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PSA: ACT Covid19 update (July 18 ACT test center cancellations)

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From their Facebook post 6 hours ago

“In this time of uncertainty, it is clear that students need flexibility.

As CDC and local guidelines allow, we will offer flexible summer scheduling and test-at-home options beginning in late fall or early winter 2020. 

Here's an overview of opportunities to take the ACT for the rest of the year: 

- ACT National Test Dates: June 13 (make up date available June 20), July 18 (make up date available July 25), September 12, October 24, December 12

- ACT On-Campus Testing: Available at participating colleges and universities

- ACT Section Retesting: Available starting in September 2020

- ACT State and District Testing: Students who are testing as part of a state or district testing program should reach out to their school for the status of their testing

- ACT Test-At-Home Options: Available late fall/early winter 2020

Here is more information: https://bit.ly/3anf0jQ”


COVID update webpage https://www.act.org/content/act/en/covid-19.html


cancellations link http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act/test-day/rescheduled-test-centers.html

Edited by Arcadia
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Just generally, I do not want my kids to be the guinea pigs for either the new ACT or SAT. 

The new ACT on campus seems like its goal is going to be merit  aid? But what a crock. The logistics are completely weird. Like, you're accepted and you go hoping you score well enough to get aid? Or, you get in and you travel to several schools taking the test each time hoping you get aid? Or it's for placement? Um, most schools aren't using it for placement. That's just weird. Or it's for admissions and to attend a school, you have to travel all over the country taking the ACT over and over. Oh, that's great for isolating and fighting the virus! And super great for equitability! Not.

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4 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Just generally, I do not want my kids to be the guinea pigs for either the new ACT or SAT. 

The new ACT on campus seems like its goal is going to be merit  aid? But what a crock. The logistics are completely weird. Like, you're accepted and you go hoping you score well enough to get aid? Or, you get in and you travel to several schools taking the test each time hoping you get aid? Or it's for placement? Um, most schools aren't using it for placement. That's just weird. Or it's for admissions and to attend a school, you have to travel all over the country taking the ACT over and over. Oh, that's great for isolating and fighting the virus! And super great for equitability! Not.

If universities were going to take this approach, why not just offer their own exam? Bizarre.

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My dd is rescheduled for the June date.  She is finishing her 11th grade year and this will be her first time testing.  She does not plan to take the SAT.  How much trouble are we in if it gets cancelled or we choose not to risk it?  Will this start to be a problem for applying to schools if we have to wait it out for the test at home option?  I am not up on the timelines for any of this as this is our first time through college applications and other things in our family life got seriously derailed even before the pandemic. 

I am losing confidence that they know what is going on or are adequately keeping people informed.  I know from unrelated sources that the test location dd is scheduled for is not scheduled to re-open before the test date.  Surely they know this?  Why have we not been informed?

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41 minutes ago, Farrar said:

Just generally, I do not want my kids to be the guinea pigs for either the new ACT or SAT. 

The new ACT on campus seems like its goal is going to be merit  aid? But what a crock. The logistics are completely weird. Like, you're accepted and you go hoping you score well enough to get aid? Or, you get in and you travel to several schools taking the test each time hoping you get aid? Or it's for placement? Um, most schools aren't using it for placement. That's just weird. Or it's for admissions and to attend a school, you have to travel all over the country taking the ACT over and over. Oh, that's great for isolating and fighting the virus! And super great for equitability! Not.

I know the State University in our area offers what they call a "residual ACT" for scholarship eligibility for kids who have not taken the ACT already. Maybe this is an expansion of that practice? 

This is not a selective school.

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25 minutes ago, skimomma said:


I am losing confidence that they know what is going on or are adequately keeping people informed.  I know from unrelated sources that the test location dd is scheduled for is not scheduled to re-open before the test date.  Surely they know this?  Why have we not been informed?

ACT definitely knows this if they plan for fall/winter ACT to be “test at home”.  CollegeBoard has cancelled the June SAT and started refunding. ACT is just hoping for the best that shelter in place is eased and the June test can still proceed.

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1 hour ago, Bronze said:

I know the State University in our area offers what they call a "residual ACT" for scholarship eligibility for kids who have not taken the ACT already. Maybe this is an expansion of that practice? 

This is not a selective school.

I think that's what they're going for? But I can't quite imagine it taking off widespread. I mean, if you can take an exam and hope for a small boost of a scholarship, then that's one thing. But if you're looking at a substantial merit aid award, students generally need to know that before they commit.

