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How are everyone's college students doing? And CC students?...

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Are finals going ok? Will they get to come home for Christmas? Are they excited about next semester's classes? Are you still missing them as badly?


Finals are going ok, so far. Both are struggling a bit in math, but doing fine other than that. I get the oldest and his roommate Tues., which will be nice. Our lives will get more hectic and, since his brother will want him and he'll be done with his CC classes, it will be harder to keep doing school for the rest of the week, but I'll be very happy to have my chicks back under my wing. So will the dog. She hates his uniform, since she associates it with his going away. And we all have been doing better than earlier in the fall. I think having him home a few times and going to visit a few times has made college seem not quite so forever. And the regimental training has calmed down enough that he is finding school easier to manage. It would be easier if he didn't keep getting sick, though.


I keep thinking about everyone and wondering how they are doing.


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. . . we're a little farther along the adjusting path.


But, that said, she finished her finals on Tuesday, and I brought her home Wednesday. She's happy to be done with the semester and looking forward to being fed well and not doing her own laundry for a few weeks.


She has things lined up to do while she's home. Tomorrow, she's rehearsing with her local choir in preparation for her annual alumna appearance at their advent concert on Sunday evening. She's also scheduled to sing at our church's Christmas eve service and has volunteered to help out with the kids' concert earlier that evening.


Her dad surprised her with a new Apple laptop when she got home, so she's spent much of the last two days playing with that and moving over her music collection.


She's already registered for next semester and, despite my best efforts, has taken on her usual heavy academic load. She also found out just before she left that she has been accepted to one of the two a capella groups (the one she did not sing with last year) and will be joining them next semester.


She's finding herself a bit bored and unchallenged by the coursework, unfortunately. But, given her situation, there aren't a lot of options for transferring. I'm hoping that, as she moves into taking more upper division courses and more things directly related to her major, her outlook will improve.


Other than that, all is well.


I'm glad you guys are adjusting, too. Enjoy your time together!

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is doing well. He finished his English research paper last night, and he is working on his Chem take home final today. He hopes to be done with that later today.


He has really enjoyed his experience at the local cc. He likes getting out of the house on a regular basis and participating in discussions with classmates. He really liked both of his instructors and is looking forward to taking two more courses in the spring. He has done very well there, and has gained maturity and confidence that I think will smooth the transition somewhat next year when he is away at school.


Meanwhile, we await college admissions decisions, and I get the lovely prize over the holidays of wrangling with the financial aid paperwork.


It does feel good, though, to have the first one nearly done with homeschool. I think there is something pretty satisfying about seeing them succeed and finally answering all the doubting neighbors and relatives who still continue to ask, "How is he going to get into college?"


I hope everyone has a restful holiday!


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My dd's last final is Monday also. She isn't worried in the slightest. She's done well on all his other tests and says the work has been cumulative so used from week 1 on (it's math).


She's using winter break to study for two CLEPs. Ideally those will be ready before next semester starts.


Next semester, she'll have Business Calc II, Statistics, English II and Chemistry. I think she's most excited about the maths. She really likes this professor (had him for one course last semester).


ETA: School has gone well for me also. My terms are 6 months so mine doesn't end til Feb 28th. I still have plenty of time left to work. I'm hoping that from now til dd's college starts (and ds starts homeschooling again), I can finish up the courses I have so far.

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My daughter is finishing her last final today. She has grown a lot this semester. She has changed to a single major (Math) with an art minor. She is no longer interested in animation, having completed the first animation course in the art school. She hated it. GRIN. Instead, she is moving into illustration as her minor area of study, which is a perfect fit for her. She plans to attend graduate school in illustration, and hopes to get an MFA. But we'll see what happens after next semester's advanced Calculus and differential equations. I keep hoping she'll fall in love with higher math, and treat art as her "sanity" break instead of her career.


Edited to add: She just found out that she made an A in her hated-animation course. So, she's still got a 4.0 GPA after 100+ hours of college course work.


Did I announce here that she is now officially engaged? She plans to graduate next December, and marry in January 2010.


My younger daughter starts her first semester at the CC in the spring. She's taking Art Appreciation, Health, English 111, and Spanish 111, as well as Digital Photography. She's VERY excited.


