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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Benadryl gave me a hangover feeling even though it didn’t help my insomnia :P

Tomorrow is just cooking lunch for husband to bring to work and then the rest of us sleep in and recover from our winter colds.



Kids were woken up by the garbage truck so they did their Chinese homework.

Edited by Arcadia
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Good morning!  Up early to straighten up before the cleaning people get here at 8:30.  For those of you so inclined, please say a prayer for my sweet SIL and her family - yesterday she delivered a baby girl at 26 weeks and there are a lot of obstacles ahead.



-straigthen up for cleaning people

-read at least 100 pages of my book

-start the 5000 piece puzzle I got for Christmas once the cleaning people leave

-laundry DONE:  0

-dinner (no idea, but something light and healthy to make up for the past 4 days of bad eating)

-lots of fruits/vegetables and water

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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Prayers for your SIL and the wee one, Pink and Green. Again I am up before the alarm, so I might as well get going on the day.


To do:

Shower and coffee

Get kids and dh out the door

Weekly chore list

Read library books, so I can go on Friday

Lists and planing for the new year

Practice later and picking up dh from work


Have a great day!

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Prayers, Pink and Green <3 Was it a surprise? Did she get shots to help develop?


(((For all the colds and hangover feelings)))


On my agenda today:

•coffee ✅

•find out what’s on my agenda and report back ✅

•meet with lawyer to finish up living will ✅

•son to therapy ✅

•make calm jar and calming basket ✅

•print thank you notes ✅

•clean off crate

•collapse and store crate

•buy safe

•set up new desk

Edited by spaceman
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Good morning!


Jean & Liz, hope you're both on the mend soon!  :grouphug:


Pink and Green, prayers for your SIL and her little one.


It's another cold morning here. Temp is -10*, wind chill is -26*. 


•lots of laundry

•dust, vacuum, declutter

•get bank deposits ready

•get my 2018 calendar filled out and ready to put on the fridge

•errands (bank, post office, get gas)

•maybe stop at grocery store

•pick up Japanese for dinner

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Oh, joy! Visit state tax office to pay January estimated tax now.


Visit local tax office to see if I can prepay property tax.


I live in a high tax state, and the $10,000 (new deduction limit) does not even cover tax on a shack. 😡😡😡


Make end of year charity donations.



Hope everyone who is not feeling well gets plenty of rest! (((Hugs)))

Edited by Alessandra
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Jean and Liz, I hope you can rest today!
Pink and Green, prayers for that premie and your SIL's family.

Cold and grey here today. Cold for TN, at 21. Nothing close to what you have, Selkie!

Fold laundry
Get milk ✅
Drop Amazon returns ✅
Return library books ✅
Do Lands End return for dh (need packaging)  Done. They are out of the shirts he wants, so he'll have to actually go to a store. 
Visit mom. ✅
Bank deposit ✅
Grocery for chx, batteries and golden syrup. ✅
Play with the bluetooth speaker and figure out how to work it?
Listen to some podcasts?
Dinner prep ✅

Dinner - chx fajitas

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Hoping you feel better soon, Jean and Liz

:grouphug: for preemie, Pink and Green


Done:  coffee, kitchen


To do:  off to cpa with my mom for taxes...very frustrating.  They say we never dropped off our paperwork, but I could swear I did.  So, off to search house for said paperwork.


Visit used bookstore since I'm in town


Schedule pick up for Salvation Army 


Schedule dr appts and gym orientation for dd, self


Find reasonable upholstery shop to work on couch (recliner mechanisms broken, various scratches/tears from humans and dogs


dinner:  bbq chicken in the crockpot, rolls, salad


Work on bookshelf this evening to sort for 52 week reading challenge.  Determined to finish it this time! 


Have a great day, all!


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Prayers for Pink and Green's SIL, baby and family, and for everyone trying to get well!


Coffee helped...., I



started more laundry

unloaded and reloaded d/w

finished a couple late Christmas cards I needed to send

sent an email I needed to send

used Kohls cash to order pants for youngest

semi-straightened my desk


still procrastinating...


balancing the checkbook



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human care is done

pet care is done as soon as ds feeds his cat.

medical care done


Called to give insurance info. to a medical lab that had the right information but just didn't bother to bill my insurance.  :banghead:  Oh well, at least I don't have to pay them until they do that.


Waded out in the snow (just a few inches so not that deep now) to fill the birdfeeder for the pigs with wings.


Tried calling my eldest sister.  She'll call me back.



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