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January Well-Trained Bodies


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2 hours ago, Alicia64 said:

What a gift Linda gave the world. Such a phenomenal singer -- and so, so diverse!


Definitely! I remember her doing 'Somewhere out there' for an animated movie, and also playing Mabel in the 1983 movie version of The Pirates of Penzance along with Kevin Cline and Rex Smith. 

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We don't have freezing rain too often here, so I don't have much experience with it. One time I thought I would just check and see how slippery the front walk was after freezing rain. I knew it was ice but just thought that meant it would be a little slippery. I was on my butt before I could even think. There is no reaction time, you're just down!

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Food has been good. Belly has been ok, no pain lately although it feels a little off at times, it has been slight the last few days.

Period came and sleep is improved. Phone consultation is tomorrow.

Did a little yoga yesterday, planned for more but I was out of the house most of the day for a root canal out of town for ds and had been woken in the night twice by dh. It was a long day and we have 2 go back 1 more time still as the infection is still too bad.

Today aiming for a short walk and short yoga.

Food has been good.

b: yogurt w berries and homemade granola

l: lentils and vegs or lentil soup- homemade gf whole grain bread- tbd

d: chicken w/ salad

s: homemade larabar, fruit, veg

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HI everybody!  Happy New Year!

I have been too bummed about my physical limitations to post here since giving birth, but seeing that others are pressing on despite issues made me brave enough finally.  @Soror I am so sorry you are having this weird and troubling stomach issue!  I hope you are out of the woods with it now.  @barnwife good luck with the DR repair work!  I know a lot of women are very successful at closing the gap!

I won't go into all the details of my post partum health struggles since this thread is public, but I had my last OB eval yesterday and he did assure me that I will recover completely given time and physical therapy.  So I am holding on to that hope and just working from where I am.

I've been really good about walking daily, at least 30 mins and usually more.  It happens pretty naturally since baby boy has colic and walking him around strapped in the baby carrier is just about the only thing that helps the crying.  😞  I have started physical therapy exercises at home.  They're very basic now, but will ramp up soon.  Once I complete that and get re-evaluated, I should be able to start back with bodyweight strength training and gradually move up.

Food has been good and in general I am happy with how I handled it during pregnancy and post partum...I think I have worked through a lot of issues I had regarding eating, which is great.  I have not been counting calories and instead have been focusing on produce and protein.  I started meal-prepping my breakfasts (quinoa, roasted veg, and chicken sausage) and lunches (salad with protein) over the weekend.  For supper I generally have a moderate portion of whatever I've made everybody else and don't let myself snack since I'm not very active ATM. 

Weight is going ok.  I lost like 20 pounds in the first 2 weeks and have been losing about 1/2 lb a week since.  I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and look forward to spring clothes shopping with my mom as my goal.  🙂 

I think my big challenge right now is to follow the physical therapy program even when I feel like it's so "easy" or lame that it's not worth doing.  I need those exercises--my body isn't where it was before when I could knock out heavy squats and 5 pull ups in a row.  So I have to keep myself accountable and my pride in check and do what I gotta do!

To end on a good note, here's a pic of my sweet baby Jackson and I on our daily walk.  Hard to believe we thought we didn't want any more children!  How did we get along without him all this time?!  🙂


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21 hours ago, barnwife said:

My big current goal is to continue healing my diastasis recti. It's already much improved since baby was born in Sept. But now that we are done having kids, it's time to get serious and work on it. After kid #3 was born, I could pretty easily fit 4 fingers in the gap. I worked and got it down to a bit less than 2 fingers. Then along came kid #4. With more work I got it down to one finger. The gap is currently between 1 and 2 fingers. I'd be thrilled to get it to less than 1 finger, even if it doesn't completely close.

So I tried a video specifically for DR after my normally scheduled upper body routine today. And, boy, am I feeling that now!

Another focus for me this year is arm strength. You'd think my arms would be plenty strong from carting this enormous baby around, but alas, they could still use some (a lot?) work.


Mind sharing the video title?  My DR is much improved, but most of that is due to a hernia repair surgery, so that's cheating 😂  Anyway, my hernia repair didn't go quite as the dr intended, so I need to keep working on maintaining the reduced DR myself.  