School is going well for me, also. I have one more week until Christmas break. (I'm teaching 6-8th math and science this year.)



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Although today was the official start of finals, several of his professors either gave their finals earlier in the week or had the students turn in papers & projects earlier in the week. ER had juries yesterday for his piano and voice classes, and according to him, the finals will be easy next to the stress of that! However, he said he stayed up until 7:30 this morning finishing a music project that was due today at noon. He didn't bother to go to bed since his final was at 9:00. He took the final and then turned in his music project, then had jazz band practice this afternoon (getting ready for a concert on campus this evening). He said there would be no time for a nap today, but he will probably collapse into bed tonight after the concert. His next final is Monday, and he has another on Wednesday, then he's headed home for Christmas break. :)


I don't think ER is excited about next semester yet; he's too tired from this one! As for me, I still miss him, but I have been slowly adjusting to his being away, and it is gradually getting easier.

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My oldest dd has her finals at the community college on Monday! Then she doesn't go back until the week of January 12th! She'll be taking public speaking and a literature course this coming spring.


She's doing very well (3.0 gpa) and she's made several friends.


Right now, she's anxiously waiting to hear from her 1st choice college! She applied early action and the results should be coming in the mail by mid-January.


She'll also be graduating this spring! It's exciting and yet bittersweet for me, as she's been homeschooled since preschool, although she's been taking dual enrollment classes for over two years now. Busy times are ahead for us!!

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My two should be starting to drive home about now.


They both had a busy semester.


Dd has been taking organic chem and is finding that extremely challenging. It has more or less donminated her life. :-/ Otherwise she has been having a great semester. She is in an a cappella group and the college choir and is loving both. She is really happy and just loves college.


Ds has had a mixed experience. He is enjoying his classes but not finding them particularly challenging (even though they are all 200 level). He had been planning on joining the debate team and the ultimate frisbee team. The debate team has disappeared (?????) and the ultimate frisbee team disintegrated after about six weeks, so other than the InterVarsity group he has not found any interesting extracurriculars. Next semester he is planning on overloading classes, so he should have plenty to keep himself busy.


I can't wait to see them!!!!!

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DD finished her last final this week but still has a paper to turn in over the holidays. Her prof decided that dd should spend her time applying to grad school rather than writing a paper for her class! If all goes well, she will graduate with honors this spring. She lives at home...so she'll be home for Christmas.


DS is finishing his first semester at cc. He's only taking one course, Spanish, and looks to ace it. His final is next week. In the spring, he'll take the second semester of Spanish and Calculus. He graduates in May. We're waiting for an admission decision from his first choice school...they're supposed to mail out on the 17th of this month. We're keeping our fingers crossed!

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My 11th grader is now finished with his first two CC courses: Chemistry and Western Civ I. In previous posts I have been blunt in stating that I don't quite feel that our CC is equivalent to the better state universities, having taught at both. But this step between high school and what I'll call "real college" has been a very good one for my son.


His Western Civ class depended on taking pages and pages of notes. He learned not only how to do this but prioritize the information, retyping his class notes to reflect and restate important points. The tests for this course consisted of short paragraph answers, longer paragraph responses, and long essays. My sometimes reluctant writer had no problem completing these tests in the designated time period. In fact, he had a 96 on his final. He is proud of this achievement and feels a debt of gratitude to the instructor for the experience.


His chemistry prof seemed to bend over backwards to assist the students, so I am surprised that there are so few with A's in the course. When parents on this board write of the small classes with caring instructors at their CC (vs. the large, impersonal classes at State U), I began envisioning this woman. She was indeed caring, but often to the detriment of the class as a whole. She would dismiss class early to assist the few who were behind. Or she would spend class time repeating the same time of problem so that everyone was on board. Nice, perhaps, but I am not sure that they covered all of the material at the depth students would see at a university. Granted, they did some great labs, far superior to anything we would have done at home.


Next semester, he tries three courses. Before they begin, Draconian mom cracks the whip! We have make up work to do in Precalc, Latin and French!

