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WWYD hair loss on legs


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So I've noticed over the last few months that the hair on my legs wasn't growing. At first I kept shaving out of habit just in case I was crazy and just not seeing the hair, but finally I quit and no hair has sprouted in weeks.


According to Dr. Google, it's a normal age thing (I'm 53) or it could be poor circulation. 


So with this in mind, would you go to the doc or would you wait to mention it on a visit for another reason. It just seems silly to call up the office to make an appointment to see the doctor because the hair on my legs has stopped growing. Poor circulation could be serious, right?


However, couldn't it just be the pants I'm wearing rubbing the hair off? I've always noticed less hair on my legs during the winter and joked that it needed sunlight to grow just like the grass.

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What would I do if the hair stopped growing on my legs? Jump for joy.  In shorts! 


But yes, if your feet are blueish or cold and you don't have other signs it is probably your pants. 


My husband is AF.  Between the boots and the specfic required, thick, up to his knees socks he wears every day, he's got no leg hair from almost mid shin down.  We joke about how much money I've paid over the years with wax and laser and he gets it from wearing socks.  But you see it when you go to a bbq and a lot of the guys are in shorts and flip flops.  They have no leg hair from mid calf down. 


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Poke your DH and your kids with your feet. If they complain they are cold, I'd consider going to doc about circulation problems. Otherwise, this is a solution looking for a problem, isn't it?


That's how I've been kind of looking at it too. It wasn't until today when I showered and didn't shave again that curiosity finally got the better of me, hence Dr. Google. If not having to shave my legs again is part of aging, it is a part that I am willing to fully embrace. Now if I could only get the bikini line to follow suit, then I will be ready for summer.


There really does need to be a dummy's book for aging because I'm clueless until it happens to me.


I will be poking the first person that comes home from work with my feet to check out their cold factor.

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It can also be a symptom of low thyroid.


I've never had really hairy legs, and what I do have is pretty blond, but with my hypothyroidism/Hashimoto's, there's hardly any hair at all. I don't miss it.


I don't think you need to worry about it. :-)

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This started happening to my dad in his early 50s.  Now at 70 he has no arm hair or leg hair, but still has hair on his head & eyebrows.  I have not & will not ask about other body hair  :eek: .  I hope it happens to me, but it is unlikely.  The women in my family are hairy sasquatch people for their entire lives.  My dad has no other health issues that the hair loss is an indicator of.  I am jealous.


Amber in SJ

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I’d freaking dance for joy.


Presuming it doesn’t start somewhere else like an upper lip or my chest.


Bc I wouldn’t put anything against that mother of nature as I get older at this point.


Oh no, that has happened. I have one very dark and stiff hair that keeps reappearing on my chin. I call it my witch hair. 


Even though I'm a brunette, I have very fine, very blond body hair. So fine and blond that it often looks as if I don't have any hair, which to be honest I don't really have a lot of anyway. So imagine my surprise when a very fine and very blond mustache showed up. I don't think it's that noticeable but I probably should ask someone in case I'm deluding myself. I did wax it for my son's wedding but otherwise I've left it alone. Witchy hair on the other hand, gets pulled at the first opportunity.

Edited by slr1765
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I might never forgive that Mother for giving me wrinkles, but never taking away pimples. Oh. And psoriasis. 


Just be glad you aren't getting covered in a million of those seborrheic keratosis (aka scabby, hideous, yet non-cancerous moles)... Thanks, Dad!  :glare:


Regarding hair loss... it's kind of weird to me that it's all over the whole leg, not just patches.  But I wouldn't run to the doctor over it.  Mention it next time.

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