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15 hours ago, Mom_to3 said:

It looks like the FDA is again going to drag their feet on Novavax even though they were ready months ago: https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2024/08/16/new-covid-vaccine-pfizer-moderna-flirt-variant/

"The mRNA shots manufactured by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna designed to target the KP.2 variant can hit the market within days of approval by the Food and Drug Administration. A third protein-based vaccine made by Novavax, preferred by people who are cautious about mRNA vaccines or who have had bad reactions to them, will probably take longer to be approved and will be distributed in subsequent weeks, according to the federal health official."

What is going on? Are they on purpose trying to get Novavax out of business? Every year they delay Novavax, and this time, Novavax and Moderna at least have been ready for quite a while.

We waited for Novavax last year (even despite the uncertainty about when it was going to be approved), but this year, I feel very uncomfortable, as covid levels are so much higher than the last couple of falls around here that it will certainly create a mess on college campuses.

Does anybody know what's going on here? For several in my family, Novavax has been a much easier shot than the other vaccines...

The article kind of touches on availability of boosters in the summer, so I wanted to note that while my kid was able to easily get boostered in mid to late summer the last two years before camp/travel, we almost missed entirely this year because of some of the issues raised in the article with pharmacies not restocking and making people wait for the new one.

As the CDC has kind of informally widened the profile of people “eligible” for a second shot, we’re up to at least three people that might qualify for a booster, and I am not wild about not being able to pick my timing if these shots are going to start being hard to find in the summer. I also liked that the summer shot helps with the summer wave but then you can get the new yearly shot closer to the actual wave in the winter (January). If it’s truly better coverage for both diseases to get the combo flu/Covid shot, the best timing in my state by yearly flu maps and Covid waves is really November for max protection in January. We get super late flu here—DH sees considerably more cases in spring and summer than he does in November or December (and yet his employer makes them vaccinate in Sept/Oct!). I think people ought to have that flexibility for timing.

Anyone hear anything about if the combo shot from Moderna is coming out at the same time? Or is what was shown to have good results not a combo shot but both shots simultaneously?

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If anyone wants to call the FDA and request Novovax approval asap, there's contact info in the Twitter thread below.

Novovax submitted their vaccine for approval 66 days ago, before either Moderna or Pfizer, and last year it took 57 days to approve--so what's the hold up?

Scroll down for additional numbers if you're up for making a few more calls.



Edited by Acadie
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Berkeley is implementing a mask ban - at the start of classes in the middle of a huge covid wave. Wow. Waiting what my university will come up with. 


And I believe the only way this is even possible is because the CDC, Jha et al have long dismissed and neglected mask wearing as an effective prevention tool for covid. It is no longer seen as a public health tool, but only as a way to hide identity. What kind of hell do we live in?

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57 minutes ago, Mom_to3 said:

And here is our public health "expert" Jha in a recent interview, basically answering the question of how to prevent covid, with - take Paxlovid, because any behavioral changes would be too much to ask. Can't even bring himself to utter the word. https://www.npr.org/transcripts/nx-s1-5075060


👎 that interview is a real dud. The virus has a great spokesperson in Jha 🙄

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3 hours ago, Mom_to3 said:

Berkeley is implementing a mask ban - at the start of classes in the middle of a huge covid wave. Wow. Waiting what my university will come up with. 


And I believe the only way this is even possible is because the CDC, Jha et al have long dismissed and neglected mask wearing as an effective prevention tool for covid. It is no longer seen as a public health tool, but only as a way to hide identity. What kind of hell do we live in?

I read it and it says to conceal your identity.  I would feel fine wearing a medical mask. I don't think that is what they meant. It is more the Middle Eastern stuff. (Which...yeah, that is an issue.) But I would wear a medical mask no problem and doubt I would be arrested or anything. 

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7 hours ago, Mom_to3 said:

Berkeley is implementing a mask ban - at the start of classes in the middle of a huge covid wave. Wow. Waiting what my university will come up with. 


And I believe the only way this is even possible is because the CDC, Jha et al have long dismissed and neglected mask wearing as an effective prevention tool for covid. It is no longer seen as a public health tool, but only as a way to hide identity. What kind of hell do we live in?

Yeah, to think Berkeley of all places. This is all just to do with the protests though. I don’t see anything in my reading of it that would allow them to stop anyone from wearing a mask while just going about their daily life. Now, this does get into the question of infringing on civil liberties of people with disabilities. I don’t see how you can enact a law that means that people with disabilities or health conditions aren’t allowed to protest.

i’m concerned that enacting these laws is going to just further the idea in people that masks are not an appropriate tool now though. Public health departments in both California and New York where they have been enacted are still suggesting that people mask, so I have a real problem with council members and college rule makers making laws that go against best practice health recommendations. 

