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I went to the Neuro.


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He diagnosed me with Epilepsy and sleeping disorder unspecified. So my seizures haven't changed, but I'm seizing in my sleep and that changes my perception of events. I'm getting some imaging and going on medication for epilepsy.



Eta: Someone asked if I have sleep apnea or similar and I just wanted to clarify that I just sleepwalk. I'm not in any danger or anything.

Edited by Slache
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21 minutes ago, Seasider too said:

You are such a good sport!

I may have missed this earlier - was epilepsy something you thought a possible diagnosis, or was it a surprise to you?

I hope you are able to adjust to the medication quickly and easily. 

I have a history of seizures and the doctor pretty much said "you are a person who has seizures" so while I wasn't expecting a clear diagnosis like epilepsy, it's just applying a word to what's been my experience for... 23 years? Ish?

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Oh wow, so have you gone all these years without a diagnosis or meds?  We have epilepsy in my family of origin.  Did it only play out in your sleep?  Curious because actually BOTH my dh and I have direct family members with epilepsy, and I know it's often genetic.  A couple of my children have sleep disorders, so just wondering about this...  Hope the meds help and you sleep well!

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3 minutes ago, J-rap said:

Oh wow, so have you gone all these years without a diagnosis or meds?  We have epilepsy in my family of origin.  Did it only play out in your sleep?  Curious because actually BOTH my dh and I have direct family members with epilepsy, and I know it's often genetic.  A couple of my children have sleep disorders, so just wondering about this...  Hope the meds help and you sleep well!

My seizures are disassociative (my wording) and not dangerous. They started when I was 11 but didn't hinder me at all. No diagnosis that I know of and no meds. I do not have epilepsy in my FOO. It was never in my sleep that I noticed but I've had some complications this pregnancy that make current events not completely shocking.

My sleep issue is that I'm a sleepwalker, so I'm sleepwalking while seizing. All 3 of my children sleepwalk, none have ever had a seizure.

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Glad that you have a dx and a treatment plan.  Wishing and praying for the best possible outcome for you. ❤️ 

One of the original uses of the keto diet was to treat seizures in children. You might want to ask your neuro if there's any indication/research that shows if that could be helpful in adults. 

Edited by umsami
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16 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

I consider it a good neuro appointment if you actually got answers! We've been living this for 23 years also--with dd. So do they start meds before you have baby?

Yes, right away. To my understanding the meds are just to prevent a grand mal, which I've never had. A better safe than sorry kind of thing.

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