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Covid frustrations JAWM


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Just look at Italy. The country that was singing and clapping for the people taking dead bodies by the truck load out of the Italian cities are the same people protesting going into another lockdown right now in those exact same cities.  And it’s like Americans decided to just skip that whole “in this together” phase and jump straight to the “we all gotta die some day anyways so screw it all” phase. 

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An official in Illinois broke down in tears: https://people.com/health/illinois-health-official-cries-updating-coronavirus-deaths/

She said lots of good things but I thought this was very straightforward: "This is what we will have to do to bring the spread down in our community... Let's please work together. I know many of you are healthy and don't have a concern in the world of dying from this COVID," she continued. "I would say that of course there are some people whose chances are much lower. But let's please think beyond ourselves. And think about the people we could unknowingly infect who may not be as fortunate."

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10 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:


I guess I wonder where you guys expect to find friends after all this is over. If I used everyone's criteria, I would have no friends.

I hear you. I have spent the past few years cultivating different friendships from my norm. If covid had happened 8 or so years ago, I’d have only one friend left.  

Try to figure out who is staying at home right now that you don’t see at church without their masks.  Who is missing?  Those would be the people to strike up friendships with in the future. 

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5 hours ago, Murphy101 said:

Just look at Italy. The country that was singing and clapping for the people taking dead bodies by the truck load out of the Italian cities are the same people protesting going into another lockdown right now in those exact same cities.  And it’s like Americans decided to just skip that whole “in this together” phase and jump straight to the “we all gotta die some day anyways so screw it all” phase. 

I know that around here, in the places that had huge spikes, everyone figures "they got it already, whatever!" whether they've been tested or not. Hence the big spikes in the SAME COMMUNITIES that had issues in the spring. 

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1 hour ago, Happymomof1 said:


I guess I wonder where you guys expect to find friends after all this is over. If I used everyone's criteria, I would have no friends.

I know who is cautious about covid, so, those people would be those who I will stay friends with after this is over. In my neck of the woods, most people are still complying and staying safe ...

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2 hours ago, Happymomof1 said:


I guess I wonder where you guys expect to find friends after all this is over. If I used everyone's criteria, I would have no friends.

No lie, it’s slim pickings.

That said,  thankfully I’ve actually met a couple new friends. I mean when you venture out and amid the people you see one other person is masked - it’s like a 6ft olive branch coming right from their face. 😁

But also. It’s not even so much about friends. Most people are not friends so much as acquaintances in a shared community. The painful thing is seeing the community that harbors us for decades wouldn’t so much as wear a mask to welcome anyone in their community. Best case they are genuinely ignorant as heck and don’t have elementary level understanding of science. Worst case, they just don’t think people are worth it. For the sake of my own mental health, I’m choosing to be super sad at how bad our education system is.

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7 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:

It took me so long to find my people. Heck, you guys know that on this forum from 5 years ago. I'm not sure they exist in this area.

To be fair, this is now SO political that I'm not even sure it says much about people that they don't mask. I mean, it says they aren't independent thinkers and they just follow their leaders, but that's pretty common. 

I'm much madder at my local ex-friend who spouted conspiracy nonsense about it being no worse than the flu despite being politically aligned with people who weren't busy obfuscating the issues. With her, it seems to be related to trauma and job insecurity (her and her husband both work around the entertainment industry.) But still, that meant she went and decided to be irresponsible all on her own. That feels different to me. 

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Perhaps because I don’t see most of my friends in person right now, but I am not finding the virus a defining aspect of friendship. I avoid Covid and politics in our conversations. I don’t need to debate these topics. I don’t need to convince my friends about anything. I know that a couple of friends are less cautious than I am (but they obey the mask mandate in my state). But I don’t have to worry about being exposed to them because I am not seeing them. 

I did go to one outdoor bbq during the summer. I was the only one masked. No one said anything to me about it but I did feel uncomfortable in that situation. But I realized that I had put myself in that situation by going. 

I am actually finding that many of my friendships are deepening because we take the time to reach out intentionally. And we are sharing deeper things than just what’s going on in the news. 

