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Would you take a moment to summarize your homeschooling journey thus far?


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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


4 years. Pre K to 3rd grade.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?


Event: Costly tuition at a Pre K private Christian school; the nusiance of commuting there with a newborn


Were you homeschooled?



Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?



What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


Sonlight reading list, 100 Easy Lessons and I tried to bring school home. I didn't know any better. My son's Pre K teacher even gave me the remainder of his Abeka workbooks. Abeka was taxing for me to use though.


What method and materials are you currently using?


We're electic and we follow WTM in a relaxed way.

We use MUS; FLL; SOTW; 100 EZ lessons; Character Building for Families; Spelling Workout A; Rod and Staff Grade 3; piano; Shorter Catechism.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


Well Trained Mind and Teaching the Trivium


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


Being organized and not slothful


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Being relaxed.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


The two oldest children learning to read; the boys learning their Math facts so quickly, without flash cards; another's love for science; going on a scavenger hunt; the annual homeschool Thanksgiving feast we attend; our daughter repeating vowel sounds when she was three.


What is the best advice you've been given?


Relax. Make character training the first priority. Train the little ones to get along with everyone in the family; & to learn to help Mom take care of the home. Besides that, just make a habit of doing some school work daily, if you can.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


The same advice that was given to me above and the promise given in the scripture that's in my signature.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

This is our 6th year

Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

I had that voice in the back of my mind (God) telling me to homeschool, but I tried to repress it :) DS started kindergarten and it became evident that he would benefit much more with one-on-one teaching instead of being in a large class. So we brought him home after that school year.

Were you homeschooled?


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?

My mil homeschooled her daughter (my sil) thru high school

What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

All Abeka- what a mistake that was LOL!

What method and materials are you currently using?

very eclectic- classical for history, science and reading, traditional for math and grammar

What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?

The WTM, and message boards

What has been the most challenging aspect for you?

Finding the perfect fit for us

What aspect has come naturally for you?

learning with my kids- its so fun!

What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

the days that we took field trips or ditched the books and learned naturually

What is the best advice you've been given?

It'll all work out in the end!

What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

Have fun!

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


6+ years now, I've taught pre-K through 5th (my oldest did K twice).


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?


I've always been interested in homeschooling, but it's my oldest's life threatening food allergies that got us started - her Montessori preschool wasn't willing to make even some simple accomodations for her, and I figured if THEY wouldn't care, who would? So we started on our own, but for a hundred other reasons now, I'm glad we did.


Were you homeschooled?


No (I wish!)


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?


No, they think we are a little crazy.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


We used FIAR, math workbooks (MCP? I hardly remember), and all sorts of messy, fun, hands on stuff I found.


What method and materials are you currently using?


We are still eclectic. Much of what we are doing is in my sig. I take parts of Charlotte Mason, Classical, and Real Learning (see below) and use what works with our family. Mixed with a good dose of unschooling when things get rough here (oh, like for the year after every baby, LOL)


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


Well Trained Mind and Designing Your Own Classical Curriculum

Real Learning by Elizabeth Foss

Educating the Whole Hearted Child

A Charlotte Mason Companion by Karen Andreola

(and the ideas in those books - classical ed., CM learning, integrating learning into real life...)

Message boards like this one, and blogs of people sharing their hands on ideas


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


Two things: having three babies and three bouts of post-partum depression/anxiety while homeschooling, and having an oldest with learning problems (probably dylsexia - we'll have her tested after Jan 1). I find all the usual hard things hard (juggling more than one student, juggling housework and homeschooling) but these are over and above that.


What aspect has come naturally for you?



I think I may have a natural bent towards the actual teaching part, but that is only when my students are being fully compliant (it's rare, LOL). I like planning, too.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


Reading aloud to the kids and discussing the ideas in the books


What is the best advice you've been given?


Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Work


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


*Don't compare yourself to other families

*Don't compare your homeschool to classroom schooling


*The kids are most likely learning even on days/months when you aren't "teaching" so just do your best and encourage them to learn in other ways.

*Don't let schooling get in the way of loving your kids and showing it.

Edited by amyable
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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

We have homeschooled for 18 years- birth through high school graduation. Mentoring continues beyond that :001_smile:


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? No. We started out in L.A., moved twice in a couple of years (military) and then ended up in the 47th worst state re: test scores with lots of drugs so we continued....it became a way of life. I also wrote a Master's thesis on "Why Parents Homeschool"- my lit review was on the history of ed in America- this has colored our view of government schools-;)


Were you homeschooled? No.


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? My bil and wife began homeschooling this past fall.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

Sonlight. Becky Lewis (one of the original co-writers of the curriculum) was in my S.S. class at church before going back onto the mission field with Frontiers.


What method and materials are you currently using?

Classical method. See my blog sidebar for curriculum.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?

John Taylor Gatto, John Holt, Jessie Wise, Susan Wise Bauer, Douglas Wilson, Andrew Pudewa, Mary Pride, Cindy Rushton, Barb Shelton, Sally Clarkson, Joyce Swann, Leigh Bortiens. About a 100 books, but maybe more:001_smile:. The research and the speaking that I've done for homeschool groups. Leading co-ops and camps for homeschoolers.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?

