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so...have you ever stitched up an injured animal before?

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like the mom in Old Yeller? :)


Our dog came home w/ a nasty gash on her hind leg Sunday afternoon. It was about 4 inches long and deeper than i woulda liked. it looked horrible, but a clean cut. I called a friend that breeds dogs down the street; he said it was just a hide/ fat layer cut and didn't go through to the muscle. He helped us shave down the area, put some doggy antibiotic on it, and bandaid it closed. He was NOT interested in stitching it closed for us, lol. She chewed off teh bandages twice, but i was content to rebandage it a couple times so the antiseptic could do its thing. he also gave her an antibiotic pill.


We took her in Monday for stitches and she's fine, BUT....


i was telling a couple friends about it at lunch Monday, and one friend's spouse had successfully stitched up their dog at home w/ just needle and thread and lotsa antiseptic and it healed well [even tho she had been appaled that he would even THINK about it]. I told dh i kinda wished i had called her dh instead, and dh says "well shoot, I woulda stitched her up if that's all you wanted."


but thinking back on it, I'm glad the dog got the anesthetic. They did a pretty good job.... but for the sake of conversation, have y'all [your spouse/ friend/ family?] ever done an at-home stitch job?? on an animal? person? curious minds wanna know!


I couldn't --not on someone/something that was conscious anyway!!

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I think that stitching up ANYTHING, human or animal, without the use of anesthetic/sedative is cruel. Apologies to those of you who believe otherwise. Not to mention the fact that trying to stitch up an injured animal who has no idea that you're trying to help and not hurt, regardless of whether it is a family pet or not, is a good way to get bitten, and badly so. In which case, it's up to the animal to stitch YOU up! ;)


Seriously, I've had horses, dogs and cats all of my life, and am always trying to find a way to save a vet bill, but stitching up a wound, especially one like you describe, is not something I'd ever consider.





ETA: We operate on the basic principle that if we wouldn't do it to our kid, we don't do it to our animal. Yes, we crate puppies, etc. for safety and training, but we don't hit, use harsh, punitive punishments, withold food, etc. Not that I'm insinuating that you do, but just want to further clarify where we're coming from, so to speak.

Edited by astrid
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I know I am going to get some nasty feed back from some but



We did this a few years ago to our dog.

She had a nasty cut.

We cleaned it REALLY well and stitched her up.

She healed fine!

My mom use to stitch up her animals all the time...when the vet would do his rounds he saw what she had done and would say she did a great job. Alot of our neighbors would call her.

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Yes, but to make things easier in feed stores they sell the glue that vets use instead of stitching. I can't recall the exact name of it. However, I wouldn't hesitate to use it on my animals or even one of my children if need be. When My dad had 2 of his fingers cut off midway by an ax (or I guess actually by his brother) his mom pulled cobwebs out of the corners of the house to help stop the bleeding, then used a needle and thread to sew him up. They were poor and she was a widow, but she did what she needed to do. I do like having doctors for things that I can't handle, but simple stitches? Now if it were on the face or if there were going to be cosmetic issues than I would go ahead and go in.

Edited by Free Indeed
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I think that stitching up ANYTHING, human or animal, without the use of anesthetic/sedative is cruel. Apologies to those of you who believe otherwise. Not to mention the fact that trying to stitch up an injured animal who has no idea that you're trying to help and not hurt, regardless of whether it is a family pet or not, is a good way to get bitten, and badly so. In which case, it's up to the animal to stitch YOU up! ;)


well, that was one of the things my friend had mentioned -- her dh didn't have a problem stitching the dog's hide: teh dog took it pretty well, questioning the issue of anesthetic being a mostly-needed-for-humans thing or just a case by case thing since we all have our own tolerances of pain. Kinda like some people can handle shots no biggie, others need to be sedated, lol.


i do think many things can be cruel, but i don't think i'd throw a blanket 'cruel' on stitching up an animal's hide to save $150. I can say that I am glad we could afford to take her in. If we couldn't, I would have let dh stitch her up rather than let her suffer w/ a huge open gash. It did occur to me Sunday that we would have had to muzzle her and tie her down for safety's sake since we had no idea how calmly she would take it.


Another reason i opted to take her in for stitches is cuz the cut was right on the front part of her leg --everytime she moved it opened up wide. If it had been on the flat side i might have just been able to keep it closed w/ bandaids. oh well ;)

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I can't recall ever having to stitch one up, but dh probably has. It's not easy to even get a hold of a vet sometimes out here, much less have them come out to look at cattle/horses that can't be moved.


