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Ringworm....any natural remedies?....help!

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My oldest had ringworm on his arm for about 2 months. He has been using Lotrimin a/f. It is not working. Now our dd has it (2 of them, one on her face and one on her chest...she was playing in the leaves at my parents house)


I really need to get this under control. I do have Acidophilus. I plan on them getting started on this tomorrow. Any other natural remedies?


I am really concerned about the one on my dd's face.





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Oh, yuck, Holly! I have not had experience w/ ringworm but had a few ideas. Have you tried dd on a candida-free diet? The Yeast Connection books are fantastic. Also, I have used tea tree oil w/ success on some skin rashes. I dilute it w/ either vaseline or a natural base (like coconut oil or olive oil). Have you researched oregano oil? And are you sure this is ringworm? Hope you find some helpful information. Blessings.

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Tea tree oil WILL get rid of it. You can find it at health food stores. You are suppose to mix it with a carrier oil...olive oil will work. I'd do about 1/2 and 1/2...so maybe 1/4 tsp olive oil with 10 drops of tea tree oil or so per application. Then just paint it on. I used a paint brush actually. Q-tip would probably work too.


When my son had ringworm on his scalp, the prescription meds didn't work but rather spread it worse. I used tea tree oil straight out of the bottle. You're not suppose to use it straight but we had been fighting the stuff for 4 months and I really really wanted to get rid of it. It stung but my 6 year old tolerated it fine. It was gone pretty quick even though scalp ringworm is notoriously very difficult to treat.

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Holly, you can get tea tree oil fairly inexpensively at Walmart. Look in the vitamin section. Be careful not to get it into dd's eyes. That would not feel good at all. According to the book Smart Medicine For a Healthier Child, you should dilute 8-10 drops of tea tree oil in 1 pint of spring water and apply the mixture to the affected area three times daily. Oregano oil is supposed to be a powerful anti-fungal. I have not used it but have read about it. I'd encourage you to research it online. You may want to try Beeyoutiful.com. If you would like to try an internal remedy, along with the candida-free diet, Smart Medicine For a Healthier Child recommends sulphur 30X or 9C (these are strengths), 3 times a day, for 3 days. It should be taken at least one hour before or after using tea tree oil because the oil may cancel the remedy. Blessings.

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My ds had a bad case when he was a baby. I eventually had success using multiple applications of different medicines every day. I had a couple OTC anti-fungals that I applied several times a day. I also wiped down his skin with rubbing alcohol. Using just one medicine at a time did not work, but using several cleared it up for good.

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Thank you guys!!


I have the apple cider vinegar in my pantry. I will get the tea tree oil and follow instructions to dilute.


Whew! I was getting really worried. I will these methods on both kids.


Ds got it from playing in grass. DD was playing in the leaves after raking it 2 days ago. Leaves are very notorius having ringworm. I will probably get my cat tested as well.





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Diet helps the most, I think. My youngest was the yeasty-ish kid you ever saw until we changed her diet. Yeast infections, thrush, ringowrm- she had it all, sometimes several at once. Diet change, and now she doesn't get them anymore!


We only ever used OTC anti-fungals or prescritions to treat them once she got one, so no help there (Lotrimin worked for us) but the diet change caused her to stop getting yeast things all the time. She was never on any antibiotics or anything, for her, the yeast problem was allll diet.

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Oregano oil MUST be diluted with olive oil. It stings very badly if it isn't diluted enough. Also, please please please don't buy cheap essential oils. Walmart oils won't cut it. Those are truly for scent ONLY. You must get therapeutic grade essential oils to be sure that there are no solvents, chemicals, or cutting agents in the oils. One place I trust is Compass Concepts.


Another choice is Black Walnut tincture. This can be bought at Whole Foods or several vitamin and herb stores. Black walnut is a powerful anti-fungal. The caveat is that it stains dark brown and being on her face, you might not want to paint a dark brown spot on her face. That said, it won't sting like the oregano or tea tree oil. You might also try the milky sap of the dandelion plants in the yard (as long as they haven't been sprayed). You might want to test on a small patch on the inside of her arm if she is latex sensitive though because that sap is a natural latex.