Not working as a professional. My own laziness. Being gentle and kind and helpful to my children when they struggle with a concept or laziness.


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Reading and researching. Holding my kids to a high standard. Being grateful for the ability to stay home and loving my kids.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

Teaching each of my kids to read- imparting to them the great gift fo literacy. Reading aloud together & Bible studies and the discussions that have ensued. It's hard to say- so much of our life and homeschooling have blended together that I'm not sure what is homeshooling and what is living-kwim?


What is the best advice you've been given? Enjoy your children. Enjoy the journey. The time flies.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Research and pray about your homeshcooling method, this will save you time, money and energy. Set a schedule and stick with it. Be disciplined. Help your children when they need it. Love your children well - be firm, be gentle, be genuine. Sympathize with your child's heart. Realize that you don't need to know everything in order to be an excellent teacher. Thank-God for this season and the refining that He will surely do in you through it.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

I home schooled my older DS + DD for about 14 months when they were in grade 1 + 2 , and now again for just under 2 years, and they are just a few weeks from finishing grade 4 + 5



Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

We began home schooling when we moved overseas. Before that, the children had attending a local ( excellent) primary school.

When we returned briefly to Oz, they went back to school, but then I took them out again, when I knew we were moving again.

Were you homeschooled?





Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?


No- but my next door neighbour ( who is one of my best friends home schooled all 4 of hers - and I thought she was nuts to start with, as we lived next door to a great school- now who is laughing!

What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

The 1st year we used Distance Education School from Oz.

They sent us 6 months work at a time. I corrected math, so the kids could see and amend their errors straight away, but the rest was sent back for correction ( then sent back to us again)

What method and materials are you currently using?

Now we use LLATL for English,

SOTW for history,

MUS for math,

spelling/vocab/creative writing books from Oz,

own program for geography,

kids study Arabic, ( and son just starting Latin- picked up a teach yourself set from book store)

God's Design for science,

our own nature journals

keyboard + guitar

own own art program


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


Reggio Emilia


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?

Losing "my" time, that I had so much of when kids were at school ( and before baby #3 came along)

Being a lazy teacher/mentor

Being patient

Being fun sometimes


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Reading aloud

Buying/reading books :D

Running a house, schooling all with a toddler- I have found this aspect quite easy.

What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


Anytime I see the kids have a "lightbulb" moment

When I experience a "lightbulb" moment

Traveling with the kids at the drop of a hat- they have been blessed to see many things and experience many culture- ( wonderful for history lessons!)

What is the best advice you've been given?

That there will be days that I will hate it, ...and its true

That every year brings different challenges- and it has

That Im going to make lots of mistakes- and I have

That overall- I will love it- and I do and to

relax, and enjoy the journey

What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


Have a blast, enjoy the time with your children- they grow so very quickly.

Edited by sgilli3
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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

this is our third year. my son is doing 2nd grade. we started in K. my daughter has done K and now 1st grade this year.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

my husband and I always considered it and after moving quite a bit in the kids' early babyhood decided we would give it a try at least through elementary level but now hope to go all the way through!

Were you homeschooled?



Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?



What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

method? lol, I had attended a local hs 'fair' and bought some stuff there. I had heard of WTM, but our first year was just mix n match.


What method and materials are you currently using?

we are following WTM for the most part. we use materials from all over.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?

WTM, Thomas Jefferson Education, Charlotte Mason


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?

being mom my kids feel comfortable enough to melt down when anything is challenging and it's hard to draw the line and be the teacher vs being the comforting mom and when to do which side and when to agree with the child it's too much.



What aspect has come naturally for you?

planning. I am very organized, so planning has been the easy part


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

reading together, excited looks/comments when a science experiment works!, children enjoying being home with me all day and me happy to be around them :)


What is the best advice you've been given?

take it easy and enjoy the early years. I pushed too much in K for my son and honestly, in 1st with math with him. this year we are moving forward in math with my daughter but I realize now it will come and there is no reason to push/frustrate us both...keep moving forward and it will all fall into place. I am better able to do that with my son now...


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

research! go to the hs conventions and get a brochure from everyone! get online and read the mission/philosophy of the companies you are buying from, read books about homeschooling, read books about education in our country, read books about children's development. research constantly. and know that your first year you will most likely dump everything before the next year ;)

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

For about 5 weeks! I have two 3rd graders, and a 6th grader.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? When my oldest was a baby, I seriously thought about homeschooling...but let the world talk me out of it :glare: Last year I began revisiting the idea, and dd's first few weeks in Middle School decided it for us. The elementary schools kind of went down hill too. Lack of education AND the negative social impact were huge factors, along with wanting a more Christian education for them.


Were you homeschooled? No.


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? A distant cousin of dh...otherwise no.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? Just starting out and flying by the seat of our pants. We are a life long learning family, so this just seems to fall in to our lives pretty easily. We are using Saxon Math, and utilizing the internet and library for everything else.


What method and materials are you currently using? See above


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? The Bible, What your child needs to know when, and reading several forums.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Losing my ME time. :001_huh:


What aspect has come naturally for you? Incorporating learning into everything we do.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? Watching my kids concoct a feeding experiment for the chipmunks in our backyard.


What is the best advice you've been given? Take it one day at a time and PRAY


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Pray, pray, and pray some more. And don't wait...start from the beginning!