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

HI everybody!  Happy New Year!

I have been too bummed about my physical limitations to post here since giving birth, but seeing that others are pressing on despite issues made me brave enough finally.  @Soror I am so sorry you are having this weird and troubling stomach issue!  I hope you are out of the woods with it now.  @barnwife good luck with the DR repair work!  I know a lot of women are very successful at closing the gap!

I won't go into all the details of my post partum health struggles since this thread is public, but I had my last OB eval yesterday and he did assure me that I will recover completely given time and physical therapy.  So I am holding on to that hope and just working from where I am.

I've been really good about walking daily, at least 30 mins and usually more.  It happens pretty naturally since baby boy has colic and walking him around strapped in the baby carrier is just about the only thing that helps the crying.  😞  I have started physical therapy exercises at home.  They're very basic now, but will ramp up soon.  Once I complete that and get re-evaluated, I should be able to start back with bodyweight strength training and gradually move up.

Food has been good and in general I am happy with how I handled it during pregnancy and post partum...I think I have worked through a lot of issues I had regarding eating, which is great.  I have not been counting calories and instead have been focusing on produce and protein.  I started meal-prepping my breakfasts (quinoa, roasted veg, and chicken sausage) and lunches (salad with protein) over the weekend.  For supper I generally have a moderate portion of whatever I've made everybody else and don't let myself snack since I'm not very active ATM. 

Weight is going ok.  I lost like 20 pounds in the first 2 weeks and have been losing about 1/2 lb a week since.  I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and look forward to spring clothes shopping with my mom as my goal.  🙂 

I think my big challenge right now is to follow the physical therapy program even when I feel like it's so "easy" or lame that it's not worth doing.  I need those exercises--my body isn't where it was before when I could knock out heavy squats and 5 pull ups in a row.  So I have to keep myself accountable and my pride in check and do what I gotta do!

To end on a good note, here's a pic of my sweet baby Jackson and I on our daily walk.  Hard to believe we thought we didn't want any more children!  How did we get along without him all this time?!  🙂


I was just thinking of you Ivy. I'm sorry you are still not feeling well but glad to hear you are enjoying that cute baby.

I know how it feels to get knocked down after pregnancy, you know how rough it was for me after my last one. It has been a long road. I'm tryingto keep a good attitude right now but sometimes it is hard. 

I did 30 min of yoga today and my body was all shaky when I did anything much (and I didn't do anything very hard). 1 Day at a time, hopefully I didn't over do it.

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12 minutes ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


Mind sharing the video title?  My DR is much improved, but most of that is due to a hernia repair surgery, so that's cheating 😂  Anyway, my hernia repair didn't go quite as the dr intended, so I need to keep working on maintaining the reduced DR myself.  

Not at all...it's just a youtube find. It's titled "6 Exercises to Fix & Heal Diastasis Recti / Advanced Postpartum Abdominal Repair Workout." The very beginner stuff I'd been doing is definitely starting to feel easy, so I thought I'd jump to something tricky apparently. I did not do all the reps she called for, but I tried all the moves. I am still feeling it today, but in a good way.

I think I will find something between super easy and advanced and kind of mix the two, because I liked some of the exercises, even if they were currently hard for me.

Also, I am sorry the hernia repair didn't work out ideally. That's no fun at all!


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I wasn't expecting to go out yesterday but I had to go into the school building after school (I got an old computer right before break but could never log in. Turns out you have to be in the building the first time to get into the network). Since I was already out, I went to our good running shoe store and got a new pair of shoes with help from a Christmas gift card. I had determined that I was never going to be able to use my Nike Structures again--they're just too tight on the top of my foot and will always cause tendonitis pain. They were only 6 months old when I stopped wearing them and I have to get expensive shoes to avoid plantar fasciitis so I had been putting off getting new ones, but with the gift card it seemed doable. So that took up all my after school time yesterday. For my extra activity, I walked a mile on the treadmill in my new shoes--no pain at all. I would like to add treadmill walking back into the exercise mix at least one day a week. But not everyday.