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13 minutes ago, Farrar said:

I think that's what they're going for? But I can't quite imagine it taking off widespread. I mean, if you can take an exam and hope for a small boost of a scholarship, then that's one thing. But if you're looking at a substantial merit aid award, students generally need to know that before they commit.

It may be primarily used in areas like ours--the ACT has historically been the standard in the center of the country, where colleges are generally few and far between and most students aren't applying to lots of different schools. I'd estimate that 90+% of college bound seniors locally only apply to the local state college and maybe one or two others in-state, all with relatively low tuition and high admission rates. There are at least two state universities that are essentially open enrollment, in addition to a handful of two year colleges.

With these schools I'm not even sure that commitment is a big deal--they have rolling admissions up until 60 days before the semester start date.

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2 minutes ago, Bronze said:

It may be primarily used in areas like ours--the ACT has historically been the standard in the center of the country, where colleges are generally few and far between and most students aren't applying to lots of different schools. I'd estimate that 90+% of college bound seniors locally only apply to the local state college and maybe one or two others in-state, all with relatively low tuition and high admission rates. There are at least two state universities that are essentially open enrollment, in addition to a handful of two year colleges.

With these schools I'm not even sure that commitment is a big deal--they have rolling admissions up until 60 days before the semester start date.

Yes. That makes sense. But that would be such a different purpose than it's used for now... I mean, it would relegate it to one of it's smaller purposes - small merit awards at regional, mostly non-competitive colleges. I'm sure they're hoping for more.

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9 hours ago, Farrar said:

Or it's for placement? Um, most schools aren't using it for placement. 

My area is like @Bronze reported. I have a DD who is a junior, hasn't taken the ACT yet & is rescheduled for June. She is hoping for one college's top merit award. It is the only college she plans to apply to. They also use it to determine Freshmen English & math placement. Remedial, regular, or skip one class (which could mean requiring only one math class instead of two or three).

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13 hours ago, RootAnn said:

My area is like @Bronze reported. I have a DD who is a junior, hasn't taken the ACT yet & is rescheduled for June. She is hoping for one college's top merit award. It is the only college she plans to apply to. They also use it to determine Freshmen English & math placement. Remedial, regular, or skip one class (which could mean requiring only one math class instead of two or three).


When do you start getting concerned that time is getting too short, should June be canceled?

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For my kid, she can theoretically take any of the ACTs through probably December (but we don't want her to take it on the computer - so hopefully she can take it before September). But, you'll need to look at the dates for the colleges your kid is applying to. Some colleges are waiving test scores. Others will have a "last date" for getting those test scores in. 

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I kind of wonder if ACT is throwing all thus out there to as an attempt to still get some revenue. If a lot of schools waive test scores, there are certainly some kids who won't take the ACT this fall. Each kid they can convince to take it  (the test-at-college or the new just-one-section), that's a bit more $$ for them. They are already looking at hundreds of thousands  (or millions) of lost revenue in cancelled tests.

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25 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

For my kid, she can theoretically take any of the ACTs through probably December (but we don't want her to take it on the computer - so hopefully she can take it before September). But, you'll need to look at the dates for the colleges your kid is applying to. Some colleges are waiving test scores. Others will have a "last date" for getting those test scores in. 


With everything unknown, not being able to visit colleges, not knowing what college will look like going forward, and having lost most of our income, we have no idea what schools dd might apply to.  I guess testing will be part of the puzzle.  If we cannot get a safe testing scenario without doing some sort of computerized version, perhaps that will be a selection criteria for what schools are still on the table.  The scarier this gets, the more likely she will either take a gap year or just attend one of our local schools.  I am guessing many people are starting to have the same thoughts.

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1 minute ago, skimomma said:

The scarier this gets, the more likely she will either take a gap year or just attend one of our local schools.  I am guessing many people are starting to have the same thoughts.

I agree. I have seen more people consider gap years than ever before. I don't know of anyone personally that has changed their mind on where to attend in the fall, but it surely many are deciding on closer colleges and/or cheaper colleges. 

The local 4-yr my junior is applying to will likely have record attendance in this fall because 1) it is relatively inexpensive, 2) they do a lot of classes online, and 3) they are closer than another similar non-expensive option that many normally would attend instead.

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7 hours ago, easypeasy said:

Waaaait. I missed this. The ACT is moving to the computer-based test after September??!

Well, crap. 😕

I think there will still be paper-based exams in most locations.