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? This is a new journey for us. We're currently in our 15th week of 2nd grade.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I never considered homeschooling and I was one of those people who made rude comments to those who did. Including, but not limited to, "Better you than me! I don't have the patience." Yeah, nice. (FTR - I've since apologized for that remark!) Dd went to ps for K and 1st but I didn't feel her needs were being met and I was fearful that her love of learning was going to disappear if I didn't do something drastic. After praying about how I could help her, homeschooling kept popping up - everywhere I turned. Once I got past the initial shock (think: "Surely you are not suggesting this plan for us, Lord????), I started researching, discussed it with my husband and my daughter and we came to our decision to try it out, one year at a time.


Were you homeschooled? No


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? No, but I'm thankful that everyone is supportive.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? This is our first year and I'd consider it to be Eclectic with Classical leanings.


What method and materials are you currently using? We use CLE for Math & LA, WWE, BJU for reading, SOTW, WTM suggestions for Science, lit/poetry suggestions from Tanglewood and hope to start Prima Latina soon.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? The Well-Trained Mind has been wonderful. I've borrowed it so many times from the library and I'm looking forward to owning a copy when the 3rd ed. comes out! I've also learned a great deal from this forum. :) Thank you all!


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Sending my youngest daughter to ps for K this year. I've struggled with guilt and have tried convincing myself having both at home would have been too hard our first year. And while I think having them both home would be hard (they are 19 months apart and fight constantly), I'm prayerfully considering keeping them both home next year.


What aspect has come naturally for you? Planning/researching


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? Spending one on one time with my daughter. Reading stories together. Watching her enjoy what she's doing/learning. Hearing her tell people how much she loves homeschooling and her teacher. :)


What is the best advice you've been given? I've received so much good advice and I've appreciated it all, even if I didn't always follow. :) I've been told to trust myself. I've been told not to worry if a certain curriculum doesn't work for us - we can always change what doesn't work. I've been told that if for one reason or another, homeschooling doesn't work out for us, our experience isn't a failure.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? I try not to give too much especially since this is new for us, but I suggest others read as much as they can to try and make informed decisions.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? We've homeschooled forever. My son is doing mostly 1st grade work at the moment, so we've done PK-1st :)


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I have always known that I dislike public school education, but didn't start thinking about homeschooling til DS was 2. The clincher for my husband came when DS started reading at 3.


Were you homeschooled? I wish!


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? Nope. I think my brother will if he ever has kids, though.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? Our first year was just the 3 Rs, not a specific method. We used Phonics Pathways and Rightstart Math. Later we added Getty-Dubay Italic.


What method and materials are you currently using? We do a combination of TWTM and LCC.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? TWTM and LCC. I've read several others, but nothing resonates like classical education.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? My biggest challenge is managing my time well. I struggle with it on a daily (hourly, really) basis.


What aspect has come naturally for you? Planning! I love to plan.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? I don't know if I have any specific favorites, but I really love to watch my son's face light up when he learns something new. He gets so excited and can't wait to share with his dad. I also love it when he incorporates what he's learned into his play.


What is the best advice you've been given? To do what works best for us rather than trying to follow someone else's plans.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Don't be afraid to follow your own family's beat rather than going with the crowd!

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


I've homeschooled from the beginning. This is my 13th year of homeschooling. I started when my oldest was 4 years old and she's now a senior, and part-time college student, so I've now homeschooled PreK through 12th.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?


I wanted to homeschool from the time my oldest was 2 years old; my husband wasn't so sure! I homeschooled her for preschool because we couldn't afford to send her to preschool. My husband wanted to at least try the public school, so we sent her to Kindergarten. But we were called into a teacher's conference 6 weeks into the school year because my dd was bored out of her mind (she was reading on a 2nd-3rd grade level). The school system's gifted & talented program didn't start until 4th grade, so the teacher told us that they'd just work on socialization until then. We said, thanks, but no thanks, and returned to homeschooling.


Were you homeschooled?




Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?




What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


I started with BJU Kindergarten in a box. Then went to Abeka in a box for 1st and 2nd grade. My dd quickly burned out on workbooks!


What method and materials are you currently using?


For the last 10 years, I've used Sonlight and I've been quite pleased!! I'm adding Oak Meadow for science, simply because I used Apologia (which is the science Sonlight uses from 7th grade up) with my oldest and she didn't care for it at all. I wanted to find something secular for our next journey through middle school / high school.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


Homeschooling for Excellence by David Colfax - Dumbing Us Down by John Taylor Gatto


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


Teaching 2 special needs children. My oldest son and youngest daughter are on the autism spectrum and require quite a bit of modification in order to learn the material.


What aspect has come naturally for you?


Spending time with my kids!! I've never had a moment when I've said, "Ahhh! I wish they'd all go to school." (Now, there have been times when I've said, "Ahhh! I wish it was bedtime! Too bad it's only 10am!" :lol:)


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


Wow...too many over the last 13 years!! The first time they each read a book all the way through was priceless, especially for my oldest son, who didn't learn to read until he was 8.


What is the best advice you've been given?


Allow each of your children to develop at their own pace and learn when they're ready.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


Enjoy your children. They're young for just a brief period of time.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


This is our 7th year homeschooling and my dd's are in 7th and 2nd.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?