Did my bodyweight circuit x2 and then Sunrise Yoga this morning. I used the watch's workout app to have it track these workouts, and toward the end of my yoga my watched dinged and told me I completed my exercise ring. It's never counted all of my minutes before, so that was exciting.

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13 hours ago, wintermom said:

Definitely! I remember her doing 'Somewhere out there' for an animated movie, and also playing Mabel in the 1983 movie version of The Pirates of Penzance along with Kevin Cline and Rex Smith. 

I'm not sure why, but the song "Somewhere out there" is looping in my head. Not sure why. Turns out, dh saw her in Pirates (but he was a teen and not very into opera). 🙂


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1 hour ago, Alicia64 said:

I'm not sure why, but the song "Somewhere out there" is looping in my head. Not sure why. Turns out, dh saw her in Pirates (but he was a teen and not very into opera). 🙂


That's pretty cool about your dh and Pirates. I love that operetta. My dc sang the chorus for it in a family opera production. It's so fun and silly. It's a great intro to opera. 

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I just went for a really nice 1.5 hr walk in the woods with a friend, and now I'm meeting a different friend for a short walk. The weather is perfect now - snow, no wind, just below freezing. We never did get the freezing rain. I'll try to make my body go for a ski tonight. The poor old thing is holding up pretty good, but I can hear the squeaks and creaks. 😉

@IvyInFlorida  Thanks so much for posting the photo and checking in!! So great to hear from you. Jackson is the cutest and you look fabulous! Great job getting and following the Physio exercises. There is a funny Australian TV series on Netflix that you'd probably like called "The Let Down." It's a group of new moms struggling with their first babies. My dd, dh and I really enjoyed it, which kind of surprised me. I thought it was hilarious. Aussie accents are the best and they have a really cool sense of humour.

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@Soror I hope you didn't over do it and that you're feeling better this evening!

@wintermom thanks for the encouragement and compliments!  And I so love reading your updates.  You have the neatest outdoor experiences. 


I walked (with baby in carrier) this afternoon.  It was sunny and cool and felt nice to be outside after a long homeschooling day.   I didn't do my PT exercises though... I had a minor medical procedure yesterday that has left me feeling sore and achy so I decided against pushing through.

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58 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@Soror I hope you didn't over do it and that you're feeling better this evening!

@wintermom thanks for the encouragement and compliments!  And I so love reading your updates.  You have the neatest outdoor experiences. 


I walked (with baby in carrier) this afternoon.  It was sunny and cool and felt nice to be outside after a long homeschooling day.   I didn't do my PT exercises though... I had a minor medical procedure yesterday that has left me feeling sore and achy so I decided against pushing through.

Sorry to hear you are sore and achy, I hope that you are better soon.

I felt ok after exercising, so weird that I was shaky. Took a nap today, hoping I still sleep well. 

I got outside a bit but didn't do much walking.

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28 minutes ago, Soror said:

Sorry to hear you are sore and achy, I hope that you are better soon.

I felt ok after exercising, so weird that I was shaky. Took a nap today, hoping I still sleep well. 

I got outside a bit but didn't do much walking.

Glad you're feeling a little better - at least well enough to do some yoga. Hope you don't experience the shakiness again. How is your stomach pain doing?

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8 hours ago, wintermom said:

Glad you're feeling a little better - at least well enough to do some yoga. Hope you don't experience the shakiness again. How is your stomach pain doing?

Most of the time my stomach is feeling normal. I feel a slight discomfort here and there and laying on my right side I can feel it a bit at times but it is much improved. Appetite has been good, better than it has for weeks.

I'm feeling pretty good this morning, planning more yoga AND an actual walk.

b: roasted veg- sweet potato, cabbage, potato- egg; grapefruit

s: homemade larabar

l: lentil soup w homemade gf whole grain bread; raspberries

s: carrot and celery w hummus

d: salmon; brussel spouts roasted; salad

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More great weather here, and the dc have asked to go skating. So we're heading to a pond where the ice is ok and there shouldn't be masses of young kids. 

My body is trying hard to hold up under all the activity, and it's doing quite well. The problem with rest is that I get really stiff if I am still for too long, so I have to keep moving. Thankfully I'm able to sleep well at night and for long hours.

