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Am I sick or just feeling blah?


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I feel like I’m fighting a stomach bug. Nauseated, exhausted, a little achy and shivery.  Stomach hurts a little.  Haven’t actually vomited or had diarrhea but don’t want to get more than a few feet from the bathroom.  No appetite.  Trying to decide if I am actually sick or fighting off illness and should stay in bed, which is really what appeals, or if I should try to push on and get stuff done.  

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2 minutes ago, Terabith said:

I feel like I’m fighting a stomach bug. Nauseated, exhausted, a little achy and shivery.  Stomach hurts a little.  Haven’t actually vomited or had diarrhea but don’t want to get more than a few feet from the bathroom.  No appetite.  Trying to decide if I am actually sick or fighting off illness and should stay in bed, which is really what appeals, or if I should try to push on and get stuff done.  

I vote stay in bed and let your body rest.  

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Well, I have started coughing and have a low grade temp (100.1), so I’m guessing minor bug rather than allergies or something I ate.  Sorta settles the “should I go to Holy Week church” question.  Blah.  I don’t feel terrible.  Just don’t feel great.  Tired and don’t want to spread it.  

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Ugh.  Still queasy, lots of coughing, bad headache, body aches, belly pain.  My eyes and hair hurt.  I’m exhausted and having chills and a low grade fever.  I feel dreadful.  Now the question is do I try to go to the dr or urgent care?  I know I can’t go to Good Friday services, but hoping I will be well enough for Saturday night Vigil.  

Edit:  It’s super annoying to feel awful and be exhausted but be unable to sleep.  

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Went to doctor.  Flu test was negative but he said it’s presenting exactly like all the cases he’s seeing that he would swear are flu but are testing negative.  Told me to go to bed and stay there for a few days.  Gave me zofran for nausea and said to take cough syrup and ibuprofen.   Sigh.  

On the plus side, this is the first time I’ve been sick since I got my vitamin D into normal range.  I avoided sickness when all the kids at school were sick and when my whole family was sick twice.  So...small mercies.  Hopefully I will feel better by Easter, but he said not to count on it.  

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2 hours ago, Terabith said:

Went to doctor.  Flu test was negative but he said it’s presenting exactly like all the cases he’s seeing that he would swear are flu but are testing negative.  Told me to go to bed and stay there for a few days.  Gave me zofran for nausea and said to take cough syrup and ibuprofen.   Sigh.  

On the plus side, this is the first time I’ve been sick since I got my vitamin D into normal range.  I avoided sickness when all the kids at school were sick and when my whole family was sick twice.  So...small mercies.  Hopefully I will feel better by Easter, but he said not to count on it.  

There is a gnarly strain of human metapneumovirus going around. My son was hospitalized with it for 5 days last week. They ran a viral panel after the flu test came back negative. It’s like a weaker cousin of RSV but it packed a hell of a punch. I’m currently a week into my own infection and just barely feeling better. 

You have my sympathies!

ETA: this is soooo contagious. I would very much recommend not trying to go to services this weekend, which I know is painful. We will be skipping tonight’s gathering and wear masks to Sunday’s. 

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7 minutes ago, Terabith said:

What are the symptoms of humanpneumovirus?  He didn’t mention it. Honestly, while disappointing, I don’t really feel remotely well enough for church or anywhere.  I’m trying to figure out if I have energy to follow a tv show.  

The hospitalist had to google it. It’s one of those respiratory viruses that is so common that no one knows it by name. I think this is just an extremely virulent strain. It usually falls under the banner of common childhood respiratory virus. Fever, deep wheezy chest congestion, flowing nasal drainage. What I noticed with my son was that the secretions he coughed up were incredibly sticky and thick. In myself, it has taken a lot of effort and some violent coughing fits to pull this junk up. 

ETA: ds did vomit a few times but that was associated with the coughing fits. Not sure if he had underlying nausea, as he is non-verbal and unable to tell us what he is feeling.

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Hmmm.  That doesn’t sound quite what I have.  I have a bad cough, but it’s mostly dry.  Sometimes productive.  I have a bad headache.  My skin and joints and eyeballs ache.  I go back and forth between shivering and hot.  Been running a low temp (-00-101).   I have no energy.  I’m nauseated and bloated, though that could be the fibroid.  Mostly annoying but as a whole pretty much just want to stay in bed.  

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Aww!  Sorry to hear you’re feeling bad. I hate when I have sickness like that.  If someone can get you some things like vitamin C or if you have Elderberry liquid, then take that stuff.  It helps your body to fight.  And keep up with the cough medicines or whatever you use to keep the congestion at bay.  I don’t use a suppressant except at night—in the day it’s all about the expectorant.

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1 hour ago, Terabith said:

What are the symptoms of humanpneumovirus? 


Hope you feel better soon.

“Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors

What Are the Symptoms of hMPV?

Patients with hMPV usually have no symptoms (asymptomatic) or mild symptoms similar to a cold (an upper respiratory tract infection). These include:

  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Cough 

Young children, the elderly and those with a weakened immune system may develop a more severe illness with hMPV. These include: 

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Slept better last night but still woke up feeling sick,achy, and groggy this morning.  Still coughing.  Drank some Gatorade and ate some toast and pretty much just feel like going back to bed.  It’s hard to tell what is laziness what’s genuinely hard.    

Also I am an idiot and a nap doesn’t make it morning.  Sheesh.  

