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Job Interviews


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Well, I am shocked.  I sent out 3 resumes last week and got 3 responses.  One interview I had to turn down due to the limited time they were offering the interview.  I couldn't make it.

The 2nd I interviewed was yesterday.  Man I hate interviews.  I talk a mile a minute when I am nervous and always worry I am not getting everything in because I talk faster than I can think sometimes.  

But apparently I got word that they are contacting my references today!  That is a good sign, right?

And the 3rd school I interviewed with by phone today.  They have asked for a 2nd interview, in person, for Tuesday morning.  

Here's hoping I get something out of this.  If the school I interviewed with yesterday offers me a job, I will take it.  It is 4.5 miles from my house!  I currently travel 23 miles each way.

Edited by DawnM
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I hope you get an offer out of it.

I'm still in the interview process for a job that I applied for several months ago. 

I've had a phone screen interview, two one-hour web interviews, and a skills test. I have another one-hour interview scheduled next week. I really hope they make a decision after this next interview. And I hope they choose me.

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42 minutes ago, AngieW in Texas said:

I hope you get an offer out of it.

I'm still in the interview process for a job that I applied for several months ago. 

I've had a phone screen interview, two one-hour web interviews, and a skills test. I have another one-hour interview scheduled next week. I really hope they make a decision after this next interview. And I hope they choose me.


I hope you get the job, Angie!!! 

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8 hours ago, AngieW in Texas said:

I hope you get an offer out of it.

I'm still in the interview process for a job that I applied for several months ago. 

I've had a phone screen interview, two one-hour web interviews, and a skills test. I have another one-hour interview scheduled next week. I really hope they make a decision after this next interview. And I hope they choose me.


I hope they choose you too.  

My husband's job is like that, it takes months and months to actually GET a job.  It is so stressful.

My job is not like that, although this time around, the hiring practices have definitely been different than. before, "Come at 2pm on Wed.   Oh, can't come at our designated time, that's ok, we have someone else who is willing to make it work, so we don't need you anymore."  And that is that.


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On 11/9/2019 at 6:56 AM, DawnM said:


I hope they choose you too.  

My husband's job is like that, it takes months and months to actually GET a job.  It is so stressful.

My job is not like that, although this time around, the hiring practices have definitely been different than. before, "Come at 2pm on Wed.   Oh, can't come at our designated time, that's ok, we have someone else who is willing to make it work, so we don't need you anymore."  And that is that.


That happened to me last year. I had an interview scheduled where I was given the date and time.  Snow was expected that day.  I was nervous about accepting that date, but she said it wouldn’t be a problem to reschedule if the weather was actually bad.  The weather was bad, multiple accidents, highway eventually closed down when I would have been out and about for the interview. So I canceled and then was told it wouldn’t be rescheduled because they went ahead and hired the person they first interviewed.  

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7 hours ago, school17777 said:

That happened to me last year. I had an interview scheduled where I was given the date and time.  Snow was expected that day.  I was nervous about accepting that date, but she said it wouldn’t be a problem to reschedule if the weather was actually bad.  The weather was bad, multiple accidents, highway eventually closed down when I would have been out and about for the interview. So I canceled and then was told it wouldn’t be rescheduled because they went ahead and hired the person they first interviewed.  



I will have to miss part of work tomorrow for the follow up interview I have scheduled for Tue am.  But I seriously don't know what else to do.  

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5 minutes ago, DawnM said:



I will have to miss part of work tomorrow for the follow up interview I have scheduled for Tue am.  But I seriously don't know what else to do.  

You are doing what you have to do.  I am assuming if you are looking for a new position at this point in the year, that you are interested in leaving your current position.  If the follow-up interview is for the job close to your house so you won’t have a commute, I understand that!

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1 minute ago, school17777 said:

You are doing what you have to do.  I am assuming if you are looking for a new position at this point in the year, that you are interested in leaving your current position.  If the follow-up interview is for the job close to your house so you won’t have a commute, I understand that!


It is much closer, pays more, and will get me perks I don't currently have.  I have 500 students currently, the new job is 325.   There are also some leadership issues I can't wait to get away from.  I know it exists everywhere, but I have worked in public education over 20 years now and haven't ever had it this bad.  I would say more, but I know this board is public.

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21 hours ago, school17777 said:

That happened to me last year. I had an interview scheduled where I was given the date and time.  Snow was expected that day.  I was nervous about accepting that date, but she said it wouldn’t be a problem to reschedule if the weather was actually bad.  The weather was bad, multiple accidents, highway eventually closed down when I would have been out and about for the interview. So I canceled and then was told it wouldn’t be rescheduled because they went ahead and hired the person they first interviewed.  

And guess what? We are having severe weather. It is currently raining and it is 34 degrees, but it is expected to get down to 26 tonight and not get above 32 until about 10am. If we do a 2-hour late start, I will not be able to do my interview at the scheduled time because I will still be in class until 5 minutes after it starts. I emailed them tonight to let them know that there is a possibility that I might have to start 10 minutes late (web interview, so I don't have to actually arrive anywhere).

My district hasn't called for a 2-hour delay yet. They also haven't issued a policy statement saying when they will make that call. The other local districts haven't made a decision yet, but they have all stated a time that they will do so.

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58 minutes ago, AngieW in Texas said:

And guess what? We are having severe weather. It is currently raining and it is 34 degrees, but it is expected to get down to 26 tonight and not get above 32 until about 10am. If we do a 2-hour late start, I will not be able to do my interview at the scheduled time because I will still be in class until 5 minutes after it starts. I emailed them tonight to let them know that there is a possibility that I might have to start 10 minutes late (web interview, so I don't have to actually arrive anywhere).