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My extra activity yesterday was yoga. Adriene has a 30 days of yoga thing going and I'm not trying to do all 30, but I did day 1 Saturday and yesterday I did day since it was a relatively short 27 minutes. The focus was on "listen", mostly listen to your body, and it was a nice, meditative, stretch-on-the-floor session which was perfect for after school. Started today off with a walking workout.

This is a high anxiety kind of week--election stress, fate of democracy stress. Then on the personal front I've been mentally gearing up for my college kid leaving home and going back on campus in CA at the end of March. They're on the quarter system and with Covid, freshmen and sophomores get to be on campus winter quarter and juniors (my dd) and seniors are on campus spring quarter. Dd had applied for a resident tutor position for this quarter but didn't get it, then the position came open and she was offered it, so suddenly I have to be prepared for her leaving the nest again in the next couple of days! All the anxiety is an appetite suppressant for me, so diet is going well, but I'll have to make some cookies for dd for the trip down (and yes, I will be eating some too).

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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

My extra activity yesterday was yoga. Adriene has a 30 days of yoga thing going and I'm not trying to do all 30, but I did day 1 Saturday and yesterday I did day since it was a relatively short 27 minutes. The focus was on "listen", mostly listen to your body, and it was a nice, meditative, stretch-on-the-floor session which was perfect for after school. Started today off with a walking workout.

This is a high anxiety kind of week--election stress, fate of democracy stress. Then on the personal front I've been mentally gearing up for my college kid leaving home and going back on campus in CA at the end of March. They're on the quarter system and with Covid, freshmen and sophomores get to be on campus winter quarter and juniors (my dd) and seniors are on campus spring quarter. Dd had applied for a resident tutor position for this quarter but didn't get it, then the position came open and she was offered it, so suddenly I have to be prepared for her leaving the nest again in the next couple of days! All the anxiety is an appetite suppressant for me, so diet is going well, but I'll have to make some cookies for dd for the trip down (and yes, I will be eating some too).

Hang in there!!!  

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We were a family gang at the skating pond with ds 14, ds 18 and dd 20. We brought hockey sticks and a puck and played Keep Away and Monkey-in-the-middle as there were no nets. It was so much fun! I don't normally skate with a stick, and it makes a world of difference in balance and confidence. I was able to maneuver around really smoothly and quickly. I guess all those years of Power Skating exercises helps, however my stick handling skills are very weak. I want to keep playing, so I must get a hockey helmet to protect my face and head. It got a little wild with flying pucks and sticks with just the little games we were playing. 🤪

@IvyInFlorida  Great job!! Hope you are healing up well after your procedure. 

@Ali in OR Sorry the stress is getting to you. Way to go with keeping up the exercising!

@Soror Hope you enjoyed a pain-free yoga and walk today!

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Day 41/80: total body core.  Having some spicy pumpkin chili for lunch (recipe from CleanFoodCrush) and then I'll take the dogs on a nice long walk. 

@Ali in OR thanks for the reminder, I've been meaning to pick back up with the Yoga with Adriene

@IvyInFlorida glad you're less sore and achy. Have fun with that sweet baby!

@Soror I hope all the tummy discomfort goes away, glad your appetite is better

@wintermom sounds like you guys had a lot of fun!

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4 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

My extra activity yesterday was yoga. Adriene has a 30 days of yoga thing going and I'm not trying to do all 30, but I did day 1 Saturday and yesterday I did day since it was a relatively short 27 minutes. The focus was on "listen", mostly listen to your body, and it was a nice, meditative, stretch-on-the-floor session which was perfect for after school. Started today off with a walking workout.

This is a high anxiety kind of week--election stress, fate of democracy stress. Then on the personal front I've been mentally gearing up for my college kid leaving home and going back on campus in CA at the end of March. They're on the quarter system and with Covid, freshmen and sophomores get to be on campus winter quarter and juniors (my dd) and seniors are on campus spring quarter. Dd had applied for a resident tutor position for this quarter but didn't get it, then the position came open and she was offered it, so suddenly I have to be prepared for her leaving the nest again in the next couple of days! All the anxiety is an appetite suppressant for me, so diet is going well, but I'll have to make some cookies for dd for the trip down (and yes, I will be eating some too).