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And now in addition to previous symptoms (nausea, headache, body aches/ hair/ skin hurting, coughing, fever, exhaustion), I have this weird welty rash all over my chest that hurts like crazy.  Really trying to avoid urgent care but I think I may need to go there in the morning.

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1 minute ago, Terabith said:

And now in addition to previous symptoms (nausea, headache, body aches/ hair/ skin hurting, coughing, fever, exhaustion), I have this weird welty rash all over my chest that hurts like crazy.  Really trying to avoid urgent care but I think I may need to go there in the morning.

Oh honey, I would go RIGHT NOW.

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Urgent care closes at 8, so if I have to go somewhere now, it would have to be ER.  And  I went to clinic today and saw, not my dr but a different one, who thought it was a "flu like illness," even though I tested negative for flu.  Welts hadn't appeared yet though.

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Napping has messed up my sleep schedule.  I couldn’t sleep so I got up, did some schoolwork, washed some dishes, took a shower, and now I feel way worse.  Shivery, bad headache.  It’s not that my joints hurt exactly but my skin feels sensitive and sore.  Rash hurts.  I think maybe I overdid it.  And maybe the smart thing would be to go back to doctor.  Blah.  

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Went to urgent care.  Rash is an immune response to virus.  She prescribed some cough medicine and told me to go to bed and stay there.  Drink lots of liquids.  That I really shouldn't go to church this weekend (sigh) and that I may not be well enough to teach on Monday, but I really do have to go Monday.  It's our last week of student teaching, and there are presentations and such.  She said even if I can't sleep to stay in bed and not get up and try to be productive, sigh.  

She initially thought it looked like a scarlet fever rash, but my strep test was negative.  She said she'd swear I have the flu, except the test is negative.  

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Is your rash hives? My DS14 has that many years ago and his pediatrician says it’s likely due to viral infection. Benadryl helps for DS14 if the hives are too itchy for comfort. For me, hives get painful and warm so ice cubes on the hives help besides taking Benadryl.

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They don’t look like hives to me or the doctor.  I tried Benadryl last night, but it didn’t do any good. They aren’t itchy but they hurt.  To be completely fair, though, everything hurts.  My skin, my muscles, my joints, my teeth and hair.  But rash seems to hurt more.  Mostly trying to figure out what makes me as comfortable as possible.  I’m exhausted but a little concerned napping would mess up my sleep schedule.  Reading makes my head hurt.  I should do chores but I’m so tired.  

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Pretty sure they don’t look or act like hives.  Not itchy.  Just painful.  And I doubt measles...fairly localized, no runny nose, no outbreak in our area, and I am immunized.  Doctor says they’re a reaction to a virus.  It happened once before with a flu like virus.  It’s just all miserable.  I’m tired of resting, but I don’t really have the energy to do anything.  Even watching tv or reading make my head ache more.  Hoping I can muster energy to do something else productive today.  I dunno.  

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I'm sorry you're so sick. My first time I had pneumonia (not what you have, mercy), I played some really stupid, insipid apps on my phone, things like Life (you know, the game with the money and paths and spinning) and Goat Simulator. I wasn't very good at Goat Simulator, but my ds picked it up and loved it. 

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Yeah, I have had pneumonia.  That was definitely worse.  Although the thought commonalities makes me wonder if it’s more closely related to pneumonia than flu.  

Just keep telling myself it’s the first time I’ve been sick in months, since I got my vitamin D out of the gutter.  

I’m just completely lethargic and everything hurts.  Head, eyes, skin, muscles, joints.  And the coughing makes my head want to explode.  

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13 hours ago, Terabith said:

Went to urgent care.  Rash is an immune response to virus.  She prescribed some cough medicine and told me to go to bed and stay there.  Drink lots of liquids.  That I really shouldn't go to church this weekend (sigh) and that I may not be well enough to teach on Monday, but I really do have to go Monday.  It's our last week of student teaching, and there are presentations and such.  She said even if I can't sleep to stay in bed and not get up and try to be productive, sigh.  

She initially thought it looked like a scarlet fever rash, but my strep test was negative.  She said she'd swear I have the flu, except the test is negative.  

I really think you could have the same virus that my son had ( 3 of us have gotten it). Both of sons got a rash with it. 

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10 minutes ago, Terabith said:

Sassenach, did anything help?

Not really. Ds16 added Zyrtec and thought maybe it helped a little. Ds18 already takes Zyrtec. I think this is mostly just one you have to ride out. Watch out for secondary infections. Ds 16 (the otherwise heathy kid) ended up with walking pneumonia. At the same time, the kid who was hospitalized (ds18) had no infection of any kind- just really nasty viral symptoms.


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The brunt of the virus takes about a week. The residual symptoms...we all still have them a week later, so I’m guessing several weeks. Ds just got off oxygen yesterday, 2 weeks post onset. But again, he’s a special case. 

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Ugh!  Not good!  I have to go to work Monday, do a presentation on Tuesday, and travel for an out of town concert I’ve been looking forward to for a long time Tuesday night.  But if I feel this bad, not sure how I am going to manage any of that.  

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I went ahead and called in sick for tomorrow.  There’s just absolutely no way I can teach.  I told the person in charge of presentations on Tuesday that I am sick.  Will see how I am tomorrow afternoon.  Right now I don’t see any way to make it to the concert Tuesday night.  I was looking forward to it, but right now I feel so bad I just don’t care.  

My youngest has it too.  

I can’t decide if I’m more afraid this bug is going to kill me or that it won’t and I will feel this bad forever.  

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