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Why is my cat going crazy?


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She is super agitated, going around pacing and meowing and staring at me and generally acting like she is desperate for food.  She spent all last night jumping on and off of me and meow screaming.  When I went to the bathroom, she stood at the door and yowled the whole time.  She acts like she really, really wants food, but.....  It's not food time.  There is still wet food in the bowl from the breakfast that she DID NOT EAT.  There is a full bowl of dry food.  

What does she want???

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To have you check on the monolith? 

Some particular cat treat that she thinks she needs? 

A piece of toilet paper to chew/eat, because she is a lunatic (like mine is)? 

Someone's  lap to sit on? Even though usually she hates laps?

All the attention, all the time?

Any/all of these, minus the monolith, are things my cat has meowed at us about. I usually look for context clues in the room -- are we in the kitchen, near the counter? she wants her treats. Are we in the bathroom? Toilet paper.  Some room that has furniture to sit on, but not currently sitting down? (even if some other person IS sitting down)? For me to sit down and be a lap.  Etc. 

Cats are weird. 

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14 minutes ago, PeterPan said:

Did you rub her tummy to see if it hurts?

I did.  She didn't flinch or anything.  She doesn't seem to be uncomfortable at all....just upset with me that I'm breaking the schedule.  Except I'm NOT breaking the schedule!  She is full of LIES AND TRICKERY!

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55 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I did.  She didn't flinch or anything.  She doesn't seem to be uncomfortable at all....just upset with me that I'm breaking the schedule.  Except I'm NOT breaking the schedule!  She is full of LIES AND TRICKERY!

perhaps she's confused on the dates - and thinks it's Halloween.


I agree - this kind of behavior could be a sign of illness.  I'd watch for anything else.  Rubbing tummy, does she seem to have a fever, has she been relieving herself, etc.

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Maybe see if you have another flavor cat food. There have been bad foods over the years. Maybe she is reacting to something not tasting right. 

Otherwise, she has declared  herself a mermaid and  singing a siren song for the lighthouse?


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4 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:

How old is she? If she keeps it up, I would have her kidneys checked.

Or her heart. When one of our cats died of heart failure, the only sign that something was wrong was that she was following us around and meowing in an unusual way.

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Another thought is a few months ago one night my cat was meowing like she wanted food (food was available to her) and would not settle down. Later that evening I found a dead mouse next to my cooktop (on the floor) and a smug looking cat. 

I wish cats were more obvious with their communication.

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