Hugs, mama. That is a rough week, I hope all goes smoothly.

2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

I did my physical therapy exercises... did not love but hey, they're done.  When afternoon lessons are done, I'll do my walk.  Much less sore and achy today, so that's positive!

Good job, getting it done, I'm sure it is hard to muster the energy for it, even knowing you should do it. Glad you are feeling better.

2 hours ago, wintermom said:

We were a family gang at the skating pond with ds 14, ds 18 and dd 20. We brought hockey sticks and a puck and played Keep Away and Monkey-in-the-middle as there were no nets. It was so much fun! I don't normally skate with a stick, and it makes a world of difference in balance and confidence. I was able to maneuver around really smoothly and quickly. I guess all those years of Power Skating exercises helps, however my stick handling skills are very weak. I want to keep playing, so I must get a hockey helmet to protect my face and head. It got a little wild with flying pucks and sticks with just the little games we were playing. 🤪

@IvyInFlorida  Great job!! Hope you are healing up well after your procedure. 

@Ali in OR Sorry the stress is getting to you. Way to go with keeping up the exercising!

@Soror Hope you enjoyed a pain-free yoga and walk today!

I've never ice skated at all, it isn't around here, there might be some in the cities but certainly none here. It is rarely icy enough I'd trust the ponds and lakes for it either, the thought terrifies me. One year it was really cold and we played on the ice in a little creek, I was ok with that as even if it broke we wouldn't be in danger of dying. I bet that was a big workout and lots of fun.

2 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

Day 41/80: total body core.  Having some spicy pumpkin chili for lunch (recipe from CleanFoodCrush) and then I'll take the dogs on a nice long walk. 

@Ali in OR thanks for the reminder, I've been meaning to pick back up with the Yoga with Adriene

@IvyInFlorida glad you're less sore and achy. Have fun with that sweet baby!

@Soror I hope all the tummy discomfort goes away, glad your appetite is better

@wintermom sounds like you guys had a lot of fun!

Sounds yummy, I've never made anything but a plain jane chili but I bet it is great with pumpkin.

18 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

@Soror Glad you are getting better. Hope you feel fully yourself soon and get answers.

@Ali in OR Hear ya, ((hugs)). 

@wintermom  Play as exercise is so much more fun than I realized especially as a family and incredibly bonding as I found out last year. We usually worked out or played separately before. Glad you have fun with your kids.

In the Hindu religion, Shiva is a God who dances and he does so during different emotions, sometimes when the world goes crazy. I felt like that this morning doing my BW dance when DH came running in with the news. Our instructor had apparently heard and wanted to know if we would want to break. None of us did, we danced all the way through, clumsily, determinedly, but joyfully. The dance Shiva does is called Tandav, it is  very classical and BW dance is based on movies, free form and contemporary. We all asked if there is a BW form of it and it exists. Tomorrow we will be learning it.

A little googling brought up this, each instructor has their own version, but I am ready to dance and forget the world. I honestly don't know how I would have handled this pandemic in any shape or form without fitness.  This is not my instructor by something I found on the web. I hope ours is not this vigors. 


Interesting. I've done some dancing here and there, just for fun, it always illicits lots of laughing at myself.

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I did my yoga and walking around outside. I told dh I actually felt good today, for the first time in I don't remember. Not just varying degrees of bad or not so bad.

Did phone consult and got meds increase. She suggested some supplements to help the stomach, I'm going to check them out and see what I think. I'd rather just focus on diet. She made me think of something that had not occurred to me. In November when I hurt my shoulder really badly I took a lot of ibuprofen. That could have caused some of my issues. Everyone had been asking me if I'd taken a lot but I had forgot about taking it then. I don't normally take any but for a week or two when my shoulder was really hurting I took a lot. So, that is something to consider. I desperately need to go to PT and get that checked out but don't want to mess with it. They can get me orders for a HIDA scan too but I want to see how things go for the stomach with watching foods, keeping away from ibuprofen and how the energy does with the increased thyroid meds.

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2 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@Soror Glad you are getting better. Hope you feel fully yourself soon and get answers.

@Ali in OR Hear ya, ((hugs)). 

