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update on my mom and my future surgery

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I mentioned that it was going to be a hard week...and it was.


My mom passed away early this morning. I have missed her for such a long time already that though i am still terribly saddened, I am so relieved that she is not suffering from the confusion and fear that this disease is. She had alzthiemer's disease and it is just horrible to watch a loved one go through this. Her funeral will be Wednesday.


And for an update on me...


Tuesday I go for another ultrasound. Besides that I have a couple of other dates for test and speaking again with my doctor.


I am scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy on December 30th.


I decided to wait until this summer to reconstruct as the recovery for the type of reconstruction I want is about 6 weeks. I just don't have time for a 6 week recovery mid school year!


Recovery for the masectomy alone is only about 2 weeks. I should be up and ready to do school again by about the 12th of January this way. I hope.


If you pray please send some prayers this way.




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I mentioned that it was going to be a hard week...and it was.


My mom passed away early this morning. I have missed her for such a long time already that though i am still terribly saddened, I am so relieved that she is not suffering from the confusion and fear that this disease is. She had alzthiemer's disease and it is just horrible to watch a loved one go through this. Her funeral will be Wednesday.


And for an update on me...


Tuesday I go for another ultrasound. Besides that I have a couple of other dates for test and speaking again with my doctor.


I am scheduled for a bilateral mastectomy on December 30th.


I decided to wait until this summer to reconstruct as the recovery for the type of reconstruction I want is about 6 weeks. I just don't have time for a 6 week recovery mid school year!


Recovery for the masectomy alone is only about 2 weeks. I should be up and ready to do school again by about the 12th of January this way. I hope.


If you pray please send some prayers this way.






Thank you for this update. You remain in my *daily* prayers!


As for your mom- I understand. My Grannie (who was so very special to me) died with Alzheimers. Truly, by the time her physical body had left this world, I had already said "goodbye" a long time before, necessitated by the disease. That is the one and only positive thing I can say about that illness. Physical death is just not quite as painful somehow. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry to hear of your mom and the struggle with this disease that lead up to this morning.


And you sound very strong with your upcoming surgery. You are an inspiration to others to be that brave.


I will be praying for you.:grouphug:

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