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Ya’ll, this man and his man cold


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We are on day 3 or 4 depending on who you ask of this man’s cold. I am so over it 😆 my sympathy is running out. I would rather be sick at this point…

ETA: I love my dh dearly, he is a great husband, great dad, a hard worker who gives sacrificially. I’m just having a little fun so that I can interact with him with the right attitude and sympathy 

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Oh my gosh the wuss gene!

Me: you want some Tylenol or cough medicine?

dh: no, I’ve got nothing I have to do today, I’m just going to let my body do it’s thing. Can you make me some tea? And a sandwich? With those chips I like? And a piece of leftover pie?

as I walked away I’m pretty sore I mumbled something about starve a cold…

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Quote from webmd 

Cultural factors play a large role in the idea of the “man cold,” according to Pollack, author of Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood.

Historically, men were trained to think they needed to be “endlessly capable and never failing,” Pollack explains. “So if we get any illness, we make a big deal out of it because it seems like a big deal. It causes more distress because we’re supposed to be infallible.”

In other words, a man has to think his cold is this close to death, or else they shouldn’t be bothered by it. “But of course he is bothered by it,” Pollack says.

Fortunately, many men are letting go of this way of thinking, Pollack says.

heehee his ego can’t stand it

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Honestly, though the opposite is just as bad. I can count on one hand in our 31 year marriage that my husband has actually rested when he doesn't feel well. And when he does, he apologizes for being lazy and not doing anything but sitting in the chair.  I wish he were more of a wimp.  He now had headaches 24/7, but never complains...or rarely. I can tell when it is bad. It hasn't slowed him down. I wish he more more of a "wuss" sometimes. 

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1 hour ago, saraha said:

Oh my gosh the wuss gene!

Me: you want some Tylenol or cough medicine?

dh: no, I’ve got nothing I have to do today, I’m just going to let my body do it’s thing. Can you make me some tea? And a sandwich? With those chips I like? And a piece of leftover pie?

as I walked away I’m pretty sore I mumbled something about starve a cold…

A woman's got to do what a woman's got to do......😁

Edited by Faith-manor
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Oh my gosh, my youngest just came in and said “dad says he is really sick and just going to spend the rest of the weekend in the recliner, and I got nervous so I pushed the air filter by him and plugged it in” 😆😆😆😆

Im going to have to burn that recliner, he’s been living in it for two days already!

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27 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Honestly, though the opposite is just as bad. I can count on one hand in our 31 year marriage that my husband has actually rested when he doesn't feel well. And when he does, he apologizes for being lazy and not doing anything but sitting in the chair.  I wish he were more of a wimp.  He now had headaches 24/7, but never complains...or rarely. I can tell when it is bad. It hasn't slowed him down. I wish he more more of a "wuss" sometimes. 

This is my dh, too.

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26 minutes ago, saraha said:

Seriously though, why would he rather sit there and cough and suffer than take some cold medicine?!?

So he can continue to be sick thus being waited on by you. It is a vicious little man plan. I think they all came up with this in high school, original locker talk, "Looks guys. Soon our mothers aren't going to take care of us anymore when we feel sick. Quick. How do we get our girlfriends and future wives to do baby us?" For this reason, there should be no locker rooms. They dream up too much stuff in there! 😂

My suggestion is offer to give him a back rub and then do some sort of "Bond Villain Torture Fem Fatale Masseuse" thing where he feels so pummeled that he decides to have a miraculous recovery in order to get you to stop. Make sure you cook him some sort of "wellness soup", maybe sauteed grass clippings in parsley broth swimming in fish sauce and topped with beef suet! 😈😁

Edited by Faith-manor
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20 minutes ago, Faith-manor said:

So he can continue to be sick thus being waited on by you. It is a vicious little man plan. I think they all came up with this in high school, original locker talk, "Looks guys. Soon our mothers aren't going to take care of us anymore when we feel sick. Quick. How do we get our girlfriends and future wives to do baby us?" For this reason, there should be no locker rooms. They dream up too much stuff in there! 😂

My suggestion is offer to give him a back rub and then do some sort of "Bond Villain Torture Fem Fatale Masseuse" thing where he feels so pummeled that he decides to have a miraculous recovery in order to get you to stop. Make sure you cook him some sort of "wellness soup", maybe sauteed grass clippings in parsley broth swimming in fish sauce and topped with beef suet! 😈😁


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42 minutes ago, Selkie said:

This is my dh, too.

Yeah, I cannot imagine what they are describing. Never seen a guy or for that matter a woman act like that EVER. I can count on one hand I have been down where I couldn't work. You work regardless of how you feel. It is what you do. Feelings do not dictate your actions. 