The worst I had to care for was a mare that got out of her pasture and went through a barb wire fence while she was showing off for the other horses. She was slit down to her shoulder bone with it all exposed and awful. My vet wouldn't come out (she told me later she didn't think the mare would live) and she couldn't be moved, so for a week I hauled food and water out to where she was, shot her up with antibiotics and kept it as clean as I could. The fact that it was winter probably helped, no flies. The vet relented when she found out the mare was still alive, and helped me pull her through.

Not only did Champagne recover, she grew strong enough to be ridden again and died years later.


I would have sewn her up in a heartbeat, but there was nothing to sew. It was just.........gone.

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I'd use the glue. Someone told me Super Glue was developed to be used in place of stitches in Vietnam. There's a product called Second Skin for use in place of bandaids. I don't know if it's strong enough to use in place of stitches. I'd probably try the Super Glue. I mean, I could do thread if I had to, but it seems the glue would be quicker, easier, and less painful. I'd sure as heck try the Super Glue before spending several hundred on a vet. If it was going to be less than $100 and/or it was in a difficult spot, I'd just take the dog to the vet.

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I have and would pending the situation and animal.

I don't think stitiches are that big a deal.

Sedation or other drugs can be more dangerous than the stitches, for animals and people.

Also unless we're talking about a large area of stiches, the needle to numb or sedate might be more pain and trouble than just getting the job over and done with.

The glue is great, but you need to know when to use it and when you really can't avoid regular stitches.

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I stitched up dogs a few times when I worked at the vet, but not without anesthetic. Now I have stitched up my own hand once while I worked there. I cut open my palm on something, I don't remember what.


I wouldn't hesitate to sew up my own wounds, but not anyone else without some form of medication.

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Wow. Some mighty interesting folks here.


I would super glue a wound in an emergency. I would not suture someone up unless we're in the middle of a jungle or living in some post apocalyptic nightmare. Doctors are free in Canada. Vets are expensive but necessary for something like this. I don't run to the vet a lot but I'd consider this a required trip.


So - who does their own dentistry?

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Wow. Some mighty interesting folks here.


that's why THIS is THE. PLACE. to ask! :D


Doctors are free in Canada.


i know there are at least a few of us that opt out of doctor services for reasons other than cost. In the US, Formula is free for moms that qualify [and there are a lot of free doctor services too]. but just because something is free doesn't mean we necessarily WANT to avail ourselves of that. Homebirths, nursing, and treating things holistically are just a few examples of that type of thinking.


Vets are expensive but necessary for something like this. I don't run to the vet a lot but I'd consider this a required trip.


and that's the reason i asked question ;) Apparently vets AREN't necessary. but my first 'druthers is a vet.


So - who does their own dentistry?

you mean besides using the array of over the counter tools and supplements for maintaining your own teeth? I wouldn't be surprised to learn a few people here have pulled their own tooth.... Or don't consider much dentistry necessary ;)

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Wow. Some mighty interesting folks here.


I would super glue a wound in an emergency. I would not suture someone up unless we're in the middle of a jungle or living in some post apocalyptic nightmare. Doctors are free in Canada. Vets are expensive but necessary for something like this. I don't run to the vet a lot but I'd consider this a required trip.


So - who does their own dentistry?


Just to be clear- dh and I both have licenses to practice (human) medicine. I only practice on my family nowadays, though. ;)


I wouldn't let anyone with a needle near me or my family unless they had appropriate training.

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Homebirths, nursing, and treating things holistically are just a few examples of that type of thinking.




LOL. I homebirthed.

I was a La Leche League Leader.

I'm still an Int'l Board Certified Lactation Consultant.


I get the alternative thing. But sutures? :eek: way past my comfort zone.


I would remove sutures, though hardly anyone uses the ones you need to remove anymore.....


You're right though - this IS the place to ask :D

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Oh my gosh. This thread is making me lightheaded :svengo:


I cannot imagine the dog that would sit still through sutures, muzzled and tied down or not. Our old dog would have tried to take my head off if such a thing even crossed my mind. Actually, wait, I can. My parents dog would probably allow it, but he's such a lead-head, nothing fazes him. Ugh. I'm going to have nightmares tonight...

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Yes, but to make things easier in feed stores they sell the glue that vets use instead of stitching. I can't recall the exact name of it. However, I wouldn't hesitate to use it on my animals or even one of my children if need be. When My dad had 2 of his fingers cut off midway by an ax (or I guess actually by his brother) his mom pulled cobwebs out of the corners of the house to help stop the bleeding, then used a needle and thread to sew him up. They were poor and she was a widow, but she did what she needed to do. I do like having doctors for things that I can't handle, but simple stitches? Now if it were on the face or if there were going to be cosmetic issues than I would go ahead and go in.

a wet tea bag also helps stop the bleeding. I take coumadin so bleeding excessively is inevitable. There's something in the tea that helps with the clotting.

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