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Did you know that cooking dinner is not a chore?


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I was cooking dinner tonight (this particular dinner takes about 45 minutes to cook). DD14 had done a load of laundry earlier in the week and when she moved her clothes to the dryer, she tossed the contents on the laundry room floor. Yes, she knows better, but she is special needs so she doesn't always follow through with what she knows. 

Tonight, I found the towels on the floor so I took one basket to her to fold as she watched Netflix. I am cooking dinner within her eyesight. I give her the basket of towels (I picked out the ones that go downstairs) and tell her she can fold them while she watches TV, but she needs to fold at least one basket before she eats dinner. 

She loudly exclaims......." You can't do chores at Night!!!" I remind her that there is no such rule. To which she says in a snarky tone "no one does chores at night mooom! " I remind her that I am actively doing a chore, since I am cooking at the same time as we are having this conversation. Her very snotty reply ..... "cooking isn't a chore Mooooom!"

So, there you have it. In gen Z....cooking is no longer a chore!  and We don't do chores at night !!! Woooo hooo! I need to go turn off the dishwasher, clothes washer and those pans, they get to sit until it is chore time!  I have no idea when that is, but apparently to 'she-who-knows-all, it isn't at night!  🤣

Edited by Tap
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@Tap I can identify. So much. This sounds so familiar. Dd15 here. My youngest. She’s autistic.

I have a pile of laundry on the kitchen table right now. But I did cook dinner, so I hope (in vain) that dd or dh will get tired of looking at it and fold/put away. I left the kitchen a disaster, but no one went hungry, so they dare not complain lol.

But then dd had a major anxiety attack and so I’m “sleeping” with her at the moment. Which means she’s sleeping and I’m definitely NOT. Thankful we see her wonderful pdoc in the morning. It’s been quite a week. 😉 


Edited by popmom
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They’re not quite that black and white, but my youngest two are also VERY particular about when they “should” be doing chores, and any deviation is “wrong”. To a degree, as someone who needs routines, I get it, but sheesh!  
No, if we happen to eat an early dinner, you cannot wait 2 hours to start putting away food and doing dishes because that’s when you prefer to do it.

My “favorite” is negotiations around video game updates. 😒

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