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If that feeling came in pill form....


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I does.


I have a dental appointment in January.  :lol:


It's the only thing that makes me want to go there at all.  LOL


My first reaction to the gas is always a panicked "OMG, what if they don't know what they're doing and accidentally kill me!"  5 seconds later, bliss.  But this is why I would never be able to do hard drugs, lol.


(Also attempted to thwart my anesthesiologist before emergency surgery.  Because what if he made a mistake?  Control issues, much?)

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I think there is something wrong with me. Laughing gas does not do that for me at all. I get it every time I have something done- I have anxiety, but it only seems to help a little. I have also wondered when prescribed Norco or whatever what the big deal is. Why do people like it? It doesn't do anything for me. Sometimes I wonder if it's even helping the pain- because the pain is still there. But I always wonder "well, what if it hurt worse if I didn't take it?" Fortunately, this has only happened very short term after an operation or something.

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Sadly, you *don't* have to earn it.  Dopamine dumping happens in video gaming.  


The problem is, there isn't a physical limitation (like in running) to limit the supply.  That's why some people get obsessed with video games.  It's a long dopamine dump.  


Same with gambling and other "process" dopamine suppliers.  


Problem is I get bored with video games too quickly.

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SAME. People talk about runner's high and I'm like, nope, I've never felt anything other than utter misery whilst exercising.


Oh yeah I feel miserable 95% of the time.  Definitely.  LOL


And that feeling does not always happen.


Of course today I did feel rather dizzy...possibly from my allergy injection.  So I could have just been confused. 

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There was a segment on NPR about this today. Basically, once you are REALLY good at something you get into this flow. Your brain is able to block out pain and stress. Honestly, I can't even remember what they said caused it exactly, lol (mainly, I was thinking that I wasn't REALLY good at anything)

But, apparently, it is a thing and was on NPR today.

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Yeah, back in the day when I was a runner, the endorphin high only came after about 15 miles. Yup, 15 miles.


I do yoga now and get that good feeling pretty quickly, but yoga's not for everyone, that's for sure.


Some people say that Zumba gives them that endorphin rush, but I would hurt myself in the first five minutes. :ack2:

Edited by trulycrabby
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I get it when I exercise for more than an hour - the endorphin rush does not happen for a while. I am mostly dragging my butt along, but, when I hit the 1 hour mark of continuously exercising, I get into a flow, I can go on endlessly and I really don't care if my phone alarm goes off telling me that I need to return home etc. But, I do not get to that stage of exercising very often. I stop because I am miserable.


I agree with the PP who mentioned music - there are some music pieces that make me very happy (I have branched out into classical music too in recent years and there are some pieces that are stirring and absorbing). I could not care less if there is an earthquake while those pieces are playing.

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