I had thought I would before we moved but was told the schools were great here. After a horrid year in K, my Pastor's wife told me "If I can do it, YOU can do it"


Were you homeschooled?




Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?


I have a cousin I never see or hear from that homeschools in Florida


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


The first year, to "stay on track" while I figured out this whole thing were AO Lifepacs. I do not like or recommend them, I find them below grade level. Then I discovered WTM and it revolutionized my life. I have read and enjoyed and implemented some Charlotte Masony type studies, enjoy the very occasional lapbook and steamlined a bit more with the Latin Centered Education.


What method and materials are you currently using?


In the interest of saving space, this is posted here.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


The 3 most influential books I have read on my homeschool journey are The Well Trained Mind, The Latin Centered Education and When You Rise Up.



What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


discovering my dc learned in 2 very different ways was kind of a shock. Having the little one be "gifted" in areas where I am not strong at ALL is also a little out of the box for me. Not being selfish with my time, sometimes it feels like the day will never end. I am not a "me time" person per se, but we only have one living space where we are always together so it can get on my nerves once in awhile. And my constant prayer is for patience.


What aspect has come naturally for you?

The whole stay at home mom thing, I absolutely love it. Also anything having to do with literature and history which are things I am passionate about.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

I don't know. Snapshots in my head of the girls reading out on the swings or the two towheads curled up together in a chair with the older reading aloud to the younger. Being there when they read their first words, the day subtraction was understood, having learning be part of parcel of our lives and not a separate, farmed out entity, things like that I treasure.



What is the best advice you've been given?


I can't think of one time off hand that really helped but there have been many, on these very boards (well, on the old ones anyway) that have helped me over the years. Many, many times, I have found other women struggling with the same issues and to just know it isn't just me often helped me get through things.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


I stink at stuff like this. I am better at specifics. Pray earnestly and enjoy the journey.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? This is my 10th year of homeschooling, K-9 and K-7


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I decided to homeschool when my oldest was 4


Were you homeschooled? No


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? No, but I think I have a cousin who is considering. Everyone thinks we're strange.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? I wanted a rigorous education and bought Christian Liberty Press K in a box. Later I changed to KONOS.


What method and materials are you currently using? I think the neoclassical approach will always shape our homeschool, but we are very eclectic. We are also in the season of outsourcing, at the girls' requests. My 7th grader goes to a classical day school on Mon for her weekly assignments, plus Chalkdust pre-Alg at home. My 9th grader takes some private classes at our private school, some classes with FL Virtual School, plus Alpha Omega Bilbe and Rosetta Stone French at home.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? The hands-on, handcuffs and gag approach of Konos combined with the neoclassical approach of WTM.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Manging my schedule and staying on track. I have utilized outside classes to assist me in this area. We're all a bit ADD. :)


What aspect has come naturally for you? Having fun and being hands-on.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? Reading out loud. I loved the year we did Sonlight and everyone was snuggled around the living room while we enjoyed good books.


What is the best advice you've been given? Remeber that homeschooling is a marathon and not a sprint.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? It takes about three years to find a groove that works for your family. During that time, read about learning styles and get to know yourslef and your children. Don't be afraid to tweak things and throw out curriculum that doesn't work, even if it was expensive.



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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

This is our first year formerly homeschooling. My son is in 3rd grade. We've "afterschooled" him and my daughter who is still in public school since the beginning.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

I wanted to homeschool from beginning but my DH was reluctant. The school's inability to handle my son's abilities nor his behavior (and they refused to connect the two) and the principal's active going around me(who let her know what they could do to improve) to talk to my DH (who keeps his mouth shut) led him to see that I was right all along.


Were you homeschooled?

No. My sister was homeschool via the school due to illness


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?

Not technically, but the nephew of my aunt's ex-husband who I consider "family" homeschools his two children.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

We are using Ambleside w/ Singapore for math and Wordsmith Apprentice for extra writing help.


What method and materials are you currently using?



What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?

Charlotte Mason's writings have had the biggest influence. I also enjoy reading the boards here and the yuku afterschoolers. I love to read WTM too and think SWB has a true gift in making subjects very accessible to parents.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?

My most challenging aspect is balancing having a child in the school system and a child homeschooling. If she were homeschooled, I could change my schedule to be more flexible. When she is home sick, it disrupts our day. She is jealous of all that we do but adament that she wants to stay in school with her friends. There are field trips that we have to forego because I have to pick her up. On the otherhand, if she were home, she would still be my most challenging aspect because she is my most resistant to mom child.


Other challenges are -son spends too much time on computer, getting out and about doing social stuff and classes, arguing over writing


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Planning, book discussions


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

Seeing my child excited about learning.

Watching him give a presentation to our Co-Op on what he learned first quarter and actually having to stop him because he would have talked all day.

Watching him and my husband discuss things like Alfred the Great, moles and shrews,

Seeing pride in my son's eyes over some of his writings and that he no longer feels writing is "that bad" (unless he has to be neat lol).

Listening to him laugh out loud when he's reading and rush to tell me the latest thing going on his book.


What is the best advice you've been given?