Edited by RootAnn
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8 hours ago, easypeasy said:

Waaaait. I missed this. The ACT is moving to the computer-based test after September??!

Well, crap. 😕


1 hour ago, RootAnn said:

I think there will still be paper-based exams in most locations.

The at home online ACT is a just in case schools do not reopen this fall.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From their webpage 

“ACT is closely working with test site administrators and monitoring guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), state government, and local public health guidelines. We are preparing to support test centers who are cleared to administer the ACT on June 13, 2020.

During the week of May 26, we will notify students and announce all test center closures and cancelations for the June 13 test date. However, as ACT and other agencies navigate ongoing developments, testing at any test center is subject to change at any time between now and June 13, 2020.

You may receive a notification from your school about the status of testing. Please note you will also receive an official notification from ACT with important instructions and next steps.

We encourage you to check back for the latest updates and resources or view the Frequently Asked Questions below.

If at any time you prefer to move your ACT registration to the July 18, 2020 ACT national test, you may change your registration, without a change fee, by signing into your account.


Beginning May 26, 2020 ACT will communicate the status of test centers for the June test date.

Examinees who are registered at a test center that is unable to test on June 13, but able to test on the June 20 makeup date, will receive direct communication from ACT (either via email to their web account, or a physical letter will be sent) announcing this change.

My school is closed for the year. Will I still be able to test? 

Schools that serve as test centers still have the option of administering the June test, even if they are closed for the regular school year. We are working closely with test centers right now and will be communicating beginning May 26, 2020 the status of test centers for the June test date.”

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My ds is registered for the June test at the local high school and the July test at the local college just hoping one of them happens. He is so super disappointed about not getting to take the test. He did a really intense prep class and was ready to nail it in April. His class is starting back up a crash course for the June test. He worked so hard and was so excited about his shot at a high score and scholarship at the school he wants to go to. He is going to be really disappointed if neither of these happen even though I keep warning him they might get cancelled.

I really don't have the stamina to be sympathetic to him. I'm worn out of sympathy! 

I was holding out hope that maybe it could happen and it would be one normal thing this summer that didn't get ruined. We are in a state that is opening and there are things happening this summer so maybe...but with schools closed and people here not very academically inclined I'm not sure the high school that is a test center will care enough to make it happen. The July test at the college I can see being cancelled because colleges, I think, want to shut everything down all summer so they can open in the fall without having had any incidents. An outbreak tied to the ACT on campus would be a bad look. :(

Things are opening here and there will probably be some kind of sports happening and church activities for sure. But I'm not sure anyone much cares about the ACT like they do sports. Grr.

I do think this is something that could be done with a little thought and planning. You could spread kids out, etc. Not saying it is zero risk but there are plenty of equal or higher risk things happening around here. 

Okay...I added nothing to the conversation except my Covid grumpiness. This has not been one of my better days. :sad:

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23 minutes ago, teachermom2834 said:

The July test at the college I can see being cancelled because colleges, I think, want to shut everything down all summer so they can open in the fall without having had any incidents. An outbreak tied to the ACT on campus would be a bad look. 😞

I think the college would have an easier time hosting ACT with social distancing. Here high schools host a lot of candidates for ACT and SAT (more than 10 classrooms plus their auditorium) but colleges do not host that many, maybe two lab rooms full. It is so much easier to spread out 40 students to many lab rooms in a college building than to spread out more than 200 students in a high school campus. 

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Add me to the grumpy list.  We were hoping for a one and done in April.  Dd's test center is a university.  It is the only test center within 100 miles so they service everyone.  But I also work for that university and already know they will not open for the June date and likely not the July date either.  Now I am really kicking myself for not having dd take it sooner.  She also did not take the SAT because the local schools do not allow homeschooled students.  Dd is not sure what her college plans are and may not go or may take a gap year.  But the one school she is most likely to apply to is not test-optional....at least not yet anyway.

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1 hour ago, skimomma said:

 But the one school she is most likely to apply to is not test-optional....at least not yet anyway.

Many are waiving SAT and ACT for the current juniors and seniors. My guess is SAT and ACT would go online if testing centers can't accommodate for Fall.

"Preparing for the ACT® Test Taken Online State Testing | District Testing"


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10 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

Many are waiving SAT and ACT for the current juniors and seniors. My guess is SAT and ACT would go online if testing centers can't accommodate for Fall.

"Preparing for the ACT® Test Taken Online State Testing | District Testing"


That's why I think "not yet."  I assume they will have to do something.....  We already opted out of the AP exams this year given all of the turmoil.  Strange times!

