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Rear-ended...neck/back issues, what worked for you?


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Today, my daughter and I were rear-ended at a traffic light.  Car is still drivable, thankfully.  

Almost immediately, my neck was sore--and I assumed it would go away.  It's been about seven hours since the accident and the pain is worse, and my back is involved as well.

I'm icing...and taking ibuprofin.

If this happened to you, what worked best? I'm planning on heat in 2-3 days... maybe some deep tissue work.   Any other suggestions?  

My daughter is doing OK, more shaken than anything.

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Yes, get to the doctor, don't let yourself be manipulated or massaged before you know for sure that nothing is broken.

Also, the day or the second day AFTER an accident like that are your worst days, painwise, because inflammation makes tissues swell up and then they hurt more.  So brace yourself (sorry to say).  Take aspirin--that actually reduces inflammation, not just gets rid of some pain.

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Whiplash happens all too easily. You need to see a doctor. In my town, I would go to the orthopedic urgent care. If you don't have an option like that, urgent care is a good bet or your regular family doctor. If the pain gets really ugly, go to the ER.

After that, your best bet by far is a physical therapist. You will start with intensive ice and rest and progress to exercises as the initial inflammation cools.

A chiropractor is also a pretty good person to have on the team, only AFTER being evaluated by a doctor.

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So sorry this happened to you! You may feel much better in a week or two, if it's primarily muscular, or you may need more medical care. Either way it's smart to see your doctor and start the process now.

My primary care ordered an x-ray, ibuprofen and muscle relaxants right after I was rear-ended, and when the x-ray came back clear, she sent me to PT. 

A few days of muscle relaxants really helped but I only took them at night, and found that half a dose was enough for me. A whole dose before bedtime made me drowsy the following day so I wasn't able to drive. 

I'm getting an MRI next week. It may show nothing, or an area where a steroid injection might help.

I also saw a chiropractor and massage therapist after a few weeks of PT, and needed to get support cushions for driving and for my office chair.

Did the police come, and do you have insurance info for the other driver? At the scene of my accident I thought I was fine and there was just a minor scrape on the bumper. Turned out to be 2K car repair and 6K+ medical bills so far. The other driver's insurance adjustor offered me $1500 in the beginning to settle--that would've been a huge mistake for me, given the costs so far. The other driver's insurance adjustor is not your advocate. I'm hoping to settle without a lawyer, but if they give me a hard time I won't hesitate to find a lawyer. Just know that whatever you say to the other driver's insurance adjustor could be used against you. Stick to the facts and keep communication brief.


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it is common for initial presentation to be minor and to increase discomfort over time.  I thought my leg was fine after I was hit head on (I was stopped at a stop light.)  eight hours later, I was trying to do a lunge pose and it was very clear I wasn't ok.  I still have periodic pain in that muscle group.

while I did get help from a good chiro, (I originally started with for neck problems), I probably had more lasting help from my senin-so shiatsu therapist.  uses acupressure (can also break down scare tissue) which is similar to acupuncture.  another chiro has a infrared light machine which was great as it will break down scar tissue.

I hope you're both able to get help and feel better.

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3 hours ago, umsami said:

Today, my daughter and I were rear-ended at a traffic light.  Car is still drivable, thankfully.  

Almost immediately, my neck was sore--and I assumed it would go away.  It's been about seven hours since the accident and the pain is worse, and my back is involved as well.

I'm icing...and taking ibuprofin.

If this happened to you, what worked best? I'm planning on heat in 2-3 days... maybe some deep tissue work.   Any other suggestions?  

My daughter is doing OK, more shaken than anything.

(((umsami and dd))))


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6 hours ago, Carol in Cal. said:

Yes, get to the doctor, don't let yourself be manipulated or massaged before you know for sure that nothing is broken.

Also, the day or the second day AFTER an accident like that are your worst days, painwise, because inflammation makes tissues swell up and then they hurt more.  So brace yourself (sorry to say).  Take aspirin--that actually reduces inflammation, not just gets rid of some pain.


Another option may be Arnica (arnica montana) for the pain and inflammation. Seeing a doc and getting x-rays just to make sure it's soft tissue only may be worth it.

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I will say you go to a good physiotherapy clinic and talk to the therapist about the weekly massage. Another option is to find a pain management clinic to see if you can do more for you. Using back massager to relieve after consulting the doctor if you want to. But remember asking your doctor for help is the most sensible way, otherwise, it is likely to cause chronic back pain.

Edited by Judyan
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Go to the doctor and get some good muscle relaxers after they check you out. It was the only thing that helped. I was in PT for over a year from an accident and the 2nd day pain was so bad. Be careful- I'd probably have someone else drive you to the doctor if possible because if your range of motion is compromised, this close to the accident, it can continue to decrease and driving may be unsafe. 

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You need to go to the urgent care or dr. to get it documented.   


My daughter was rear ended.  The other person's insurance pays for PT because she went to the doctor about it.  Document, document document.  

PT helped my daughter quite a bit.  She had neck and back pain from the accident for nearly a year.  Some days she would just cry and feel very defeated.   It got very bad before it got better.  But, it did get better. it just takes time.   Do not settled with insurance right away - they will offer a pittance and wash their hands of you and then you will have to foot the bills for PT etc.  

I'm so sorry, but I'm glad it wasn't worse.   Gentle hugs.

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You need to go to the doctor and get it documented. Today. Tomorrow at the latest. There is a timeframe in Florida where you can claim medical costs, after that you cannot. And your medical insurance won't pay for it because it was part of an auto accident, so please do go and get it handled. Your car insurance can talk you through how to handle it. 

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ALSO!  Don’t be quick to settle with the insurance company if they offer you money.

At least out here in CA, once you take any money from them, you are done.  You have to sign something saying you are all better.  And you might not know whether you are all better or not for a while.  Sometimes it takes a whole year before, say, the cartilage is free of pain.

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