@wintermom  Play as exercise is so much more fun than I realized especially as a family and incredibly bonding as I found out last year. We usually worked out or played separately before. Glad you have fun with your kids.

In the Hindu religion, Shiva is a God who dances and he does so during different emotions, sometimes when the world goes crazy. I felt like that this morning doing my BW dance when DH came running in with the news. Our instructor had apparently heard and wanted to know if we would want to break. None of us did, we danced all the way through, clumsily, determinedly, but joyfully. The dance Shiva does is called Tandav, it is  very classical and BW dance is based on movies, free form and contemporary. We all asked if there is a BW form of it and it exists. Tomorrow we will be learning it.

A little googling brought up this, each instructor has their own version, but I am ready to dance and forget the world. I honestly don't know how I would have handled this pandemic in any shape or form without fitness.  This is not my instructor but something I found on the web. I hope ours is not this vigorous


This looks like a healthy (and fun) response to all our stress!

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@IvyInFlorida Jackson is gorgeous and you look great. I'm sorry that recovery is not straightforward. 

@SororI'm glad you are doing a bit better.

I'm sorry I haven't been around.  I'm having to be a bit more disciplined in my use of time - I  used to come here at breakfast time but now I  study then. I've been taking long lunch breaks to exercise safely at the beach, as it's so icy near home, so work has been more concentrated too.

The beach has been really good - NW alternating with dog walks. I'm doing Kassandra's January calendar, which is fairly low key so far,  but has good stretches. My hamstring is loosening up slowly.

First class tomorrow. 

@wintermom what kind of shoe grips do you use for ice? I  need something. 

Apple porridge and yoghurt. Leftover fried rice plus sauteed mushrooms.  Gurnard with mangetout and a pear.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

First class tomorrow. 

@wintermom what kind of shoe grips do you use for ice? I  need something. 


Hope you enjoy your class!!

I have a pair similar to these. There are many different kinds. I prefer ones with a fairly large metal surface - like the head of a screw.


Edited by wintermom
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2 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

Oh I dance and laugh at myself. But having too much fun and joy doing so, clumsy, two left feet and all and I feel amazing !

I once took an African drumming and dancing course. The dancing was so much fun; simple, repetitive, with a really great beat/rhythm. Native American/Canadian dancing is similar. Sometimes you dance the same as others but often you do your own thing to the music. I really enjoy that. I'm not so fond of everyone doing exactly the same thing.

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Light snow this morning, but the fallen snow is thawing.  I'll put out grit on the pavement at nightfall, because it will freeze overnight.  We'll probably go to the beach at lunchtime when it is due to ease.  I'm wary of ice under the melting snow locally.  I plan a quick yoga after work before my Intro to Studies module.  Weight is creeping down after Christmas.  So long as it's not going up...

Apple porridge with yoghurt.  Mixed beans with cheese, pumpkin seed butter on oatcakes, and an apple.  Mushroom omelette with grilled veg.

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16 hours ago, Soror said:

I did my yoga and walking around outside. I told dh I actually felt good today, for the first time in I don't remember. Not just varying degrees of bad or not so bad.

Did phone consult and got meds increase. She suggested some supplements to help the stomach, I'm going to check them out and see what I think. I'd rather just focus on diet. She made me think of something that had not occurred to me. In November when I hurt my shoulder really badly I took a lot of ibuprofen. That could have caused some of my issues. Everyone had been asking me if I'd taken a lot but I had forgot about taking it then. I don't normally take any but for a week or two when my shoulder was really hurting I took a lot. So, that is something to consider. I desperately need to go to PT and get that checked out but don't want to mess with it. They can get me orders for a HIDA scan too but I want to see how things go for the stomach with watching foods, keeping away from ibuprofen and how the energy does with the increased thyroid meds.

That ibuprofen can do a number on one's stomach. My friend had this happen to her in her youth, and she has avoided coffee ever since as it triggers the pain. Finding the key to managing stomach pain is so tricky. There seem to be many factors (e.g., meds, diet, stress, allergies). I hope your pain settles down quickly and you are back to functioning 100%.