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...but he's been dual-enrolled at the community college. After he finishes his classes for this semester, he'll have (I think) 39 units done, and his cummulative gpa will be something like 3.5. With that said though, he will most likely be taking his "bonehead algebra" class over again, because he just hasn't done very well. The other academic classes he's taken have gone very well, but math...not so much. I knew it was a weak area for him, but he'll get through it somehow.

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My son is just about done. He has two more finals next week. He has to pack up all his stuff to bring back home since next semester he will be in Poland. My dh will take the truck to get his stuff on Monday, and then I will pick him up on Thursday morning.


He found his classes pretty easy. His hardest by far was German and he was thrilled to get an A on the final.


I am going to enjoy him being home because we won't see him for more than five months next year while he studies abroad!!!!!

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Our 18yo ds is finishing his first semester at Va Tech. He really had a good one, although he found keeping up with the workload challenging. He's always been a very efficient worker, but he's gotten even more so, and he's very organized now. He did very well in his classes.


We're so looking forward to his return next week. We really missed him, as he was pretty much a homebody before he went away. He still has 3 finals out of 6 to go. It will be so great to have the whole family together again.



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She has changed to a single major (Math) with an art minor. She is no longer interested in animation, having completed the first animation course in the art school. She hated it.

This is surprising.


I keep hoping she'll fall in love with higher math, and treat art as her "sanity" break instead of her career.


I think Lou would be willing to help you out with that. :001_smile:


Did I announce here that she is now officially engaged? She plans to graduate next December, and marry in January 2010.


Congratulations to Miss M


My younger daughter starts her first semester at the CC in the spring. She's taking Art Appreciation, Health, English 111, and Spanish 111, as well as Digital Photography. She's VERY excited.


I'm afraid to send Ben, not about bad influence or anything, but afraid that it would reveal what a bad home-school mom I am (kind of kidding :tongue_smilie:)I think we'll wait till next Spring.


School is going well for me, also. I have one more week until Christmas break. (I'm teaching 6-8th math and science this year.)


I'm glad it's going well.




P.S.: Looks like no Blowout for Covenant this year. Aaron becomes pastor of a PCA church in Bristol, TN on Jan. 1 and maybe that church will go. I'm on the committee to find a new youth pastor. Pray for me. :D

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DD finished her first full-time semester at the university this week. She'll be home today.


It was an adjustment for us having her away from home but it was not the same as the rest of you, in all likelihood. She is living in the dorms 2 miles from here and it is the same university where her sister is taking dual enrollment classes. There is plenty of opportunity to see her during the week when necessary and she came home nearly every weekend.

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This is surprising.


It surprised me too! But the courses in animation at ECU are taught 100% online, and she really thrives in the art community with feedback and class time. That, coupled with the newfound knowledge that she just isn't *that* computer literate (grin) has sent her moving on to illustration. She wants to do graduate school work in illustration, and plans to be an illustrator (but recognizes that math may pay the bills).



I think Lou would be willing to help you out with that. :001_smile:


It would be good for her to talk with him! But she's really determined, and who am I to discourage my very talented kid?


Congratulations to Miss M


She received her ring on Halloween, from a fiance' dressed as Dr. Horrible while she was dressed as Penny! GRIN. (If you haven't seen Dr. Horrible, you must... http://www.drhorrible.com/ )



I'm afraid to send Ben, not about bad influence or anything, but afraid that it would reveal what a bad home-school mom I am (kind of kidding :tongue_smilie:)I think we'll wait till next Spring.


I had that fear (somewhat) with M1, but M2 is headed into CC with confidence.



P.S.: Looks like no Blowout for Covenant this year. Aaron becomes pastor of a PCA church in Bristol, TN on Jan. 1 and maybe that church will go. I'm on the committee to find a new youth pastor. Pray for me. :D


M2 will be SOOO disappointed! We have a new youth pastor, but I feel your pain. You might call some of our people and find out how the search went for us. Can't some of your parents step-up and bring the youth to Blowout!? You could come!!! We always have a few little guys running around with Julie Steimer. GRIN.


Good to catch up with you!



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It would be good for her to talk with him! But she's really determined, and who am I to discourage my very talented kid?


It's good to have a fall back. Lou's fall back was advertising and now he has no time for illustration. I hope she is able to do what she loves.



