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Is it weird that my dc sometimes rub my feet?

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Ds started rubbing my feet after dinner tonight and my mother in law acted like it was offensive. I didn't realize that this might be construed as weird, I always thought it was a loving gesture, like I would rub my dad's feet if he were tired. Maybe he's getting too old to do this? What do you think?

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Heck no! My father paid us kids a cent a minute to rub his feet! My kids have been lobbying for a similar system (adjusted for inflation of course).


Seriously, there is NOTHING wrong with it. IMHO, anyway.




:001_huh: That reminds me...I owe my mom about seventy-two foot rubs.



Really, Julpost, there is nothing wrong with it. At all.

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Some people have very sensitive feet in a 'sensual manner'. Because of this, some people associate foot massage with other actions.


To people who do not have the same sensitivities, foot massage is not considered sensual.


There are the same sensitivities with back rubs.


Maybe the offended person either has been taught about the sensuality component or they feel it that way themselves.

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My kids play with my hair or give neck rubs. I read in the evenings and they are guaranteed one chapter. But after that first chapter, I sometimes need "motivated" to keep reading, so they take turns climbing on the back of the couch and twisting my hair while I read.


I had wondered if it was weird, too, just because it seems like I should be playing with their hair and giving them neck rubs. I do, but not as much as they do. I remember my grandma rubbing my back for what seemed like hours. Sweet memories. But the memories make me feel bad for having it backwards.

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Ds started rubbing my feet after dinner tonight and my mother in law acted like it was offensive. I didn't realize that this might be construed as weird, I always thought it was a loving gesture, like I would rub my dad's feet if he were tired. Maybe he's getting too old to do this? What do you think?


To be honest, I would think it was weird if I witnessed that, but I don't have a good reason why, really. I guess feet just seem like a personal part of the body that other people don't usually touch. It seems too intimate for a mother/son interaction, to me. I'm sure it's very subjective though.

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My son rubs my feet and my back all the time and I have never thought anything of it. I'm not requiring him to do this but he always offers. It is a loving gesture nothing more. My DH thinks it is a little wierd that he always asks if I want a massage but I think he is really just jealous. lol j/k Growing up we use to rub backs at bedtime and I continued this tradition with DS; it's very relaxing. I see nothing wrong with it.

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My son offers to rub my shoulders while I'm sitting at the computer. It's a nice gesture, destresses Mom, and it's good time for us to talk. Although it may be that he really just wants to read the Boards over my shoulder... :glare::D


:lol: My daughter does this so she can read what I'm reading online!! Sometimes the massage feels so good I let her and other times when I'm trying to read something private, I find it irritating! Nice mixed messages she gets!

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Every family has different things that are normal for them in comparison to another family...


For instance, in my family it was normal to give kisses goodnight on the lips between parents and children... my husband has informed me that it is very weird to him... I can see why it would be, but it is just another instance on how different families can be.


I rubbed my Grandmas feet, and my Mom's feet. Grandma would ask for me to, I just did it for my Mom as a caring gesture. I used to also play with both of thier hair... Sometimes children just like to do nice things for thier parents!


Just think of it this way though - your son is going to have a very blessed wife someday! I wish my husband was a foot rubber... :glare:


Also, I don't think your MIL would have been opposed if her son rubbed her feet when he was a child... I'd imagine it would be hard for very many people to turn that down... unless of course they're ticklish!


It's one of those 'to each his own' situations and I wouldn't think anything of it that she was weirded out. Maybe jealous...? LOL! Jk!

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Heck no! My father paid us kids a cent a minute to rub his feet! My kids have been lobbying for a similar system (adjusted for inflation of course).




:lol:What a great idea!


I give DH and the girls foot massages. Neither my boys nor I enjoy it, but it's a great sign of affection. My family is happy and it's an opportunity to sit and rest. If Jesus wasn't bothered by caring for people's feet, who am I to complain? ;)

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I don't think it is weird at all. It just means that your kids love you and feel bonded to you. I used to give my parents back massages & rub their feet when I was a kid. I saw it as a little thing that I could do to make them feel better just as they always found ways to make me feel better.

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Whenever my children have been especially rotten, in the evening the two older ones come over and one rubs my feet while the other brushes my hair. I think it's cute. And I can't turn down a good foot rub!


Someone mentioned the kissing. In my father's family it was normal to kiss on the lips. My mother's family the cheek. My husband and I kiss the kids on the lips and don't think anything of it. Although I think the 7 year old boy now kisses Daddy on the cheek, of his own choosing.

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Not weird, wonderful! I think of it as a *family* show of affection, like primates grooming one another:001_smile:


We used to rub my mom's feet. My dc somtimes rub mine, but not enough.:001_smile: We're a feet family.


When I was very sick last year, my mother came to visit me several times. She would rub my feet (which were numb, spastic, and terribly painful) for an hour. It felt so good. It was like she was bringing me back to life. She's a nurse and very good at it. When she has time, she rubs her elderly patients feet. They love it.


I went to Physical Therapy for a short while last year. The very best thing my PTA did was rub my feet at the end of the session. It was so very kind. I couldn't thank her enough. I think she enjoyed the hands-on nurturing as much as I did because she knew it really helped in many ways.

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