's both pathetic and absolutely hilarious.  

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8 minutes ago, Katy said:

I was going to guess he got swooped by an owl or hawk too. Poor kitty. 

We found him as a five or six week old kitten on the street.  We actually have wondered if he saw his mom or sibling attacked by a hawk?  Because he was clearly terrified of things overhead even then.  We didn't let him outside until he was six months or so and too big for any of the hawks that we see to carry off.  

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1. Sometimes cats just are. It might not be for any real reason - it may just be that the weird flickering light pattern is a little scary, just like some cats are innately scared of anything that triggers the "snake" response in their brain. (And some humans are too!)

2. Never, ever, ever refer to your cat by anything other than his name. Makes me giggle every time.

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5 hours ago, MercyA said:

Every time, Terabith. Every single time I think you're talking about the President and I'm befuddled for like half a second. 🙂 

Poor Obama! 

Me too. This title was especially funny as I pictured the former president's fear of ceiling fans and Michelle trying to calm him down. 🤣

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Because he is a cat. He doesn’t need a reason. Cats are weird.

My cat likes to drink water straight from the faucet, so I got him a little water fountain and put it in the food room. It was made for cats who like to drink running water. Well, he was terrified of it. TERRIFIED. He stopped eating, and he refused to go near the fountain. So, I gave it away.

He still jumps up on the bathroom counter and I turn on the faucet for him. I am his servant. 

Here’s a picture of him sitting on the forbidden kitchen counter. 

Give Obama a kiss from me, and get rid of the fan😂


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I don't try to make cats make sense. Our one eyed wild cat is usually fearless - she regularly takes on the 95 pound wolf hybrid  - and humans too. I keep saying we need to find out if the tigers at the zoo need a play date. 

But the other day I put a new centerpiece on the table - just a mason jar wraped in some cloth with some fake greenery/shamrocks and baby's breath. Nothing crazy, and we put flowers in mason jars all the time in that spot. 

She acted as if a 500 pound hyena was on the table ready to pounce on her. Just froze, then started shivering, then backed away slowly. Was the weirdest dang thing. 

So yeah, who knows. I've known of "fearless" livestock guarding dogs to be terrified of a cardboard box. The above listed wolf hybrid is afraid of the surveyor's flags in the yard to mark where the fence is going in. 

Who knows. 


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The cats we keep for summer are showing up momentarily because their people are going to the UK for 3 weeks.  I hope they will all get along and we don’t have to keep them fully separated, because Obama is currently loving his cozy blanket in the basement.  


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20 hours ago, MercyA said:

Every time, Terabith. Every single time I think you're talking about the President and I'm befuddled for like half a second. 🙂 

I do not try correcting myself about this because it's so hilarious in my mind.

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2 minutes ago, stephanier.1765 said:

Me too! I was wracking my brain over why I've never heard of this phobia before in our president. LOL 

Oh, I'm sure if the president had it, a certain news channel would have obsessed about it even more than the tan suit.  

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13 hours ago, Tiberia said:

Because he is a cat. He doesn’t need a reason. Cats are weird.

My cat likes to drink water straight from the faucet, so I got him a little water fountain and put it in the food room. It was made for cats who like to drink running water. Well, he was terrified of it. TERRIFIED. He stopped eating, and he refused to go near the fountain. So, I gave it away.

He still jumps up on the bathroom counter and I turn on the faucet for him. I am his servant. 

Here’s a picture of him sitting on the forbidden kitchen counter. 

Give Obama a kiss from me, and get rid of the fan😂


Lol, you should have kept the fountain on the forbidden counter!

Beautiful cat! 
Our cat also loves faucet water and asks for it, but she enjoys her fountain too. And she loves bathtub faucet water…that one drips occasionally, and she nuzzles it to try to make it drip more.

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