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Updated COVID vaccines could be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as soon as this week. It is imperative that everyone ages 6 months or older gets these updated COVID vaccines, regardless of risk group (and all are eligible in the US thanks to our community’s advocacy!). Now is a great time to spread the word that getting the latest vaccines is needed to boost waning immunity from previous vaccination as well as better match current variants

Edited by mommyoffive
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3 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:



Updated COVID vaccines could be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as soon as this week. It is imperative that everyone ages 6 months or older gets these updated COVID vaccines, regardless of risk group (and all are eligible in the US thanks to our community’s advocacy!). Now is a great time to spread the word that getting the latest vaccines is needed to boost waning immunity from previous vaccination as well as better match current variants

Yeah.  I will probably get a combo flu and Covid vaccine I guess in October.  We will be RVing and I won't have much exposure in September.  In November we will go on the plane and be in the hospital in Honduras.  Does that sound like a good plan?

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Representatives for Pfizer and Moderna told CNN that the companies had ample supply of their updated Covid vaccines and would be ready to ship doses upon approval. Moderna’s spokesman said it expects the vaccine to be available in stores within days of FDA signoff.

Novavax’s vaccine is based on protein technology, which takes longer to manufacture than mRNA vaccines. The company’s executives told investors on a conference call last week that it anticipated that its updated vaccine would be arriving in warehouses this month and that it’s expected to be ready for distribution when authorized. A spokesperson for Novavax didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment Friday.






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I thought this retraction and correction in JAMA was important:

Notice of Retraction: Hahn LM, et al. Post–COVID-19 Condition in Children. JAMA Pediatrics.

They discovered they had made some data and calculation errors in the original, published in 2023, and that the actual rate of long COVID in children is much higher than they had erroneously stated. They had originally said 0.4% but the recalculated number is 1.4%. 

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Anyone want to say what they are doing for timing?  I think if you were smart enough to get a shot before summer then waiting until Nov is a great thing.   But sigh if you didn't get a shot in summer get it now because we are in a huge wave or wait?  If you get it now it won't be great protection the whole winter.  I was thinking about if I was to do that about getting a second winter shot and then another in Summer. Then going with the 2 a year until hopefully the nasal vaccine comes around.  Ok so give me your thoughts.

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12 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:



Anyone want to say what they are doing for timing?  I think if you were smart enough to get a shot before summer then waiting until Nov is a great thing.   But sigh if you didn't get a shot in summer get it now because we are in a huge wave or wait?  If you get it now it won't be great protection the whole winter.  I was thinking about if I was to do that about getting a second winter shot and then another in Summer. Then going with the 2 a year until hopefully the nasal vaccine comes around.  Ok so give me your thoughts.

Well, I said it above but I will not be around tons of people this September 2 to Oct 9th or so.  I will get it with the flu in October.

Now, if I was a teacher, I probably would have gotten one this summer then maybe 6 months after...  

But yeah, a tough call.

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The timing is hard for those of us who haven’t had one since last fall, I agree. My unavoidable exposure scenarios increase in September, so I’ll be getting one as soon as I can. I don’t like that it means I will be less protected by December, but it’s no good being protected in December if that comes with the cost of getting sick in September. I may consider getting a spring shot next year and boy will I ever be hoping we see some good nasal vaccines by the following fall/winter. 

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Yeah really torn on this right now.   We haven't had shots since Oct/Nov.    Looking at the wastewater map we are just above where we were last summer.     Not that I think I can predict anything but the rates were so high for us last winter.   I would think there will be a bump when school starts.   Sigh.  I wish I would have been smart enough to get shots in early June.   

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Well, I guess there is a plus side to having had my first round of Covid in July 😔! I had my last shot in February and got Covid in July. 6 months puts me at January. DH had his last shot in January and has not had Covid. My boys need to decide what they want to do. They have had it at least once. They are at college, which isn't ideal for sickness. 

When it isn't flu season, I only mask at doctor's offices/medical buildings. I will start masking in stores probably in November. With the boys at school, I really don't go out too much. I don't have my dad to worry about infecting anymore, but I always wore a mask around him.

Tough decisions. 