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  • 2 weeks later...


Today's update:


Beginning May 26, 2020 ACT will communicate the status of test centers for the June test date.

Examinees who are registered at a test center that is unable to test on June 13, but able to test on the June 20 makeup date, will receive direct communication from ACT (either via email to their web account, or a physical letter will be sent) announcing this change.

Questions about test day.


Yes, ACT will be following CDC-recommended guidelines for social distancing at our test centers for June and July. 

Yes, but no personal protective equipment (PPE) will be provided by the test center. Examinees are encouraged to bring their own mask, personal hand sanitizer, and other PPE.

Examinees will be asked to temporarily remove masks for inspection and full facial confirmation as part of test security protocols at check-in.

Gloves and hand sanitizer are acceptable to have on test day and in the testing room. Gloves, and other PPE are subject to inspection.

If you don’t feel well, please stay home!

If you did not test, then on the Monday after test day you can go into your web account and make a test date change at no fee.

If you are unable to make the change through your account, please contact ACT.




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Our June test has not been cancelled yet but a large school system an hour up the road cancelled all theirs. Students there were able to move their registrations to private schools and neighboring districts that  hadn't cancelled yet. 

I am glad that it doesn't look like they will require a mask (and I don't think they should once they are spread out in a classroom though I could see it while getting situated). That would be very distracting and uncomfortable.

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I know there is the concept of "honor" and honesty, but there is also "cheating" or even hire someone to take the ACT if it is taken at home. I know people who would hire someone to write their dc s college application essays even though those dc achieved a thirty four ACT score honestly on their own. They do this to be sure they are competitive against other applicants. So what's in place to prevent cheating when ACT is take at home? 

Ds just finished his junior year. Luckily he took his ACT last October and scored very high. 

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1 minute ago, JadeOrchidSong said:

I know there is the concept of "honor" and honesty, but there is also "cheating" or even hire someone to take the ACT if it is taken at home.

. So what's in place to prevent cheating when ACT is take at home? 

The at home option is proctored which probably means webcam is on. They can ask the kid to take a selfie and they compare with the photo on the student ID, DMV ID, passport and get teachers to verify for school students. 

Even when taking in schools, it’s not hard for close age siblings to take for one another. My DS14’s passport just expired so basically he did not look much like his passport photo when he took the AP exams last year. The proctor have known him since DS14 was in 6th grade but it would be hard for strangers to tell from a photo of a 9 year old. DS15’s face changes a lot more in five years so the proctors have a fun time looking at baby face photos on passports that are going to expire soon.

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On 5/14/2020 at 1:06 PM, skimomma said:

Add me to the grumpy list.  We were hoping for a one and done in April.  Dd's test center is a university.  It is the only test center within 100 miles so they service everyone.  But I also work for that university and already know they will not open for the June date and likely not the July date either.  Now I am really kicking myself for not having dd take it sooner.  She also did not take the SAT because the local schools do not allow homeschooled students.  Dd is not sure what her college plans are and may not go or may take a gap year.  But the one school she is most likely to apply to is not test-optional....at least not yet anyway.

How can the school block homeschoolers when the registration is online through the college board?  I have only heard of PSAT issues because only schools order those exams.

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I am glad I found this discussion. I really needed to know that there a cohort of homeschooling moms stressing about this and I am not alone. My junior DD was well prepared for April test and has been able to get back in preparation mode again but I wish ACT would make these decisions earlier. The school system that we will test in had listed on their website that there will be no ACT testing in June weeks ago but ACT has not contacted us.  It is tough for us to get the test prep drive going without knowing if the test will happen. At least The SAT subject test clarity from SAT was helpful (no tests all summer) and we don't have to keep prepping for those all summer. I wish ACT could be more responsible. Hugs to all the kids in this tough situation. 


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4 minutes ago, Arcadia said:

The school test date which is on a weekday. https://pages.collegeboard.org/sat/school-day/educators

Anyone can sit for the Saturday test date. 

Ahhh...that makes more sense.  I guess I always assumed that schools administer tests that I don’t expect to attend and even if they choose the SAT instead of a state designed test, that is their business.  I always assumed everyone just goes online to the National dates.  I would never have said that states that didn’t use SAT for everyone or private school students were excluded from testing since online is available.  PSAT is different because of National Merit and I really wish college board would acknowledge that and offer open registration for that as well.