I think it's the support that I get that means the most. It might not be support directly to me but another mom who has the same issue. Just knowing that I am not the "only" one who has X issue is enough to get me through the day. Having my dear friend who also started homeschooling close at hand (IM lol) to help me relax when he is being difficult, etc is a blessing.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

Put working on character first. It's okay to stop the academics for the day to deal with attitude. Academics can be caught up on, character can not.


Secondly, take it easy when they are young. Kindergarten should be fun not formal (Even if they have high IQs)

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? We've homeschooled for 3 years beginning with my DD's first grade year. I've taught grades PK-4th so far.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? No. My Dh wanted me to. I was afraid I wouldn't be patient enough. We sent DD to our church's kindergarten and then to public school first grader. DISASTER. DD was too advanced and too bored. The bullying was horrible. The supervision was horrible. No history or science being taught....


Were you homeschooled? My sister and I went to private school. My brother was homeschooled from 4th grade through High School (after I was gone to college).


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? SIL homeschools but she only has one left at home and he is in High School.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? Rod and Staff, Beautiful Feet Early American History, Unit Studies for Science.


What method and materials are you currently using? Rod and Staff, CLE Math, Living books for history/science.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clarkson, A Biblical Home Education by Beechick, When You Rise Up by R.C. Sproul, Jr.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Teaching two completely different levels. My kids are 3 years apart.


What aspect has come naturally for you? The routines.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? Teaching both children to read and watching the excitement for books build.


What is the best advice you've been given? Chill out. They will have holes in their education just as you did, just as we all do. Character comes first. Education comes second.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Write out WHY you homeschool. Tack it up and never forget it. Keep an encouragement file; every poem, every quote, every article that will help you keep going when the times get tough.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? About midway through our second year - Pre-K and K


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I had an idea about it, but wasn't entirely sure until we finished Pre-K and I knew that DD would be bored out of her mind if we put her in public school.


Were you homeschooled? No.


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? My mother homeschools my daughter on days I have to work. She homeschooled my brother for 9th grade.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? Calvert - school in a box


What method and materials are you currently using? I like unit studies, but I also like some ideas from classical and Charlotte Mason. Materials used are on my sig line.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? Learning should be fun, so I try to make it that way.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Patience. I'm am definitely not a patient person and sometimes it takes awhile for DD to do something or get a concept.


What aspect has come naturally for you? Planning, I suppose. I'm very type A and need to know what I'm going to do in the future.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? DD learning to read and liking it! Doing art and watching her joy when she does something well.


What is the best advice you've been given? Less is more. Otherwise I would try to cram in so much (there's just so much cool stuff!) that we wouldn't get the most of what we have and would have virtually no free time.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? It's not a race. Slow down and enjoy the trip. Don't try to do too much.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? 10 years ~ PreK-8


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? No, I felt lead to when I saw our eldest struggling in a conventional setting. I went to the library and found "How to Homeschool: A Practical Approach" by Gayle Graham and that is what gave me the courage to start.


Were you homeschooled? I wish!


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? No


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? Sonlight and A Beka


What method and materials are you currently using? Eclectic... see signature below.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? First and foremost, our desire to instill a love for the Lord hence the Bible. Additionally, in terms of academia, The Well-Trained Mind (including the forums!), The Charlotte Mason Companion, and For the Sake of the Children.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Balance


What aspect has come naturally for you? Commitment


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? The snuggle time on the couch when we read, the passion they have had for science thanks to Apologia, the meaningful friendships developed through our co-op, watching the boys grow closer as brothers, and sharing their day with their father around the dinner table.


What is the best advice you've been given? Don't get so caught up in academic achievements that you stifle the joy in your homeschool.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? The same as I was given.

Edited by angela&4boys
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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

pre-k, k, 1 = 3 years

Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

yep, it was part of our pre-nup. LOL, we knew even before we were married or had kids that we wanted to try it.

Were you homeschooled?



Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


What method and materials are you currently using?

Eclectic- Abeka Math, Journalling, and lots of reading, relaxed year for us.

What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


TWTM, Andreola

What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Reading to my kids

What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

Mr. Popper's Penguins, Wizard of Oz, my kids acting out Bible stories, my ds kneeling and praying for salvation, different Science experiments...

What is the best advice you've been given?

There is no perfect curriculum.

What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

Do fun stuff with your kids. And don't try to do academics before 6 or so.



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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


Six years; PK - 5th


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?



We were considering it, but tried K for a few months (for eldest dd.) That didn't work out very well.



Were you homeschooled?


Depends on your definition



Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?





What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?



Hooked on phonics

SOTW - didn't work for us

Lapbooks - really didn't work for us

Lots of reading!!!

Saxon/Singapore Math



What method and materials are you currently using?


Classical with some waldorf accents


Galore Park languages

Michael Clay Thompson/ Classical Writing

Core Knowledge


Oak Meadow

Great Books



What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


Michael C. Thompson / S. Bauer / WTM / classical ideas

R. Hutchins / Mortimer Adler / How to Read a Book / great books ideas

waldorf ideas

to a lesser degree - Charlotte Mason and Latin Centered education



What has been the most challenging aspect for you?



Balancing free/outside time with educational time



What aspect has come naturally for you?


Lesson planning / research / educational philosophy



What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


teaching each child to read

vacations in the middle of the school year

book discussions

watching the children bond with each other



What is the best advice you've been given?



