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S/O Abcde - musing on naming conventions

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33 minutes ago, happysmileylady said:

On a totally off the wall tangent...googling my name produces an interesting result.  For a while, there are only one result that came up and it didn't paint a pretty picture.  Now it appears at least that you get a couple of my old portrait photography and daycare ads lol

there is a woman who lives in the next town with the same name. . .  .  we even had the same ObGyn office . . . . . they pulled her file.

then when we went to texas this last time, I was checking for the car rental.  "oh -your car isn't ready yet.   you're supposed to pick it up in two hours.   and it says you'll be dropping it off three hours after your plane leaves - and it's not a minivan, it's a mustang . . . . . . yep.  let's try he confirmation number instead of the name . . . . .that another me was renting a car for the exact same weekend as me . . .too funny.

I worked in a clinic - what's really bad is same first middle last name - and SAME birthdate!!!  (medical files are flagged)  2ds has a childhood friend who baby born at the same hospital on the same day - with the same name.


I searched my first middle last . . . there are 28.  (actually fewer - many are apparently duplicates.)

Edited by gardenmom5
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The how many site isn't working for me but if I search my name on Facebook I get page after page after page of profiles. Last name is in the top 50 most common and my first name is among the top ten female names over the past 100 years in the U.S. My middle name is frequently combined with my first name so even first-middle-last I bet there are hundreds of me.

Anonymity does have its perks...

My kids all have traditional common English names; one has the less common of two traditional spellings for their name but that's about as creative as we get 🙂

I did come up with some creative nicknames. My own name doesn't really lend itself to nickname formation and I always wanted one.

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The one naming trend that strikes me is how Madison (which means son of Maud) became super popular yet how many girls are named Jefferson/Peterson/Johnson/Jackson (that one may be changing...), etc.?  All mean "son of..." but only one took off like crazy. Daryl Hannah's character only used it because she saw the street sign, lol. I suppose that the shortened Maddie sounds a bit better than Jeffie/Petie/Johnie for a girl...but again that may change as time goes on.

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I had a Promise, Paradise, and Prudence in my second grade class as a teacher. 

I had two kids named Orlando. A child named Xernona, Styxx... but my favorite, was a kid named Big Man.. Yep - BIG MAN. At this time everything was handwritten and the mom had terrible handwrtiting. I saw the 'a' as an 'o' and called him Bigmon with the 'g' silent. He answered to that and was the sweetest kid. It was a good month until mom came into meet me. She asked how Big Man was doing. I almost choked. And you need to know he was the smallest kid in the class. Sweet kid and really hard-working mom. But, yeah - Big Man. 

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2 hours ago, Meriwether said:

We had a boardie named January. Washington Irving. I think I've seen Winter, but maybe not. I could see someone using Onyx, actually. It seems like it would fit in with some of the more unusual names people use occasionally.

An acquaintance was referring to one of my daughters when she said, "I have a friend who names her kid weird names, too." LOL My daughter's name is Ainsley. It isn't super common, but I don't think most would consider it weird. It is phonetically correct, at least. This same acquaintance named her daughters Michael and Gabriel.


See and I find your dd's name stranger than Gabriel for a girl.  But that may be because I have a female relative named Gabriel so it in normal to me

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So I did some searching, and my first name is not uncommon, just not popular now, but add my last name the combo gets rather rare. 360 million people, and there are 2945 of me. So .000008 of a percent. 

I think the Puritans had an awful lot of crazy when it came to naming. Farewell Skye and his brother Die Well, a girl named Fear Not whose last name, no joke, was Helly! Another boy name was Damned Barebone. Damned had a brother names Praise God. Abstinence, More-Fruit Fowler, Rememberence, Hopestill, Humiliation, and Fly-Fornication (no joke, it given to more than one child). Is it just me or do you think that some old fashioned kind of Puritan punishment like a month in stocks should have accompanied naming a child any label that includes "fly" or "fornication", and potentially some lashes for putting them both together??? Good grief. Poor child!

So maybe some of the more fringe, novel names we hear in modern times are really quite nice, beautiful in fact. Let us always proclaim it a crime to use the Puritans for baby naming guidance!

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Fascinating how many of us are one of a kind! I have a rare first name, and an even rarer last name—less than 122 in the US, according to the site. I am still one of a kind with my maiden name which is far more common—35,000 or so. 

All my family members with the same last name are one of a kinds also, not surprisingly. 

Edit— I also had 2 *male* relatives with the first name “June”. 1 by marriage on mother’s side and a great uncle on my father’s side. According to How Many of Me site, over 99.9% of people with the first name “June” are female. 

Edited by Lawana
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13 minutes ago, Lawana said:

Fascinating how many of us are one of a kind! I have a rare first name, and an even rarer last name—less than 122 in the US, according to the site. I am still one of a kind with my maiden name which is far more common—35,000 or so. 

All my family members with the same last name are one of a kinds also, not surprisingly. 

Edit— I also had 2 *male* relatives with the first name “June”. 1 by marriage on mother’s side and a great uncle on my father’s side. According to How Many of Me site, over 99.9% of people with the first name “June” are female. 

I've known a male June, he was from the Philippines.

My grandmother's name is June.

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3 hours ago, happysmileylady said:

Lol.  My younger two girls have nicknames that are traditionally boy names.  


1 hour ago, hjffkj said:


See and I find your dd's name stranger than Gabriel for a girl.  But that may be because I have a female relative named Gabriel so it in normal to me

I know any number of people whose girls have names or nicknames that are more common for boys. But I find it funny that she commented on Dd's name when she chose nontraditional names for her girls.

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7 hours ago, Danae said:


I am the only one of me.  This is true for everyone with my last name, because we're all related and their are no (living) duplicate first names. Lots of overlap with middle names, though.

This is true for our family as well. One of my sons is named after his great-grandfather but none of my children share a name with anyone else who is living.

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1 hour ago, Arctic Mama said:

My family member had a brother named Rubul (Ruby) and a sister named Sparkle.   And she married an Elwood.  I still don’t know 100% where that name came from in terms of etimology, given where and when he was born, but there you have it.

I had a great- uncle ruby who was married to my great-aunt crystal.

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