She received her ring on Halloween, from a fiance' dressed as Dr. Horrible while she was dressed as Penny! GRIN. (If you haven't seen Dr. Horrible, you must... http://www.drhorrible.com/ )



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Next semester, he tries three courses. Before they begin, Draconian mom cracks the whip! We have make up work to do in Precalc, Latin and French!




We've found the same to be true with online classes - I guess the flexibility of the at-home classes always get trumped by those outside, non-negotiable deadlines :)

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Film Buff's final for psychology is Monday. He laughed and said he thinks his prof has lulled him into thinking college is easy--all his tests were open book, take-homes. He is pulling a B. I hope he can do well on the final.


He dropped the Spanish 1 class in which he was accused of cheating--I know now he didn't cheat, but I wish he had at least cleared his name. I am giving him one credit for Spanish, b/c he did over half the semester and is continuing at home. We hope it's enough for VCU's requirements.


Today, he's taking the ACT. He is not taking it seriously. You can read further at my blog. I really, really hope he gets into VCU's cinema dept for next year, but I think it's a longshot. He also decided, after blowing the Compass test at the local CC (placement for math) that he will just work full-time, from January until June. If he gets into VCU's program, he will work all summer. If not, he will spend $2500 or so to take their summer art intensive program, in hopes it would up his chances for the 2010-2011 year, and just do basic education requirements, either at VCU (if he gets into the gen pop but not into the cinema program) or here at home at CC. He also has to choose a second major for cinema (b/c they want you to "have something to create a film about!").

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you know that old movie "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly"? That pretty much sums up my two kids' semester at the local state univ. branch campus. (25,000 students!)


Dd16 took her first dual-credit art class, as she had exhausted the homeschol art resources we had available. She found that most of the students in her class were older than she, with most already in the workforce and taking classes a few at a time. The art teacher was very no nonsense, not very personable, but she seemed to like my dd. Once dd got past the lack of warmth in her teacher, she appreciated what she was learning...but it was quite different from her co-op teachers who have exuded TLC.


Ds19 is a freshman EE major at the same univ. it was a difficult semester with three introductory eng. classes that were a single credit each, but required way too much homework for that one credit hour. One of his profs was so bad he was fired 10 weeks into the semester! He loved his US gov't course! (Surprise!) He'll have to retake English again, as he is struggling with some kind of a writer's block/LD thing that just keeps gettting worse. He can write (reports? no problem) OR engage in complex thinking (engineering group project), but both at the same time (synthesis English paper) seem to be beyond his capability for now. Sigh! We're going to postpone that English course until next year, and see if a little good old-fashioned time and development will help.


It'll be good to have them off for a real break!


Merry Christmas to all the students and their moms!

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My daughter is finishing her last final today. She has grown a lot this semester. She has changed to a single major (Math) with an art minor.


I keep hoping she'll fall in love with higher math, and treat art as her "sanity" break instead of her career.



Math and art are more closely related than most people realize. It was sometime in my junior year of college that I really began to notice the beauty of math.


At the graduate level, math gets much more intersting - particularly when one begins to see how the different fields of math are related. I really like pattern recognition and there is a great deal of this at the graduate level. There is pattern recognition in art, too. ;)


Congratulations to your daughter! Its always nice when I hear of another person majoring in math. :)

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Yup. The medium really matters with some people, especially engineers. My oldest's composition class was a big surprise - he is actually doing fine in it. He learned to write in his public high school chemistry class, where they were required to write a lengthy summary of an article from a science magazine every week. However, he is freaked out about about taking the required humanities class, which require writing about the reading/discussions and religious discussions. Same problem. Sigh.

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Ds got home on Wednesday. He did well this semester, made good friends, and got really involved but the school wasn't a good fit for him. He is staying at home next semester and attending a local school while he applies to other places for fall. It is nice to have him home but an adjustment for dd who enjoyed having her own bathroom for the semester.:001_smile: He is going to be working part time with dh while he is home so it will be a sort of apprenticeship for him. It will also help him to determine if he wants to continue working with dh once he graduates.


As far as his college experience this semester, he was homeschooled through 7th grade and then attended public school. I am taking credit for all the positives in his education and blaming the weaknesses on public school. :lol: Not really, but I feel much more pressure with dd since I'm homeschooling her all the way through.