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12 minutes ago, mlktwins said:

I had my last shot in February and got Covid in July. 6 months puts me at January

You might actually be a case of good timing to get a late November/early December shot for maximum holiday protection. Your last infection was 5 months after a shot, and doing it before the holidays would put you at 5 instead of 6 months, so might be good. And then that leaves you open to a late Spring shot if we once again have a bad summer wave next year (ugh!).

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Well, I was planning to get mine in late November because I though my that hearing data on Moderna’s Covid/flu shot meant that we would have that option this year (I wasn’t really paying attention to when something like that is expected). Or else it’s not a combo shot, and the data was about getting them together. Anyway, I’ve heard nothing.

In light of that and the fact that I had a summer booster, I will probably get my update shot when it’s convenient, but some pharmacies will make me wait until at least late November. I just don’t know if it’s better to do an mRNA or Novavax. I keep hearing that Novavax has some properties that make it better even when outdated, and I just want to toss up my hands!

My at risk kid had summer shots the  last two years, so we waited to get him Novavax, and it worked out fine. The rest of us got the updated fall booster, but things weren’t as bad as this year.

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Just wanted to mention that the search and register for vaccines, which used to be amazing, had reveived a hoorible update. It is no longer user friendly and requires you to fill out all kids of information in order to see vaccine availabity. And they no longer tell if you you are signing up for Pfizer or Moderna...

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5 hours ago, Mom_to3 said:

Just wanted to mention that the search and register for vaccines, which used to be amazing, had reveived a hoorible update. It is no longer user friendly and requires you to fill out all kids of information in order to see vaccine availabity. And they no longer tell if you you are signing up for Pfizer or Moderna...

Is this some private website that does that?  Or do you mean going to Walgreens or something does this too?

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Just read each household will be able to order four free Covid tests in late September. That’s not going to go far in a family, particularly since it’s taking so long to test positive, but it’s way better than nothing so I am at least glad for it. It would be nice if it included instructions letting people know that a negative test in the first few days of symptoms doesn’t rule out Covid. I expect most people will test, get a negative, and assume they don’t have it. 

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9 minutes ago, KSera said:

Just read each household will be able to order four free Covid tests in late September. That’s not going to go far in a family, particularly since it’s taking so long to test positive, but it’s way better than nothing so I am at least glad for it. It would be nice if it included instructions letting people know that a negative test in the first few days of symptoms doesn’t rule out Covid. I expect most people will test, get a negative, and assume they don’t have it. 

Great to hear that!!!  I didn't know.  We still have so many from when you could get so many from your insurance for free a month.  Then a doctor gave us tons when I brought kids in for a well child visit.  

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3 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Is this some private website that does that?  Or do you mean going to Walgreens or something does this too?

This is CVS, Sorry, I posted before heading to bed...It's possible that they will add type of vaccine later, but overall, the sight is soooo much less user-friendly (except for Novavax vaccines, the sight used to work very well). My guess is that they no longer really want to give vaccines.

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14 minutes ago, Mom_to3 said:

This is CVS, Sorry, I posted before heading to bed...It's possible that they will add type of vaccine later, but overall, the sight is soooo much less user-friendly (except for Novavax vaccines, the sight used to work very well). My guess is that they no longer really want to give vaccines.

Gosh I hope that isn't it.  I am sure we can get a doctor's apts to get this done, but sometimes getting it done at the pharmacy is so much easier.  I can't remember if it is CVS or Walgreens that I hate using their website to register for shots.  I vaguely think it is CVS. 

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30 minutes ago, Mom_to3 said:

This is CVS, Sorry, I posted before heading to bed...It's possible that they will add type of vaccine later, but overall, the sight is soooo much less user-friendly (except for Novavax vaccines, the sight used to work very well). My guess is that they no longer really want to give vaccines.

I’ve always found their site to have a lot of questions, but the last time I tried to register, the system insisted I have a different phone number than I do, and it’s a totally foreign one to me vs. just an old one (I have a common name). I had to stand in the store and have them register me AND come back the next day for the shot, which was absurd. They were busy but not crazy so, and it too at least as long to register me as to give the dang shot.

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This COVID Mutation Could Explain Your Brain Fog

Scientists have discovered a mutation in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, that plays a key role in its ability to infect the central nervous system. The findings may help scientists understand its neurological symptoms and the mystery of “long COVID,” and they could one day even lead to specific treatments to protect and clear the virus from the brain.

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32 minutes ago, Amoret said:


This COVID Mutation Could Explain Your Brain Fog

Scientists have discovered a mutation in SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, that plays a key role in its ability to infect the central nervous system. The findings may help scientists understand its neurological symptoms and the mystery of “long COVID,” and they could one day even lead to specific treatments to protect and clear the virus from the brain.

