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Amazon, I dare you!


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ps  I just looked under My Orders and our account went back to 2001 when we had one order for this book:




Emotional Vampires: Dealing with People Who Drain You Dry


I have no idea what I bought it for.  I've never read it and don't even remember hearing about it!  I wouldn't have given it as a gift to anyone I know...  I'm stymied.


We had two orders in 2002, both books.  One was Peter Jenkin's Across China for my mom (I did read that one later and enjoyed it) and the other was a coin pricing catalog for my dad.


I wonder if there's a theme with years matching orders... nope, only 14 orders in 2017 - almost all textbooks, but one thermarest pad and one order of two gravity lights (can't get those locally!).  20 orders for 2016, but I had two kids in college for all the semesters then.

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I can only generate a report to 2006- but I was ordering off amazon in 2000.

I have 1367 orders.   dont' know how to get the total in excel. (though I can find the column . . . )


eta: got it to work.  yeah.  that's a nice car. . . . and that doens't include anything prior to jan 1, 2006. 

I will not be telling dh.  though, he has records and could probably figure it out from those.

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$7576. But hey, that's only like $250/person/year, right?


ETA: DW occasionally orders something on her account, but that's pretty rare - I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of purchases including stuff for DW are included in this number. 

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I suspect with it being a download that it will use way too much data for our limited plan, esp since two of our boys are also using our plan while here.


I've never understood why folks pay for Prime.  ;)



My spreadsheet was 68KB - since it's a spreadsheet, it really shouldn't use much data. Of course, the exact size will depend on how many items you ordered, but still...


Without Prime you only get free shipping if your order is $35+ now, iirc. Way too stressful trying to make sure to hit that number, especially when items vary in price day-to-day (I use camelcamelcamel a lot), so, trying to get the cheapest price for an item, but then having to add something cheap to hit free shipping, or pay shipping canceling the low cost of the item that day, or argh! Not worth it. I overthink everything, and Prime is worth the peace of mind of not trying to optimize item cost vs shipping cost. Plus, shipping is faster, and sometimes they'll let me select a slower shipping speed in exchange for a credit towards an ebook (they also try to entice me to select a slower shipping speed with other offers, but I don't care - if they offer a pantry discount or w/e they can just get me my stuff in 2 days, even if I won't need it right away). 

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My spreadsheet was 68KB - since it's a spreadsheet, it really shouldn't use much data. Of course, the exact size will depend on how many items you ordered, but still...


Without Prime you only get free shipping if your order is $35+ now, iirc. Way too stressful trying to make sure to hit that number, especially when items vary in price day-to-day (I use camelcamelcamel a lot), so, trying to get the cheapest price for an item, but then having to add something cheap to hit free shipping, or pay shipping canceling the low cost of the item that day, or argh! Not worth it. I overthink everything, and Prime is worth the peace of mind of not trying to optimize item cost vs shipping cost. Plus, shipping is faster, and sometimes they'll let me select a slower shipping speed in exchange for a credit towards an ebook (they also try to entice me to select a slower shipping speed with other offers, but I don't care - if they offer a pantry discount or w/e they can just get me my stuff in 2 days, even if I won't need it right away). 


But for us, we order so little from Amazon that Prime would not make things cheaper if I spread out that cost per order.  Many books, esp since ordered per semester, already get free shipping.  If I order for Christmas or birthdays I make sure to combine things into one order and it's pretty much always stuff I can't get around here, so expensive enough to get the free shipping.  I don't need quick.


Our Amazon ordering is going to be going way down now that I've bought youngest son's last semester of books.  I only use them as a last resort for things we can't get locally.


We're not big into buying anything anyway.  We're pretty minimalist and getting more and more that way as we age.  If stores had to depend upon us to keep them in business, they'd be in trouble.  Grocery stores get the most, of course, and I like picking out my own things - not having someone else do that for me.

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I also use Prime for videos and music. I used to order a lot of stuff throughout the year and having to wait until I hit their minimum for free shipping would drive me crazy. I remember before Prime, it was $25 and I was often at $20. So then you've got to balance what is cheaper. Buying one more small thing to get free shipping or just paying shipping. Either way I would be spending more than I really wanted to. My buying has slowed way down now that the kids are grown, but I do like watching videos and listening to music. So the cost is still worth it to me.

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My account will only show to 2006, but I'm at $11,387 for 481 items. Looking at the items, I could easily live without half that stuff without batting an eye. I guess I should ask myself if I really need something before I buy it. There's a lot of books unread and cookbooks I haven't used, maybe I should use the library more! And I need to say no to my kids more. 


BUT you all are missing the point, how do we scrub the evidence. I had to close the window when DH walked into the room. He is an accountant and I am pretty sure he would be horrified and take away my amazon privileges if he saw that spreadsheet, lol.

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But for us, we order so little from Amazon that Prime would not make things cheaper



Right, but you said you didn't get why folks pay for Prime. I gave a reason why some people do. In 2015, we placed 72 orders for 99 items. That's a lot of stuff to try to keep track of camelcamelcamel prices and shipping costs. 

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I also use Prime for videos and music. I used to order a lot of stuff throughout the year and having to wait until I hit their minimum for free shipping would drive me crazy. I remember before Prime, it was $25 and I was often at $20. So then you've got to balance what is cheaper. Buying one more small thing to get free shipping or just paying shipping. Either way I would be spending more than I really wanted to. My buying has slowed way down now that the kids are grown, but I do like watching videos and listening to music. So the cost is still worth it to me.


We enjoy the videos and music here, too...and they also have unlimited cloud storage for photos free with Prime, and you get Audible Channels for free.  The yearly price is worth it to us without the free/fast shipping.

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Right, but you said you didn't get why folks pay for Prime. I gave a reason why some people do. In 2015, we placed 72 orders for 99 items. That's a lot of stuff to try to keep track of camelcamelcamel prices and shipping costs. 


Many things I understand in theory, but don't "get" in reality, essentially meaning it's tough for me to relate to the mindset even when I know it happens.  ;)


For those who watch movies/TV via Amazon it makes more sense since we subscribe to Netflix (discs).  It's nice to have options here at home to watch things.  We can't watch any videos online while at home due to limited data.


But shopping?  I never got that gene.  I think like many other "female" genes I missed, I was too busy looking at the travel brochures.   :coolgleamA:


I just paid my JC Penney's bill online and remarked to the rest of the guys sitting here in my living room that the site shows the last 3 bills I paid.  The previous one was in 2016, then 2015, then 2014.  All (including this year's) were under $20 and all came at Christmas time.  It's good they don't count on our family keeping them in business!  Same with Amazon.  Amazon at least lucked out with textbooks, but I've already bought the last of those I ever expect to buy - for youngest son's last semester in college.  (Our income is about to rise significantly with no more college bills!   :lol: )

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We made 192 orders this year alone.  I buy some of my over the counter medications and other medical needs on it.  We buy books, stuff to repair the house (sometimes Amazon, sometimes other places), hobby equipment at times (some hobbies get a lot from other sources, some from Amazon), some shoes and clothes (usually after I couldn't find on other sites), some of our electronics, etc. I couldn't print out before 2006 but could see that 2004 and 2005 were low use years since we were overseas.


I use Prime for quicker shipments, smaller shipments, for music, extra books, shows, etc.  We find the price of Prime is worth it.

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