A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. ~Lao-tzu

Well begun is half done. ~Aristotle

Read. Think. Learn. ~Mrs. M-mv

Stop worrying, stop planning, stop organizing, stop analyzing, start schooling. ~Me :)


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


See above

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


I started when dd was 3, so I've been doing it for 4 years. Grades PreK through 2nd.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?




Were you homeschooled?


No, wish I had been!


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?




What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


Rod & Staff Reading & Math, Beginning Logic puzzles, and Building Thinking Skills.


What method and materials are you currently using?


It's eclectic. R&S Math, Reading & Grammar, Logic & thinking skills puzzles, American History (EPS 4 wkbk series) HWOT, and Jesus, My Shepherd.

What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


WTM, and the internet


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


Adapting for a gifted child


What aspect has come naturally for you?


Curriculum selection and actually teaching.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


Reading aloud all huddled up on the couch, under blankets, Lapbooks.


What is the best advice you've been given?


Follow your gut. The best curriculum in the world may be the worst one for YOUR child. For example, my oldest is a wkbk type of girl. She LOVES them. SOTW was NOT a good fit, but it's a superb History Curriculum. (OF course, this same 7 yr old WANTS to get a report card and LOVES tests!)


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


Extracurricular may be importnat, but so is schoolwork :D. Listen to what your child is and ISN'T saying. It's ok to take days off. :D Learning experiences are EVERYWHERE.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? Seven years--K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and presently 6


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I was attracted to homeschooling but thought we'd do public or private school. I was put off by the amount of city driving that would require, plus the expense and the inefficiency of large group education.


Were you homeschooled? No. I went to public grammar schools and had miserable experiences therein. I went to a private high school that was a wonderful place for me, and I went to public university.


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? No. One sister considered it but has to work full-time instead.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? Sonlight. I was pleased with it and re-used much of the same materials when ds came of age.


What method and materials are you currently using? Primarily TWTM recommendations, though I do not do science in the way SWB recommends.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? TWTM and For The Children's Sake are the main ones, though I read extensively and have taken ideas from a wide variety of philosophical approaches. I also like Charlotte Mason and, oddly, John Taylor Gatto. One would not think Gatto would mesh with TWTM but I really like his emphasis on allowing kids the time/space to really dig into what they are learning, and also allowing kids to focus a lot of time on their passion and on real-life experiences.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?Daily discipline, getting started in the morning


What aspect has come naturally for you? Reading and discussing together--I love the actual teaching.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? Museum trips and other exploring, and reading great literature on my bed sipping tea together.


What is the best advice you've been given? Don't worry as much about the list--embrace a lifestyle of learning and trust God to cover my failures.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Be organized AND enjoy the process of learning with your children. Organization frees you in many ways, and enjoying the process with your children will protect you from the stress of this choice and from the temptation to push too hard.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? K4-1st currently


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I decided to give it a whirl while pregnant.


Were you homeschooled? No, but I had reading issues and my dad worked with me. He was a teacher, and he taught us a lot of things. He was like a walking tutor.


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? Not a one.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

Singapore, ETC, Plaid Phonics, Everybody has a Body, Mudpies to Magnets and lots of books


What method and materials are you currently using? See sig.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? WTM, CM


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Working full time and doing all the bookwork, research, purchasing, etc.


What aspect has come naturally for you? Love of learning.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? Last night I brought out the Greek letter wooden blocks. Kiddo loved them and wanted to write his name and learn their names. I loved the Greeks, even as a child, and I am really excited that he seems to, too.


What is the best advice you've been given? You are not behind. He'll develop so much his 1st grade year. Observe his learning style. Have fun.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Read up on your options to avoid anxiety AND so that you know your options should you need to change curriculum. Introduce mathematical thinking into your daily life.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? I'm on my 6th year


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? I knew from the beginning I would homeschool


Were you homeschooled? no


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?no


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? classical with a bit of a beka thrown in


What method and materials are you currently using?classical


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? i love reading about how education was back in the day and gleen from the people of the past and their wisdom


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?multi-tasking.....always


What aspect has come naturally for you?i'm an organizer at heart


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?travelling, a la books, through ancient egypt


What is the best advice you've been given?don't forget to enjoy the younger years


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?same as above

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

We've been schooling for 4.5 years.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

We've always toyed with the idea, but when the private school down the road said that one of my older children would go in the morning and one in the afternoon, I decided to give homeschooling a try.


Were you homeschooled?



Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?

No one else in the family does it.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

Started with A Beka, school in a box.


What method and materials are you currently using?

Charlotte Mason, and Classical


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


For the Children's Sake, TWTM, and a lecture series by RC Sproul Jr. to begin with


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?

Adding more children.


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Adding more children :-)



What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

Teaching my children to read and to love it. Oh, and going to the library. We LOVE going to the library.



What is the best advice you've been given?

SWB covered a lot of stuff in the conference I attended. I learned a lot from her.

What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

Teach your child and not the curriculum. Even though I read a bunch of books on homeschooling, that concept didn't really sink in for a couple of years.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


I started when oldest ds was in PK, so this will be our fifth school year.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?


I started really considering homeschooling when oldest was around 2.


Were you homeschooled?




Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?


My sister homeschools.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


Sonlight PreK


What method and materials are you currently using?


