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If you are so inclined, prayers would be greatly appreciated

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My 15 yods will be having surgery on Wed. for Pectus Excavatum. He is fine with the idea and decided he wanted to do it before Christmas.


Please pray specifically for pain control. Any surgery which involves opening the chest cavity can be extremely painful...And pray, too, that I will know how to assess and meet his needs. He is a very quiet, non demanding son.


Thanks so much

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Thank you for posting your prayer request. We will be praying for him.


Phillipians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.


Ephesians 3:20-21 Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,


to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.

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I will pray. My friend's dd had this surgery, and she can breathe so much better now!

One thing with pain meds is to keep ahead of the pain. The surgeon may tell you not to wait until your son says he's hurting, but go ahead an dose him on a schedule, so he never really does hurt alot. Follow whatever he says, of course, but I have found it helpful to do it the keep ahead way.

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Don't forget to take care of yourself too. I hope your church will bring you meals for the family and also that the siblings will have friends to talk to too. And take deep breaths. When my dh was in serious surgery and had to stay in the hospital for two weeks, I was told by a relative to take deep breaths which I thought was odd but then I realized that I did need to be told that:)

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Wow! Thank you all so much! What a blessing you all are to this nervous mom. This is such a new experience for me - can you believe that with 4 boys we've never had a broken bone? We've had some stitches, but dh took care of those. Shoot, we've never even had a broken window :tongue_smilie:


I'm looking forward to some quiet time in the hospital on Wednesday. I can get a lot of planning (and maybe some online Christmas shopping) done. I'm trying to see the positive in all this :D But, seriously, this outpouring of support is so appreciated.

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I will be praying.


We've noticed in the past year or so, since they've begun their adolescent growth, that both our boys have Pectus carinatum. Our pediatrician sent us to an orthopaedic doc, and he's not recommending any treatment at this time. The whole thing was very scary to me, so I kind of know how you feel.


Keep us updated on your son's progress!



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Update -


Well, the surgery went well. Yesterday was pretty rough, but he's doing much better today. We're on track to go home tomorrow! His brothers visited last night and are making a special cappuccino dessert for him tonight - they thought he might like that better than hospital food. His buddies came up earlier this morning and he thoroughly enjoyed the attention. But all the laughing left him a bit sore. I haven't told him about the drain removal yet - that can be very painful. But he's been a trooper so far.


I found it strange though, that I was feeling a little light-headed whenever I helped him roll onto his side, etc. Both Dh and I are in the medical field and this never happened to me when I worked with other patients. I guess it's just the subconscious knowledge that this is my little cub and mama doesn't like to see him hurt.


Thanks so much for the prayers. They are a comfort to me.

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My prayers are with you and your son. One of my favorite prayers written by Emmet Fox says, "God is the only Presence and the only Power. I claim God is Infinite Life and that Life is my supply, so I shall want for nothing. God created me and God sustains me so all is well."

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:grouphug: Thanks for the update, I'm so happy he is on the mend. I'll be sending prayers your way for a full and speedy healing as well as a little mom to mom encouragement for you.


Update -


Well, the surgery went well. Yesterday was pretty rough, but he's doing much better today. We're on track to go home tomorrow! His brothers visited last night and are making a special cappuccino dessert for him tonight - they thought he might like that better than hospital food. His buddies came up earlier this morning and he thoroughly enjoyed the attention. But all the laughing left him a bit sore. I haven't told him about the drain removal yet - that can be very painful. But he's been a trooper so far.


I found it strange though, that I was feeling a little light-headed whenever I helped him roll onto his side, etc. Both Dh and I are in the medical field and this never happened to me when I worked with other patients. I guess it's just the subconscious knowledge that this is my little cub and mama doesn't like to see him hurt.


Thanks so much for the prayers. They are a comfort to me.

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