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Now I've seen it all.


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I have a small flock of Silkie chickens.  Now that they are grown I had waaaay too many roosters so I put a "Free Silkie Roos" ad on craigslist.  Tonight Pepper the silkie hen came out to my house with her "mom" to meet the roo of her dreams.  Pepper lives inside, wears a diaper and a pink polka dot hair ribbon. (feather ribbon??)  Anyhow, apparently the roosters were so appealing she could not decide, and ended up taking home seven.  

So, a chicken version of the Bacholerette??  You can't make this $h!t up.


Edited by MaBelle
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16 minutes ago, MaBelle said:

My grand daughters are going to be thrilled.  I think I got rid of all the mean ones.

I once mentioned to my mother I was thinking about getting chickens (I can have up to six on my property in the city.)

she shuddered and in a voice of great trepidation said "chickens. .. ."

(she lived on a farm until she was seven, and they visited her aunt and uncle's farm every summer.)

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Oh man is she going to diaper the Roos too?!  That poor hen isn’t going to have anything to tie a hair bow in by next week!

i once had a guy who bought a roo from us just to annoy his neighbours because they complained he was too loud taking the bin out to the road.  I did have some trepidation about the long term wellbeing of mr roo but it was that or being dinner!

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1 hour ago, MaBelle said:

Yeah, if 3 am counts as dawn...


One of the elementary schools my dad taught at had stray roosters, hens and chickens who took up residence at one corner of the school’s fenced up field. They were very noisy at school dismissal time but quiet during school time,  very well behaved self invited long term guests.

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