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5 minutes ago, Mom2mthj said:

Ahhh...that makes more sense.  I guess I always assumed that schools administer tests that I don’t expect to attend and even if they choose the SAT instead of a state designed test, that is their business.  I always assumed everyone just goes online to the National dates.  I would never have said that states that didn’t use SAT for everyone or private school students were excluded from testing since online is available.  PSAT is different because of National Merit and I really wish college board would acknowledge that and offer open registration for that as well.

Our local schools are not a test site for Saturday.  They only offer mid-week and do not allow homeschoolers.  We are geographically isolated so would have to travel 2 hours to get to a site that has Saturday testing.

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2 hours ago, skimomma said:

Our local schools are not a test site for Saturday.  They only offer mid-week and do not allow homeschoolers.  We are geographically isolated so would have to travel 2 hours to get to a site that has Saturday testing.

I understand, however, before you posted it had really never crossed my mind that national test sites would be that far apart.  That really stinks.  One more reason that I don’t like the college board...

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3 minutes ago, Mom2mthj said:

I understand, however, before you posted it had really never crossed my mind that national test sites would be that far apart.  That really stinks.  One more reason that I don’t like the college board...

It is the same for AP tests.  Local schools (there is only one that offers AP) won't allow homeschoolers and two hours to the next school that will allow homeschoolers....but only for the handful of tests they are already giving.  We don't do AP anymore.  Too stressful and expensive to travel.  I am 100% done with the College Board which is why we NEED the ACT to go at some point soon.  

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Just got notified our June test is canceled. Ds is so frustrated. 

This would not be as frustrating if everything else here wasn't opening. Sports teams are back to practicing at the school (in groups up to 50 I think) for crying out loud. 

So thankful he got a decent score in 10th. He could be in a much worse position than he is. But he has worked really hard (and we paid for an expensive prep class). He will still be able to go to his chosen school but he really wanted to be in the mix for the bigger scholarships and hit the score for the biggest automatic scholarship. Hopefully he will still get a chance, and surely everyone in his class is dealing with similar challenges. And who knows what automatic scholarships will even look like next year? But the plan was to go hard and get his top score in April and move on and now it is just getting dragged out indefinitely even though he bought in and did his part. Oh well...this isn't going to matter years from now unlike some of the other bad outcomes of this deal. 

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Posted byACT on Facebook 

“Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. 

All students registered for the June ACT test will receive an email today with the following info: 

- Your test center's availability for June 13
- Options for rescheduling
- Refund instructions

📅 For those who wish to reschedule:

Please reference your email to see your testing status & instructions on how to reschedule. Most should be able to reschedule through their student web account. If you do not see this option, please contact us for assistance.

💳 For those who wish to receive a refund:

No problem. Reach out to our Customer Care team, and we'll help you complete your refund.

Wait times may be longer than normal as we help students and families. We thank you in advance for your patience.

There were instances in which test centers had to reduce their capacity, and it caused some students to be displaced.

ACT prioritized students in 12th grade, followed by students in 11th grade, and then looked at the order in which a student registered for the ACT test.

🔔 We will continue to coordinate with test site administrators and CDC, state government, and local public health guidelines to determine availability up until test day.

If your testing status changes, you will receive an email from ACT with the update and instructions.”

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Yes, I just got the email and our test center is closed. CRAP! DS is applying to military academies. He really needs to raise one of his subscores and probably won't have time because all the nomination info needs to be in by August. We might try the July test, hope it goes, and hope the results will be available in time. 

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Yep, just got the email here, too. $^@(^&# DD was planning on one-and-done in April. We'll regroup & decide on if we're going to try for July or just wait until fall. She needs a score for placement & admission at a minimum & scholarship at the best. Her one college choice is not waiving ACT scores.

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24 minutes ago, RootAnn said:

I'd love to see a list of test centers that are still available. As far as I can tell, all of them in my state (and surrounding state areas) are cancelled.

ACT didn’t publish a list of available test centers during natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina so I doubt they will publish a list for this pandemic. 

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Anyone know what happens if you don't reschedule for July?  Do I need to call for a refund or wait until "late July" to schedule for fall sometime?  We do not have a July test center within a four hour drive of our house so dd really can't take it until they do whatever they are going to do in fall.  I can't tell from the email or website what exactly I am supposed to do if we are in the "Plan to test on a future test date" bucket.  It seems like I can just wait and reschedule without refunding and starting all over again but I want to be sure.  We are as financially destroyed as many other people and I really cannot afford to lose the money.

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