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I'm going for the weekly walk in the woods with friends. We're bringing our boys along for some in-person socializing and exercise. Otherwise I'm letting my body rest and recover from all the hockey, skiing and skating. At least that's the plan unless the sun starts to shine and lures me outside. 😉


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13 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

Well, our teacher teaches the same steps, but we all do our own thing because of lack of skill, grace or plain lack of ability. But it is so much fun and I never thought it will be just like I never thought play could be fitness.

That sounds like great fun! It will be a nice balance with your Tai Chi, with prescribed movements. Both are a great mind and body work-out. 😀

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See, I was right to be worrying about the fate of democracy yesterday! If you ever have trouble figuring out what you should be worried about, just ask me--I'm an expert worrier. I managed to finally turn off the t.v. around 4:00 and did day 5 of Adriene's 30 day yoga. I am liking doing gentle yoga after work. I think I was a little dehydrated though, and anything with head down like downward dog was giving me a headache. Need to drink water during the day!

Did a shorter workout this morning, but good higher-intensity intervals. I don't worry so much about short workouts when I know there is more activity later in the day. Weight dropping each day this week which is good after the rapid post-Christmas rise.

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Checking in for the week:

  • Run Across America Winter Warmup - This is my morning walk challenge. I need to average 25K per week to hit the mid-March goal of 250K.  I'm currently a little ahead of pace: 30.4/250K
  • Virtual Run Events Year of the Ox - This is my afternoon/evening walk challenge. I need to average about 25 miles per week to log 202.1 miles by the end of February. I'm currently behind pace (mostly because I forgot I signed up for this one): 5.75/202.1 
  • YesFit Great American Adventure - It's a how-far-can-you-go challenge, no specific goal: 35.5/13,669.8
  • Minimum Step Goal - Met/exceeded every day this week. If I make it to Saturday, I'll go ahead and bump by 500 (or maybe 1,000 if I'm feeling brave) per day.
  • Daily PT exercises: 7/7 days
  • MWF Cardio: Adjusted down to 20 minutes from 30 in deference to my currently crummy knees, but otherwise: 3/3 days
  • T/Th Arm Work: I've decided to count the days I actually go to PT appointments as checking this box: 2/2 days


  • Continue being intentional about incorporating more, as well as a wider variety of, veggies into our regular meals: More quantity, yes. Wider variety, not really. Still a work in progress.
  • Log everything I eat every day, even when I'd rather not admit it: 7/7 days
  • Get my weight back down to 132: Not even going in the right direction yet. I actually managed to gain another pound. 
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59 minutes ago, Dreamergal said:

We danced our teacher's version of the Tandev today. It is so difficult and my body protested badly, but I also felt so happy dancing. Who knew dancing could give such joy ? I have to thank my little girl who twirled and danced her way around the house so much so she got BW dancing for a gift. We are a STEM family so no arts at all except listening to music. But her joy was so contagious I wanted to join too.

I recommend a dance class even if you are clumsy and have two left feet. 😀

 I agree! I finally signed up for Tap this year and it's been fantastic. I am terrible, but it's still really fun. And such a stress relief. It's on Friday nights and I feel l like I get out all the frustrations of the week. I also have realized it's the most mindful thing I do. If I think about anything other than what my feet are supposed to be doing...I can't dance. So I have to just focus on dance and whatever other things that are worrying me or stressing me out go away for an hour. 

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I went for a great walk with friends this afternoon, and then a walk this evening with dd. It was weirdly foggy/misty and super cold on one side of the pond we circled, but not on the other side. This is a different pond that I wanted to scope out for skating. It looks fantastic, so I'm going to skate there tomorrow morning. 

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Yesterday's extra activity was walking my shorter neighborhood loop which is a mile. We had nice weather so it seemed I should get outside. This morning I walked on the treadmill for 30 min--my first time since extensor tendonitis hit last June. My new shoes are great--no pain at all. And my watch likes this exercise--closed the exercise ring for today. And I can read while I'm on the treadmill, so I expect to put it back in the exercise rotation one day a week.