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Math and art are more closely related than most people realize. It was sometime in my junior year of college that I really began to notice the beauty of math.


At the graduate level, math gets much more intersting - particularly when one begins to see how the different fields of math are related. I really like pattern recognition and there is a great deal of this at the graduate level. There is pattern recognition in art, too. ;)


Congratulations to your daughter! Its always nice when I hear of another person majoring in math. :)


Yes, I have a master's in math (and statistics), and I am a fiber artist. GRIN. So, she comes by it honest. (c:

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The only difference in a "quilter" and a fiber artist is intent, in my book. GRIN. I make both very traditional quilts and very untraditional art pieces that involve quilting techniques. I have a group of traditional quilters that meet at my home every Wednesday night.


Quilting and homeschooling are a good combo! Why did you stop with school?


You can PM me if you like, since this is certainly "off-topic" for this thread! GRIN.


Before I started homeschoolong, I was an avid quilter. Does that sort of qualify me as a fiber artist? :001_smile:
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Ds is having finals next week so he'll be home Friday afternoon. This past week he had a lot of final papers, labs, etc. due so he's been busy. He was not happy to be away during his brother's surgery, but he was texting every few hours on the day of surgery to make sure all was well.


As far as academics goes, he has a shot at straight A's this semester. It is a surprise because he was placed (based on OU admissions counseling) in a level of Spanish that was 1 level too high. After figuring this out he talked to his teacher and she gave him a few hints on how to catch up. He worked his tail off and went from a low C to a high B. If he gets a good A on the final, he could come up with an A in the course. One thing we learned is that feeder schools are not necessarily equivalent in their courses. Our feeder university (local branch of OU) has 3x weekly courses in foreign language, but the main campus teaches these same level courses 5x weekly. So...based on his transferred credits, it looked as if he should be in Intermed. Span. 2; but the reality is that he should have been in Intermed. Span. 1 based on the content that was covered. I am so incredibly proud of him - that he could pull the grade up so quickly. And I'll still be proud of him if he gets a B.


As he tells me about the other freshmen in his dorm, I am more and more convinced that his concurrent course work was a great part of his ability to succeed there as a freshman. His counselor said that 1/3 of the freshmen will not return next year! And, from what he says, the problem isn't ability but a lack of responsibility. These kids have AP courses, National Merit status, and they are failing (or barely passing) some basic freshman courses. So we'll continue with concurrent courses with the next son beginning in the fall.


We're all looking forward to having him home for the holidays. I know the time will go too quickly, but I love what I'm seeing in him as he grows into a man. The separation is hard but worthwhile in the end.


I hope you all enjoy having your kiddos home for the holidays. May God richly bless your time together...

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DD is finishing up her first semester as a freshman at Hillsdale. She only has a French and English final left this week, so is revising for them this weekend....well....along with a cookie decorating party at a friends house....and a Serenity party........things like that, lol!


She said last week was brutal as she had to finish two Western Civ papers, a French paper, along with taking the Western Civ final, Finite Math final, recital and jury. Oh, and I think there was a final for music appreciation.


As a nice respite, this week has been wonderful. She has actually had time to shower every day and to sleep at night, two things that she really, really appreciates now. Oh, and she has had time to enjoy her last few meeting with her clubs: a knitting/crochet club, a Jane Austen club (big Christmas tea with the faculty), finalizing plans for the new Asian studies club (will mostly be learning Japanese next semester since Hillsdale doesn't offer this as a foreign language and many are interested), a cookie walk at the library for student workers.......and those are just the things I remember that she told me about. It sounds simply divine! She LOVES it at Hillsdale.


Dh is leaving here on Monday evening after work to drive out there and will load her and the harp up on Tuesday evening, head down to Ohio to pick up my dad, and then head towards home for a family Christmas. I am SOOO excited to see her (and Dad) again. I haven't seen her since we dropped her off in August.


She is scheduled for next semester already, although I think we may have her drop a few classes (she loves to learn and always bites off more than she can chew). So far, so good! Hope the economy holds out so she can continue to get those vital student loans to go along with the scholarships and grants.


I have loved reading all about everyone's dc and their college experiences! It's just so relevant now, kwim?

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