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Do you want to know how GREAT this board is?

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A few weeks ago, I asked for help in finding pants for my 10yo - he had one pair and I couldn't find any used (and couldn't afford new.)


Two members here (ma23peas and Amy in NH) sent pants, shirts, shoes, and even a cool tie! This was an answer to prayer as he was starting to look pretty bad in his worn-out clothes that he did have.


Isn't that GREAT?!?!?!



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About a year ago I had someone send me an entire box full of stuff for kindergarten. There were workbooks, sonlight materials, a bible storybook. There was so much in the box we are still using the resources. I cried when it came in the mail.


Yes, this board is full of generous folks.


Laurel T.

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I'm a firm believer that if people know there is a need, they'll work hard to fill that need. I've witnessed generosity of all sorts from people who just heard about someone in need of some sort and they were able to fill it.


I love people!


I agree. I borrowed a book once from someone online. They were so sweet.

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I agree, the people here are very generous. When I posted last week about trying to put together books for a little girl in need, several people offered to do some shopping at their local thrift shops, send me boxes of books their kids had outgrown or no longer needed, and give me PBS credits. I was totally blown away. What a community! I think I need to head over to the group hug thread :001_wub:

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