Honestly, I increasingly find the neurological effects of the virus among the most concerning, particularly as they seem to impact most people who get the virus to some degree, even those who had mild cases and consider themselves fully recovered. I’m not really sure if people just really don’t (think they would) care if those things happened to them or if everyone thinks they are of superior stock that wouldn’t be susceptible to such damage. 

ETA: also, a lot of people are chalking up these post covid effects they are experiencing as “aging” or “perimenopause” so I guess they may think this is normal and there’s nothing they can do about it. 

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Starting in late September, you can prepare for a spike in cases by ordering another round of COVID-19 tests through COVIDTests.gov. And, just like with previous rounds of free tests, they’ll be shipped to your home through the U.S. Postal Service.

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4 hours ago, Mom_to3 said:

This is CVS, Sorry, I posted before heading to bed...It's possible that they will add type of vaccine later, but overall, the sight is soooo much less user-friendly (except for Novavax vaccines, the sight used to work very well). My guess is that they no longer really want to give vaccines.

CVS is very excited to give vaccines. My dya is a pharm tech there and just got trained to give vaxes. CVS corporate is pushing the pharmacy people to promote vaccines (any kind) and give as many as they can (I'm sure because they get $ for each jab, not for public health reasons).  They're given a script and are supposed to ask you about it when they ring you up, á la "would you like to apply for a store credit card" elsewhere (at least at the pharmacy, I'm guessing not up front).

Edited by Matryoshka
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5 hours ago, KSera said:

I sure miss the days of drive through vaccines being widely available.

Yes!! The last time our family went in to get a covid shot at a local pharmacy, we spent a good 1.5 hours in the pharmacy. Not a great experience.

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I need to find out if I have to jump through a lot of hoops to get shots at my doctor’s office. Sometimes I get offered a flu shot while there, but my yearly is just a little early for it. If it’s less hassle than the pharmacy or walk-in clinic, maybe I should start doing them there.

It’s just nice to be able to go to one place to get multiple people done, and only two of us go to the same practice.

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I have had by far the best experience getting shots at Costco — their interface is clear and easy to use, you can choose exactly what shot you want (and they were one of the few places here that always had Novavax). There are usually appointments available within a few days, they also accept walk-ins (although the wait may be longer), and twice I have taken one of my adult kids with me to my scheduled appointment and asked if they could get the same shot at the same time and that was fine. From checking in at the pharmacy to getting the shot and getting out is rarely more than 10 minutes.

My worst/weirdest experience was at a Walmart pharmacy, where they had people just push up their sleeves and stick their arm through a hole in the plexiglass shield right at the front counter! At Costco at least they take you into a small private room behind the pharmacy.

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9 hours ago, kbutton said:

I need to find out if I have to jump through a lot of hoops to get shots at my doctor’s office. Sometimes I get offered a flu shot while there, but my yearly is just a little early for it. If it’s less hassle than the pharmacy or walk-in clinic, maybe I should start doing them there.

It’s just nice to be able to go to one place to get multiple people done, and only two of us go to the same practice.

Covid made us huge fans of our county's health department. It's a little farther and less convenient for us than a pharmacy, but it's a totally professional atmosphere versus total chaos. I can call and make an appointment for whichever vaccines we want (like flu and Covid in the fall). They have a large waiting room and there's usually only one or two other people there. The staff have all been pleasant, and they file with our insurance just like any other medical provider.  

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3 hours ago, Pawz4me said:

Covid made us huge fans of our county's health department. It's a little farther and less convenient for us than a pharmacy, but it's a totally professional atmosphere versus total chaos. I can call and make an appointment for whichever vaccines we want (like flu and Covid in the fall). They have a large waiting room and there's usually only one or two other people there. The staff have all been pleasant, and they file with our insurance just like any other medical provider.  

I don’t know if ours files insurance. They often have prices posted on social media with and without insurance. I’ve never paid for a shot at any place that took my insurance, so that has been enough to stop me from learning more.

I can do at least some kinds of walk-in shots at Kroger, but I hate our Kroger generally (love the brand; hate our actual store). I could do more that way if I went at not peak hours.

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Thank you! Costco is unfortunately quite a drive for us...How is the experience at Walgreens? They allow you to pick the vaccine (few locations offer Moderna around here). It really looks like you can't pick a vax anymore at CVS...

Also, the younger kids (under 12) are again left behind for now it appears, even though they are the ones starting school.

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