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Anyone willing to do a survey for my ds?


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Done. I gave some details about food groups for the diet question. :laugh:


When I do surveys I usually try to understand the reasons behind some of the questions and I could not guess the reasons in this one.


I hope they get enough responses for whatever conclusions they are trying to make!

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Done.  OP, you way want to show these responses to your son.

Asking about siblings is too broad if you're surveying Gen X and later.  I have 1 bio sibling I lived with, 2 step-siblings I lived with from the age of 3, but I had 4 step-siblings I didn't live with, one of them was full bio sibling to the 2 step-siblings I grew up with and 3 were temporary (about 3 years) 2 of whom I spent weekends with, and their half sibling I saw a few times a year.  If we're surveying people psychologically that probably factors in differently than the people who lived with only bio siblings.  

When they asked if my parents were divorced, isn't having parents who divorced multiple times in your minor aged years probably more influential in psychological questioning?  My parents were divorced from each other and my father from 2 of my step-mothers between ages 1-16. 

Diet was asked strangely.  I eat a very healthy diet that's mostly Asian and Mediterranean with few sweets during the week.

I did respond in the answers that the questions were poorly worded.

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Thanks to all of you for the feedback and for participating. Ds has read the comments and said they were helpful.


Apparently they had just a short time to choose a topic and create a survey. They received no instruction in how to make a good survey, though they were told to put in "misdirection" questions. I'm guessing they didn't realize the importance of having those questions as well-phrased as the "real" ones, and that accounts for some of the oddness and confusion. Anyway, I am hoping the teacher is planning to use it as a teaching opportunity.


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