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You aren’t going to believe this but both his dad and his brother called to check on him!!! Omg! He is detailing every single symptom to his dad right now… oh and his dad must have asked if his brother called to check on him because he just said, yeah I just talked to him a little bit ago. 😆 the kicker is he is now telling his dad that dd18 has a cold tooand is currently working an 8 hour shift at the grocery store AFTER filling in 3 hours in the coffee shop…while he is still in the recliner…

seriously, I just can’t…

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2 minutes ago, saraha said:

You aren’t going to believe this but both his dad and his brother called to check on him!!! Omg! He is detailing every single symptom to his dad right now… oh and his dad must have asked if his brother called to check on him because he just said, yeah I just talked to him a little bit ago. 😆 the kicker is he is now telling his dad that dd18 has a cold tooand is currently working an 8 hour shift at the grocery store AFTER filling in 3 hours in the coffee shop…while he is still in the recliner…

seriously, I just can’t…

OY!!!! This calls for really devious actions to shake him loose. You may have to go to the pet store, get some spiders and put them in the recliner the next time he is in the bathroom. 😆

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1 minute ago, Faith-manor said:

OY!!!! This calls for really devious actions to shake him loose. You may have to go to the pet store, get some spiders and put them in the recliner the next time he is in the bathroom. 😆


ypu know what is funny though, he’ll roll a daggone 4 wheeler on himself and just need to walk it off, or the time he went a whole week with a broken finger before finally going to the hospital, but the man gets a cold…

notice his mom or sister didn’t call him😂

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Ok, I’ve got it. So his recliner is not in the same room as the tv and last night we moved things so that’s e could turn it around and he could see the tv in the other room. I think tonight after the kids go to bed I am going to watch a “Call the Midwife” marathon, and he’ll have to watch because he has literally slept all day so will be awake and our internet only allows for one device to be used at a time, so he will either have to watch it, read a book, or go to bed 

muwahahaha 👺

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2 minutes ago, saraha said:

Ok, I’ve got it. So his recliner is not in the same room as the tv and last night we moved things so that’s e could turn it around and he could see the tv in the other room. I think tonight after the kids go to bed I am going to watch a “Call the Midwife” marathon, and he’ll have to watch because he has literally slept all day so will be awake and our internet only allows for one device to be used at a time, so he will either have to watch it, read a book, or go to bed 

muwahahaha 👺

You ma'am are a great women's hero!! 😁

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I can't relate.  My husband will hardly ever admit he's injured or ill.  Seriously, he had migraines that caused him to see flashing lights, was incredibly sensitive to light, had tears streaming down his face from the light sensitivity of a computer screen with black background and white letters while sitting in a dark room, had ice packs strapped to his head, and refused to admit he should just go to bed and stop working. 

He finally took a week off of shoveling 2 ft. deep trenches for the French drain system in the orchard because his case of tennis elbow is so bad he can't grip a shovel. Sure, he'd push through if it were only his shoulder injury, but his hands not working in addition has finally put an end to it.  I wish he'd take a break shortly after it starts because this has gone on far too long. He starts to feel a little better then it's back at full force.

My husband doesn't ask people to do anything for him that he's capable of doing himself, so he'd never ask me to get him a sandwich or something like that. Being babied isn't something he's at all interested in.ever.

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1 minute ago, HS Mom in NC said:

I can't relate.  My husband will hardly ever admit he's injured or ill.  Seriously, he had migraines that caused him to see flashing lights, was incredibly sensitive to light, had tears streaming down his face from the light sensitivity of a computer screen with black background and white letters while sitting in a dark room, had ice packs strapped to his head, and refused to admit he should just go to bed and stop working. 

He finally took a week off of shoveling 2 ft. deep trenches for the French drain system in the orchard because his case of tennis elbow is so bad he can't grip a shovel. Sure, he'd push through if it were only his shoulder injury, but his hands not working in addition has finally put an end to it.  I wish he'd take a break shortly after it starts because this has gone on far too long. He starts to feel a little better then it's back at full force.

My husband doesn't ask people to do anything for him that he's capable of doing himself, so he'd never ask me to get him a sandwich or something like that. Being babied isn't something he's at all interested in.ever.


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1 minute ago, saraha said:

I really do love my dh and he is a great guy, good provider and wonderful dad. By being silly here, I am able to be the supportive sympathetic wife he needs and deserves, so please don’t judge too harshly

No judgment. My husband is the best man there is until "man cold" and then it is just an epic upheavel of my life. 

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11 minutes ago, saraha said:

Ok, I’ve got it. So his recliner is not in the same room as the tv and last night we moved things so that’s e could turn it around and he could see the tv in the other room. I think tonight after the kids go to bed I am going to watch a “Call the Midwife” marathon, and he’ll have to watch because he has literally slept all day so will be awake and our internet only allows for one device to be used at a time, so he will either have to watch it, read a book, or go to bed 

muwahahaha 👺

I often run the men of this house out of the room with Call the Midwife. I’ve found it to be a very powerful show, effective on men of all ages from 11-45😂

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