Said goodbye to college kid this morning. 😢

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My ds and I tried out a brand new activity - paddle/pickle ball on ice with skates! We used a tennis ball as the plastic pickle ball cracked. It was really fun as a lockdown alternative sport. Our local gov just cracked down on outdoor hockey and hockey equipment, and all indoor sport facilities are closed. I thought this game was wonderful 'thinking outside the box.' 😄


Edited by wintermom
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On 1/4/2021 at 7:28 PM, Lucy the Valiant said:

3. Read 2 motivational books that focus on habit-building / re-training my brain about food. (I'm halfway done with Jon Acuff's Finish, and hope to re-read relevant chapters of Atomic Habits, through a nutritional lens.)    (Finished Finish, and journaled some take-aways. Moving to AH.)


@Lucy the ValiantI also love the Atomic habits book. But also, do you know about the book by Charles Duhigg called The Power of Habit. So, so good. I reread it every other year. That and Atomic.

On 1/5/2021 at 6:29 AM, Soror said:

homemade larabar, fruit, veg

@Sororwhat is a homemade larabar? Sounds awesome!

On 1/5/2021 at 8:23 AM, IvyInFlorida said:



Oh, my goodness. That is a darling baby @IvyInFlorida!!!

Dh and I are planning a long bike ride -- in my case a recumbant trike -- the first weekend in February, so getting in shape for that ride is giving me incentive to ride my inside recumbent five times a week. I'm finally back to riding at a Level 6 for 46 minutes. (Goal is Level 7 for 50.)

This group is really helpful!


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1 hour ago, Dreamergal said:

Isn't this the truth. Your mind cannot wander at all. 

You win the prize for the cool mom of the month !!

I am the boring mom who bans hoverboards and trampolines and have managed to raise a 13 year old boy who would rather play basketball than get on anything with wheels. For a paranoid mama, that works. But I have also spawned a daughter who wants skates for her birthday and oh dear I don't want to have my fears handicap her, but I am scared for her while she is fearless. I will remember you when she gets the skates and rides the side walk while I watch heart in my throat. 

ETA: Danced today, will nordic walk later. The sun is blindingly shining as usual, but rumor has it we may get rare snow on Sun. We shall see, my daughter is most excited.

Get skates and a hockey helmet, elbow and knee pads and she'll be grand. They make helmets in pink, red, blue, black and white. 

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3 hours ago, Alicia64 said:

@Lucy the ValiantI also love the Atomic habits book. But also, do you know about the book by Charles Duhigg called The Power of Habit. So, so good. I reread it every other year. That and Atomic.


Thank you so much for the recommendation, Wendy! Also, I checked out your blog, and want to say THANK YOU FOR BEING SO INSPIRATIONAL! Wow! Gonna be back to take more notes. 

Weight & food & stress are all very closely related for me, and I'm making good progress in re-training my mind to think about food differently. (That's different than "dieting," to me, and I realize it may be a several-years process. This week I planned and executed good food choices during 2 VERY stressful (scheduled) events, so I'm definitely counting that as progress. Glad to be past those, too. 🙂

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4 minutes ago, Lucy the Valiant said:

Thank you so much for the recommendation, Wendy! Also, I checked out your blog, and want to say THANK YOU FOR BEING SO INSPIRATIONAL! Wow! Gonna be back to take more notes. 

Weight & food & stress are all very closely related for me, and I'm making good progress in re-training my mind to think about food differently. (That's different than "dieting," to me, and I realize it may be a several-years process. This week I planned and executed good food choices during 2 VERY stressful (scheduled) events, so I'm definitely counting that as progress. Glad to be past those, too. 🙂

Thank you so much for your words. This was not a fun week and your words mean more than you know.

When you say, "Re-training my mind" and "I realize it may be a several years process," bingo, those are the magic ingredient. You've got it. Smart habits + time and you can be any weight that feels the best to you. I'd love to know how you realized that habits and re-training were so important (if you feel like it).

And weight and food and stress are closely related for me too. You're not alone.

A million thank yous again!



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My son and I decided to try some nighttime snowshoeing.  It was fun but creepy because it was cloudy and completely pitch black except for our headlamps.  I think it'll be really fun on a bright moonlit night. I think we thoroughly wore out our dogs, especially the fat corgi...she sinks into the snow on every step :laugh: Now on to yoga and a shower and bed!

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