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when did "stinking" become and adverb?


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I would say its been around for at least 20 or 25 years.  I can't remember exact instances of hearing it that far back, but if it were more recent I would probably be having a "get off my lawn" sort of reaction to it, and I'm not.  So it was probably around when I was a teen/kid. It seems totally normal to say, to me, in other words, whereas things like the use of "right" to mean "I hear you and totally agree with what you just said, me too" grates on my nerves.  (For example, I say "Oh, I haven't had time for that since DS was born" and my cousin who has twins says "Right" - it's something about both the inflection of the voice and the actual use of the word that annoys me.  I tend to dislike innovations in slang, for some reason.)

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1 hour ago, maize said:

I think it is being used as an intensifier.

But the way I hear it is always "stinkin'".

That's how I say it.  

It is so stinkin' hot and muggy here today.

That baby is so stinkin' cute!!

I am 62 years old and this doesn't seem like a new thing to me. Or maybe it's just coming around again. ?

Edited by marbel
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I haven't heard it at all until the last few months.  None of my friends use it (we are mostly 50s and 60s).  But not that long ago, 22 yr old dd started using it ALL.THE.Time. 

I'm so stinking late

I slept so stinking bad

That video is so stinking cute

I had such a stinking fun day today

I so stinking need coffee

That dress is so stinking cute

Aren't these boots just stinking adorbs

He is so stinking funny

I so stinking want to go to that movie

That movie was so stinking good

Seriously.......I'm thinking about giving her a thesaurus for Christmas



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And while we are on the over use slang...."same"

Youngest dd and her friends say that all the time. 

person 1 "I was running late for class." Person 2  "Same"

"I enjoyed that movie."  "Same"

"I don't understand the homework." "Same"

I guess I should be grateful they aren't saying "stinking same"??????

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32 minutes ago, HollyDay said:

And while we are on the over use slang...."same"

Youngest dd and her friends say that all the time. 

person 1 "I was running late for class." Person 2  "Same"

"I enjoyed that movie."  "Same"

"I don't understand the homework." "Same"

I guess I should be grateful they aren't saying "stinking same"??????


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