Sonlight core 2 and core P3/4, MUS, SWR, Alpha-Phonics, R&S English, eclectic science.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


WTM, and the internet


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


Self-discipline and deciding on curriculum (too many choices!)


What aspect has come naturally for you?


Staying at home with my children.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


Reading aloud and being begged to read just one more chapter.


What is the best advice you've been given?


Don't push little ones too early into academics (I learned this with my oldest). Don't let curriculum choosing stress you, just pick something and use it. The key is to use it. (I still need to learn to follow this advice!)


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

Everyone has days of feeling inadequate. Hang in there. The moments of "Hey, I can do this," are just around the corner.



Homeschooling mom to 3 great boys

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

I started homeschooling with my oldest when he was in PreK and now he is in Grade 6. I've also homeschooled my youngest from PreK to Grade 4 so far.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

No, I said I would never homeschool. My son went to a very small local preschool when he was 3, but the teacher had a tough time with him. It got me thinking about his chances for success in a bigger classroom setting, so I looked into homeschooling. Once I did that there was no question that it was the right thing for us to do and we have never looked back. I found out later that my son is both gifted and ADHD, which is why the preschool teacher had challenges with him. He has done so well at home...we made the right choice.


Were you homeschooled?



Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?

Both of my sisters-in-law have homeschooled for a short time. My husband's cousin has homeschooled all of her children and graduated three of them. She lives near me and is my much valued mentor!


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

I foolishly tried to recreate a typical kindergarten program in my home by researching as many kindergarten programs as I could find and trying to copy them. I really didn't know what I was doing. I ended up doing a variety of things, read lots of books, did some workbooks, (we all really loved the Rod&Staff ABC Series), crafts, etc. I also tried to use 5 In a Row but didn't like it.


What method and materials are you currently using?

I call myself Classically Eclectic. I mainly use a combination of Sonlight and WTM rec's along with a few tradtional textbooks.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?

I've read many, many homeschooling books and they have all influenced me to some degree, but the ones that have had the most impact are The Well Trained Mind, Teaching the Trivium...and the Sonlight catalogue!


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


I have two actually:


1. Trying to control my unrealistic expectations. I always plan to do too much and then get stressed out if we can't do it. It's caused me to put too much pressure on my kids to do too much, too early. I'm a perfectionist, box checker and struggle with that daily.


2. Because my son is ADHD/gifted I've had to work extra hard to try to understand the way that he learns best, and what materials are out there to help him succeed. Learning how to patiently work with him on a daily basis has been a challenge for me. My daughter is a totally different learner, so switching gears when teaching her is also a challenge for me.


What aspect has come naturally for you?


I love to learn about the different homeschooling philosophies, methods and curriculum. The research is my favorite part. I am also pretty naturally organized, so scheduling and running our school day has been easy for me.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


Teaching my children to read! Seeing the light come on in each of their eyes has brought tears to my eyes both times. I am so thankful that I was there with them and not a ps teacher.


What is the best advice you've been given?


Don't try to do too much!


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


Really solidify in your own heart and mind why you are homeschooling. You need to have a vision. This will keep you from quitting when you have struggles (and you will have them...we all do...in some form or another).

Edited by SkiMom
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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

We are in our 8th year of homeschooling...I started when my oldest was in K. I now have kids in 7th, 4/5thish, 2/3rdish. And a toddler.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

Yes, I bought my first book on homeschooling while I was pregnant with my first child.


Were you homeschooled?

No-public schooled.


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?

No, we are the odd-balls;)


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

We used Sonlight our first year.


What method and materials are you currently using?

We use a mish-mash of all types of things now, but I think we are going back to Sonlight for the younger ones next year and Covenant Home for my oldest.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?

the Bible and the Well-Trained Mind and Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit. And Family Driven Faith.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?

time management, learning to say NO to activities, and feeling like I am not doing it right.


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Organization, research, shopping:D


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

field trip to the Holy Land in Orlando, watching my kids finally "get it" in areas they had trouble with, doing our history projects for MAFA, International Day with the homeschool group, watching my daughter worship dance, cuddling up on the sofa and listening to my kiddos read to me, studying the Bible together-especially as they get older and we have really neat discussions


What is the best advice you've been given?

Not to compare my kids to other kids!!!!!


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

Don't compare your kids to other kids!!! Learn to say no to activites unless they fill a real NEED, not just DESIRE...our kids are only young once, and I don't want to spend all their childhood in the car racing from one lesson/act. to another.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? 8 years, K-7


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? Knew from the start


Were you homeschooled? No, but dh was homeschooled his junior and senior years in HS


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? My SIL


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? WTM


What method and materials are you currently using? cross between classical and Charlotte Mason


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? WTM, A Charlotte Mason Companion, Sally Clarkson, experience as PS teacher


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? teaching Science and Math


What aspect has come naturally for you? Language Arts, crafts, elementary age curriculum


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far? seeing the kids learn to read, watching them memorize tons of info in their early years, being with them to see their growth and learning, and watching them get excited about projects I've assigned--most recently--listening stunned as I realized my 4 year old can recite all 44 presidents.