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Iodine (topically applied).


Dh had a horrible ringworm experience as a child. It was worse for his sisters, but the whole family suffered from it. Their dr. refused to admit it was ringworms and kept prescribing medications (antifungals) that did nothing. (BTW, dh said that the med your dc are on is an antifungal & probably won't do anything for the ringworms. He's a pharmacy tech & knows a fair bit about drugs, FWIW.)


Anyhow, they finally got a second opinion (not always easy when dealing with military medicine) & confirmed ringworms (which my MIL was sure it was all along!) The iodine took care of it in less than 10 days, when they had been suffering for months.


Hopefully something will work quickly! :grouphug:

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Yes, try the tea tree, it works for many, and they are even using it in hospitals here to control golden staph which most disinfectants won't kill now- however we had a bad lot of ringworm a few years ago and tea tree didnt end up working for that. Iodine ended up doing it, along with baths with purple condy crystals, although we think the betadine (iodine solution) was what got rid of it.

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Iodine (topically applied).


Dh had a horrible ringworm experience as a child. It was worse for his sisters, but the whole family suffered from it. Their dr. refused to admit it was ringworms and kept prescribing medications (antifungals) that did nothing. (BTW, dh said that the med your dc are on is an antifungal & probably won't do anything for the ringworms. He's a pharmacy tech & knows a fair bit about drugs, FWIW.)


Anyhow, they finally got a second opinion (not always easy when dealing with military medicine) & confirmed ringworms (which my MIL was sure it was all along!) The iodine took care of it in less than 10 days, when they had been suffering for months.


Hopefully something will work quickly! :grouphug:


Kelsy, ringworm is a contagious fungal infection. That's why the doctor is prescribing antifungals. It's not a worm.



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My oldest had ringworm on his arm for about 2 months. He has been using Lotrimin a/f. It is not working. Now our dd has it (2 of them, one on her face and one on her chest...she was playing in the leaves at my parents house)


I really need to get this under control. I do have Acidophilus. I plan on them getting started on this tomorrow. Any other natural remedies?


I am really concerned about the one on my dd's face.





we battled it for a long time with our 5 kids. Finally the thing that helped was bleach. Just a dab of bleach on the location kills it and it won't spread.

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Ok you ladies - I am reading this thread with great interest as one of the twins has this on his wrist - after ten days of oral anti-fungal and ointment twice a day it came back - as TWO spots next to each other - retreated and after two days off-meds it is BACK!!! so after reading this thread this morning I went to get iodine from the store - I assume twice a day??? I will have the doctor renew the anti-fungal oral med tomorrow...is there any thing stronger than Difulcan for this???

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I had this on my arms when I was a kid. I have fond memories of sitting day after day soaking my arms in a pan of Epsom salts. Cleared it up.


ETA: This probably isn't a good solution for your daughter's face, though. :-)


Okay -- I was wrong! But hey -- this was, like, forty years ago! So cut an old lady some slack, okay? :D


But this still might help --


Turns out what I had on my arms *looked* exactly like ringworm, and we did the iodine thing and stuff like that and it didn't budge it at all. As it turned out, I was allergic to the finish or something that they used on the desks at school! The soaking in the Epsom salts -- and wearing long sleeves -- cleared it up in no time.

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Ok guys! I got the Tea Tree Oil. I did mix it with olive oil (1/4 tsp olive oil to 1/4 tsp of Tea Tree Oil). My ds said it burns a little. My dd said it just tingles and feels good. No burning for her. What gives?? Is this normal? (for it to tingle not burn for one child but burns a little for the other child?





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Ok guys! I got the Tea Tree Oil. I did mix it with olive oil (1/4 tsp olive oil to 1/4 tsp of Tea Tree Oil). My ds said it burns a little. My dd said it just tingles and feels good. No burning for her. What gives?? Is this normal? (for it to tingle not burn for one child but burns a little for the other child?






Yes, that is normal. Both reactions sound normal to me. Tea tree does create a tingly numbing little stinging sensation. On a sore throat it will numb the pain after a bit of nasty taste and tingle/stinging.

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