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Rachel Held Evans has died


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I am absolutely devastated.  She was only 37.  Had the flu, an allergic reaction to antibiotics, seizures, was put into a coma but had brain swelling.  She had two very young children.  She was such a voice for justice and faith, and I related to her so much.  

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I was so sad reading the updates that got posted. I am praying for God's comfort for her family and friends. Especially her husband and sweet babies.

Since we're about the same age it is hard not to imagine my own kids/husband being put through something like this. Life is so fragile. It's also strange because RHE is the second healthy young woman that I've followed or read on Twitter to die from complications of the flu in the past six months or so (the other was Bre Payton).

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How sad. I remember reading her book (the one where she did the biblical womanhood thing for a year? I can't recall the exact title) and thinking how refreshing it was to read something religious that wasn't full of legalism and judgement. The world needs people like her and it will be that much worse off without her.

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I've been following her progress and was really saddened to hear of her death.  I heard her speak at a church conference last year.   She had a refreshing point of view and was truly about love and not judgment.  I think a lot of people who didn't feel welcome within the Christian community elsewhere connected with her.  I think there will be a gap without her.  I hope someone else can help fill it up.  It's a real tragedy.

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