What is the best advice you've been given? attitudes are important--don't allow a bad one, their hearts before God are of first importance


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Enjoy your kids!! Love them every second because they grow too fast. Worry about their attitudes and their hearts before God before you worry about what Math program to choose. Find a support group of moms to help you in the journey. Get Dad involved as much as possible.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?

This is the second year. I didn't send the twins to kindergarten and pulled the 1st grader out of the classroom in November of that year.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?

We moved from a perfectly acceptable classical private school in KS to a less acceptable Lutheran school in Chicagoland. The answer to my frustration came when I wasn't satisfied with the IL private school curriculum. The KS school spoiled me.


Were you homeschooled?



Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?

No, they are all certified teachers like me who are wondering where they went wrong in bringing me up.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?

WTM, it was the book in the library for me to use and follow.


What method and materials are you currently using?

Classical, WTM, lap-n-note


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?

For the Children's Sake, TWTM, and NRSA United Airlines dependent of employee status that allows us to TRY to take as many "field trips" as possible.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? When I was in the classroom, I was eaten alive by 1st graders on one substitute teaching occasion and vowed never to be trapped in a room with a batch of them again. Well, here I am with 3 and it's still a little dicey. I need to try to keep from teaching the 2 boys more about wrestling than is necessary (I was raised in Iowa for pity sake and if it keeps them from killing each other and damaging the house, it helps!)


What aspect has come naturally for you?

Taking advantage of outdoor programs offered by our county forest preserves for home-schooled children by a home-schooler ranger.


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?

I truely do enjoy watching them work together and read for reading's sake.


What is the best advice you've been given?

Don't stop a wild-haired reading binge or timed lego builds. They catch up with the core stuff even faster when their exploring is worn out for the moment.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?

Read as much as possible before and during about how children learn and grow. We are teaching adults in itty-bitty bodies who don't have the control we have.

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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled? We're on our 5th year, 1st-5th grade. One boy. He went to Montessori preschool for 3 years before we started homeschooling.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road? Well, I was an education major, love teaching, and loved teaching my baby. I loved his Montessori preschool, and couldn't come up with any 1st grade option that I was going to love as much. So homeschooling seemed a logical choice. DH is actually the one who suggested it (as I was obsessing over school options), and I fell into it with relief.


Were you homeschooled? No. Praise God my mom didn't think of that! She didn't have the...no, wait. Let's just say homeschooling isn't for everyone, and I'm very thankful homeschooling wasn't "in" in Christian circles when I grew up. I am very grateful to have gone to a wonderful Christian school where I was loved, accepted, and educated.


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool? All my sisters-in-law have considered it and a few have tried it; but I'm the only one who has made it work.


My parents and in-laws approved at first, but as DS is getting to nearer to high school age, they want him to go to "real" school. But they are not hostile or overly critical. Just their preference at this point. They totally accept that this he's getting an excellent education.


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling? BJUP HomeSat right from the start. With a lot of customization.


What method and materials are you currently using? Still using BJUP HomeSat with a lot of customization. I have been very motivated by the women here to add languages, logic, etc. And my son is very into electronics, so we've added a lot of that, and we will be adding a lot more as he gets older.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool? Honestly, mainly this board.


What has been the most challenging aspect for you? Work and obedience to mom is a struggle against my ds's natural human tendencies, just like any other child.


What aspect has come naturally for you? I love teaching, reading, books, libraries, research, organization, planning, making lists, making charts...all these have been great assets for a homeschooler.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey? Read several books on homeschool methods, read this board, go to a homeschool convention.


Also, try not to get into homeschool envy. There's no perfect curriculum or methodology that somebody else is using that will make your children perfect, happy, and brilliant. Try to pick some core curriculum that you're basically happy with and stick with it long term. Try not to hop to something else or bail out at the first sign of trouble. That's the best way to avoid gaps.


This is a long-term project. Just do the next thing. Nose to the grind!


And don't look for validation on your decision from casual acquaintenances; e.g., who cares if the waitress at Denny's doesn't approve of homeschooling?!

Edited by Cindyg
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How long and for what grades have you homeschooled?


We have homeschooled from the beginning through 4th this year. This is my 3rd round of PreK, 2nd round of 2nd grade, and 1st try at 4th grade.


Did you know from the start you would homeschool or did some event point you down this road?


I started looking into homeschooling when our oldest was preschool age. DH gave us the official OK when it came time for Kindergarten, and we've never looked back.


Were you homeschooled? No


Does anyone in your extended family homeschool?No


What method and materials did you use your first year of homeschooling?


Our PreK year, we followed the WTM kindergarten section for phonics, math, and writing. School was short and sweet that year.


What method and materials are you currently using?


We still follow much of the WTM diverging mainly in different choices for history (still in the 4 year cycle) and science.


What books, ideas, etc. have helped shape your homeschool?


TWTM, For the Children's Sake, MOTH, and Beyond Survival


What has been the most challenging aspect for you?


Making the choices each year for what we actually have time to cover when there are so many things that we could do.


What aspect has come naturally for you?


Planning, scheduling, and organizing


What are your favorite homeschool memories thus far?


Just watching my kids spend time together and help each other.


What is the best advice you've been given?


If you try to do everything, you'll burn out both you and your kids.


What advice do you give others just starting this journey?


Focus on the basics, have fun with the extras, and enjoy your kids.

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