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Life in Canada's Capital: Bear scare


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In the summer we had a moose on the divided highway through our city, and later a lost pet python escaped and was "terrorizing" the local small pets. ? 

Any exotic creatures on the loose in your town?

My dh was watching a youtube video of a kangaroo that hopped onto a soccer pitch during a match. That's pretty exotic!

Edited by wintermom
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We had a fox that people fed, unfortunately he wasn’t scared of humans and eventually was hit by a car. There was also a pet monkey that escaped a couple years ago  

Our wildlife is generally pretty routine: birds, squirrels, possums, deer, and occasionally a raccoon. I met a new couple from the Czech Republic this week and they are amazed by the robins, cardinals, and squirrels, I found that a bit amusing because those animals are so normal to me. 

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I'm in a city which is part of a larger metro area.  we had a bear go through our next door neighbors yard.

I do feel for the coyote that got into an elevator at the federal courthouse in downtown seattle  . . ..it was quite freaked out.

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We live rurally so wildlife is common. Our bears are black bears, not as aggressive as brown bears. But in spring when they have cubs and the blackberries aren’t ripe yet, one needs to be careful since they are both hungry and in MamaBear protective of babies state.  If they get scared the babies cry what sounds like a human, “Maaa  Maaa!”  And the Mom will stand up on hind legs and look very frightening indeed.  When blackberries are ripe I know people who say that they were picking berries and discovered bears calmly picking blackberries too just a little ways away.   In times past apparently salmon fed the bears, but now there are almost no salmon.  


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We live in the far northern US and we have yearly reminders in the newspaper to 'stop sending your children into the culvert to see the black bear sleeping.' One or another comes through every summer and people get obsessed. Last year they had to redirect traffic because so many people were rubbernecking a bear minding its own business out by the airport. Poor thing escaped into a tree and an officer was dispatched to protect the bear. ? 

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Here in suburbia we have the typical squirrels, rabbits, songbirds and a coyote or tow that make the rounds, and, lately, lots of skunks.  Last month, our neighborhood facebook page was inundated with skunk warnings (accompanied by lamenting the fact that their dog got skunked.)  I'd have to say that I read about 30 dogs who got skunked.  I think the neighbors finally got the message that they should not let their dogs out at night, but should take them out on a leash and keep a sharp eye out for those "black and white kitties."  

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