My district hasn't called for a 2-hour delay yet. They also haven't issued a policy statement saying when they will make that call. The other local districts haven't made a decision yet, but they have all stated a time that they will do so.

Very stressful!  I hope everything works in your favor.

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Ok, so, interview today was going along swimmingly until the Assistant Principal came in about half way through and was a bit of a wet blanket.  She made me feel like nothing I did was right, nothing I said was what she wanted to hear, etc....

BUT, I do think today's school (I will call it school #2) was not my first choice.  It is further, in a bad traffic route, and just didn't give me the same "you belong here" vibe.  That said, I would still take it if offered and it is my only offer.

School #1 called one of my references today and told them they were "blown away" by my interview.  I assume that means they will be making an offer.  And I hope I didn't give them false pretenses that I am better than I am.  😜  And school #1 is my first choice.  I could definitely see myself working there.  

Keep your fingers crossed, prayers coming, whatever juju you got!

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I hope school #1 works out for you. The competition for school positions is not as fierce once the school year has started, so your odds are good.

My interview got rescheduled to start 15 minutes later to work around the 2-hour delay bell schedule, so it was all good. I have no idea if there are still more interviews to come or if that was the last stage.

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They called your references and raved about you and then didn't offer you the job? Not cool! 

I've had a few places that wanted me to list references with full contact information on the first application, and you have no idea if/when they are going to call them. I hate that so much. You should be checking references as a double-check once you've decided to hire someone, imo, or at least when you are pretty far along in the process. My recent references are all individual clients, not a boss or company, so I'm extra sensitive to them getting annoyed by too many calls. 

That sucks hard. I'm really sorry. Job hunting is emotionally traumatic, lol. 

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1 hour ago, DawnM said:

School #1 called today.  I did NOT get it.  I am in shock.  Everything pointed to an offer.  I really wanted it. 



I'm sorry. I've had interviews I thought were great and didn't get the job. I know in one case I was down to one of two final candidates. They eliminated someone in each round of interviews and it was just the two of us, and they went with her. It was frustrating to come so close, but it made me feel like it is possible that I can interview well if I made it that far. I have terrible confidence when it comes to interviewing. 😞

So #2 is still on the table? The interview for the job I have now felt like the one you described. I thought they hated me, but I got the job. I wasn't sure I wanted the job, but I took it of course, and it turned out to be exactly what I needed. Sometimes it is just too hard to read people during an interview, they have great poker faces or something. 

Good luck!



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5 minutes ago, OH_Homeschooler said:


I'm sorry. I've had interviews I thought were great and didn't get the job. I know in one case I was down to one of two final candidates. They eliminated someone in each round of interviews and it was just the two of us, and they went with her. It was frustrating to come so close, but it made me feel like it is possible that I can interview well if I made it that far. I have terrible confidence when it comes to interviewing. 😞

So #2 is still on the table? The interview for the job I have now felt like the one you described. I thought they hated me, but I got the job. I wasn't sure I wanted the job, but I took it of course, and it turned out to be exactly what I needed. Sometimes it is just too hard to read people during an interview, they have great poker faces or something. 

Good luck!




I was 2nd.  I have no idea why.  It could be that the other person spoke the predominant language of the community.  It could be they wanted a male.  I just have no way of knowing.

The principal told my friend (one of my references) that they were so impressed with me and that I "blew them away" with my answers.  

Not sure I could  have done better than that.  

#2 I honestly am not expecting anything.  I got a bit flustered when the admin was so rude to me.

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33 minutes ago, DawnM said:

#2 I honestly am not expecting anything.  I got a bit flustered when the admin was so rude to me.

A very long time ago, I had a group interview where one higher-up person joined in halfway through and was very rude and confrontational with me, so much so that some of the other people actually cringed and looked embarrassed, lol. After, one of them walked out with me and kind of apologized, 'don't worry about it, you were great.' But I didn't get it. It was so disappointing, because with everyone else I just clicked and we were having a great conversation and were on the same page for so many things! It was the best and easiest group interview I ever had until she showed up, lol. 

It was so noticeable that I spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out if we somehow knew each other in the past, like maybe I pushed her on the playground or stole her boyfriend in high school. But I had just moved to that state and, based on her accent, she had always lived there, so it remained forever a mystery. 

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1 hour ago, katilac said:

A very long time ago, I had a group interview where one higher-up person joined in halfway through and was very rude and confrontational with me, so much so that some of the other people actually cringed and looked embarrassed, lol. After, one of them walked out with me and kind of apologized, 'don't worry about it, you were great.' But I didn't get it. It was so disappointing, because with everyone else I just clicked and we were having a great conversation and were on the same page for so many things! It was the best and easiest group interview I ever had until she showed up, lol. 

It was so noticeable that I spent a fair amount of time trying to figure out if we somehow knew each other in the past, like maybe I pushed her on the playground or stole her boyfriend in high school. But I had just moved to that state and, based on her accent, she had always lived there, so it remained forever a mystery. 


You may have reminded her of her sister, who she hated.  YOu just never know.

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There is always the possibility that you will still be able to get it. I came in 2nd for my first teaching position. They called and told me that I had come in 2nd and they would keep me in mind. One week later, they called and offered me the job. The other person had initially accepted and then turned it down when it came time to sign the contract.

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56 minutes ago, AngieW in Texas said:

There is always the possibility that you will still be able to get it. I came in 2nd for my first teaching position. They called and told me that I had come in 2nd and they would keep me in mind. One week later, they called and offered me the job. The other person had initially accepted and then turned it down when it came time to sign the contract.


Interesting that you would mention this.   That thought crossed my mind.  A little while after she called to tell me I didn't get it, I emailed her and thanked her for letting me know and somewhere in there mentioned that I was still very interested and if anything changed to please let me know.

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