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7 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Perhaps because I don’t see most of my friends in person right now, but I am not finding the virus a defining aspect of friendship. I avoid Covid and politics in our conversations. I don’t need to debate these topics. I don’t need to convince my friends about anything. I know that a couple of friends are less cautious than I am (but they obey the mask mandate in my state). But I don’t have to worry about being exposed to them because I am not seeing them. 

I did go to one outdoor bbq during the summer. I was the only one masked. No one said anything to me about it but I did feel uncomfortable in that situation. But I realized that I had put myself in that situation by going. 

I am actually finding that many of my friendships are deepening because we take the time to reach out intentionally. And we are sharing deeper things than just what’s going on in the news. 

This would be fine for me but it isn't for my young adults and teens.


I'm willing to take a risk but not standing with someone who tells me after the fact that they should be in quarantine. The more stupid they are the miserable this is for my children. I keep reminding myself that they are confused and brainwashed because I know they aren't the type to knowingly put someone in danger but it's hard not to get frustrated and angry because so many infections WERE completely preventable. My children's world is shrinking into complete isolation so the sick people can run around infecting everyone they can. That's not a healthy place for an 18 year old. Of course, it wouldn't be mentally healthy for her if she passed it on to her Father or I and something serious happened. Her Father has a number of risk factors and I have asthma. It sucks that people are CHOOSING to do that to her.

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14 hours ago, Terabith said:

Someone created a facebook group for parents in our town who believe in masks.

Not gonna lie:  that's a group where I might look for friends.  


Someone started a local "mask wearing homeschool meetups" group and a bunch of people from the "non mask wearing homeschool group" screenshot and made a bunch of nasty comments about the person who started it.  She didn't start it by talking about all the idiot people, just said she and some friends were more comfortable with masked gatherings, even outside if there were a lot of kids running around.  Yet the non-maskers acted likes she would be calling DYFS on her.  It's ridiculous.  

6 hours ago, kbutton said:

Some of the more moderate people around me are posting stuff from this guy...it’s slim pickings here too. 

This guy is a teacher at a gifted school in Cincinnati, I believe.


How is anyone still believing this?   It's obviously not true with the littlest amount of thought.   Does he think nobody would notice all the people showing up at the hospitals with some mysterious illness that looks exactly like Covid?   

Although I guess he has a point about being in control of the number of "reported cases".  If you suppress the numbers and block testing, there will be less "reported cases", but the number of "reported cases" has absolutely nothing to do with the number of ACTUAL cases.  Morons. 

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3 hours ago, cintinative said:

@kbutton is that the Dr. Frank models guy? He has led many people astray, IMO

Yes!!! I knew locally there was a lot of crazy Q Anon information, but the "reasonable" people (not really, but by comparison to many in my area, they seem like it) that eventually managed to stop posting Q Anon stuff or that did but then realized where it was coming from seem to have moved on to him. I heard he had some good stuff early on, and then it went sideways. I started following him to see what he posts, and I'll quit shortly. I kind of like to know what brand of crazy people are listening to so I'm not caught completely off guard talking to them. 

It's totally nuts. I didn't realize what a following he had until a board with legit information was talking about his stuff (critically and to vent about their friends down that rabbit hole).

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12 minutes ago, kbutton said:

Yes!!! I knew locally there was a lot of crazy Q Anon information, but the "reasonable" people (not really, but by comparison to many in my area, they seem like it) that eventually managed to stop posting Q Anon stuff or that did but then realized where it was coming from seem to have moved on to him. I heard he had some good stuff early on, and then it went sideways. I started following him to see what he posts, and I'll quit shortly. I kind of like to know what brand of crazy people are listening to so I'm not caught completely off guard talking to them. 

It's totally nuts. I didn't realize what a following he had until a board with legit information was talking about his stuff (critically and to vent about their friends down that rabbit hole).

He likes to paint himself as objective, but he really is pretty political IMO.  His models never held up.  All the people I know that follow him are also followers of Jack Windsor, who seems to be of the mind this is all inflated.  I have seen so many people go astray because of both of them. It's disheartening because so much of what they claim could be easily debunked if people would follow the actual science.  

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