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I'm getting nervous

Night Elf

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I filled out the online application for CVS on Thursday. I spoke to the manager on Friday and he seemed super nice. He asked how many hours I wanted to work, part time or full time. I told him I was thinking part time. He said about 25 hours and I said yeah, 25-30. He said he was looking forward to getting my application from HR and to meet me for an interview. He expected to get the application today.


So today I emailed their career tech support about how I did the application process to make sure I did it right. Based on my name, they were able to say I successfully submitted three applications and gave me the store numbers. So yes, the application I needed was submitted. But then the tech guy said that within 20 minutes of my completing the application, the store manager can view it. So if that's true, why did the manager tell me he hadn't received it yet? So naturally I'm getting nervous that he's not interested in my application. I don't want to call today because he told me he should receive it today. I don't know the latest time he'd call. Like if he works until 5:00pm, would he call before then.


What would it look like if I called in the morning to ask if he received and reviewed my application? I don't want to bug him but I want this job. I know I'm overqualified but I figure lots of people are in positions like that these days. I got my hopes up after my phone conversation with the manager and now I'm worried he wasn't serious.


I'm so bummed.

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There are many explanations.

He may technically be able to see the application, but it may be company policy for HR to preview applications before managers and then pass them on.

He may have set aside a specific time for looking at applications.

He may have lots of other, more pressing, responsibilities on his Monday schedule.


Give it at least a few days. 

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Yes - give it a couple of days.  I don't work for CVS, but we do hire retail workers.  In our system, a Manager can "see" that someone has applied for a job within 10-15 minutes of submission.  However, the Manager can't actually read the application itself until HR releases it.  That usually takes a day or so for us.

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I agree about giving it a few days, even though I know it's hard to wait!


The manager may not want to make a decision until he has received several applications, or he could be out sick for a few days, or today could be his regular day off, or there could be any number of reasons why you haven't heard anything yet.


Don't get discouraged! :grouphug:

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I'm guessing the manager may technically be able to see the application fairly quickly. However, he has a lot of duties so he probably doesn't look at them right away. He may not even sit at his desk except for a small portion of his shift.


Please don't be discouraged if you don't hear anything for a fee days.

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I'd probably even give it through this week and call next Monday if you haven't heard by then.  Sometimes the gears of businesses grind slowly on this kind of thing.  Hiring is usually a side thing done while real work is happening.  In the mean time, getting your name in at some other places isn't the worst idea ever.  Good luck!

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The only other place I'm considering applying to is Publix, a grocery store. I'd rather not work at Kroger. It's just Publix is such a big store with so many different positions. I'm afraid they're going to want to put me in the deli, bakery or produce or something and I don't want to do any of those things. Subway is hiring but I go there every week to get sandwiches so I know a couple of the employees and they're young and I"d feel weird working there. McDonald's is hiring but I really don't want to work there. A pizza delivery place is also hiring but it's all teenagers. So that's why I have my hopes on CVS.

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I would send a nice note to him at the store address saying thank you for taking time to speak with you about the job position and you appreciate him considering your application. Follow it with something like, "I am interested in this position, but if the position is already filled by another candidate, I hope you keep my application on file for the next opening." This reminds him of the conversation he had with you if he happened to have the same conversation with other applicants or if he got preoccupied with other priorities that put your conversation with him on the back burner. But if he didn't get sidetracked, the letter doesn't come across like you are rushing him for a response.


On the job hunt once, I was interviewed by HR staff at 2 different places who said they were passing my application on to the department manager. When I got no response after a few days, I sent a thank you note like above, and within a couple days I got called for an interview with the dept manager at both places and job offers at those in person interviews. I haven't done much job hunting since then, but think the note helped.

Edited by TX native
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I try not to bother people on Monday mornings or Friday afternoons, unless there is something urgent. That assumes it is a business with normal (Monday through Friday) hours. Best day to call about things is Wednesdays.  Tuesday or Thursdays next best days.


 In retail, probably Saturday and Sunday are their busiest days and Friday was the 15th and they may have been busier then.  


Almost everything takes longer than one might assume at first. I would try to concentrate on other things and possibly (?) give him a call about 1030 on Thursday morning, to touch base with him and ask him whether or not he did receive your application.


ETA: If he is the Manager, he is probably NOT leaving there at 5 P.M.  He is probably working 12 hours a day.  I doubt their Managers work an 8 hour shift...

Edited by Lanny
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I would send a nice note to him at the store address saying thank you for taking time to speak with you about the job position and you appreciate him considering your application. Follow it with something like, "I am interested in this position, but if the position is already filled by another candidate, I hope you keep my application on file for the next opening." This reminds him of the conversation he had with you if he happened to have the same conversation with other applicants or if he got preoccupied with other priorities that put your conversation with him on the back burner. But if he didn't get sidetracked, the letter doesn't come across like you are rushing him for a response.


On the job hunt once, I was interviewed by HR staff at 2 different places who said they were passing my application on to the department manager. When I got no response after a few days, I sent a thank you note like above, and within a couple days I got called for an interview with the dept manager at both places and job offers at those in person interviews. I haven't done much job hunting since then, but think the note helped.

I think the thank you note is an excellent idea. :)

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Do you happen to know what day their truck day is?


Also, you could kind of find a reason to hang out in the store to gather information without actually pestering the manager. I am not suggesting obviously just wandering aimlessly around the store.


I am talking about showing up tomorrow to buy some advil. Chat up the cashier. Mention that you put in the application and you look forward to talking with the manager. The next day, stop in and grab a gallon of milk on your way home from XYZ. Chat with the cashier some more. Ask about their work hours, etc. Do all this in a genuinely friendly manner. This is not about networking your way in. This is about becoming friendly with the people you will be working with. Being a genuine friend to the store and the people in it is never a bad thing.

Are you sure doing these things wouldn't make Beth come across as being desperate for the job? If she is already a very frequent customer, it might be fine, but to start showing up every day at the same time she just applied for a job might appear kind of odd.

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I filled out the online application for CVS on Thursday. I spoke to the manager on Friday and he seemed super nice. He asked how many hours I wanted to work, part time or full time. I told him I was thinking part time. He said about 25 hours and I said yeah, 25-30. He said he was looking forward to getting my application from HR and to meet me for an interview. He expected to get the application today.


So today I emailed their career tech support about how I did the application process to make sure I did it right. Based on my name, they were able to say I successfully submitted three applications and gave me the store numbers. So yes, the application I needed was submitted. But then the tech guy said that within 20 minutes of my completing the application, the store manager can view it. So if that's true, why did the manager tell me he hadn't received it yet? So naturally I'm getting nervous that he's not interested in my application. I don't want to call today because he told me he should receive it today. I don't know the latest time he'd call. Like if he works until 5:00pm, would he call before then.


What would it look like if I called in the morning to ask if he received and reviewed my application? I don't want to bug him but I want this job. I know I'm overqualified but I figure lots of people are in positions like that these days. I got my hopes up after my phone conversation with the manager and now I'm worried he wasn't serious.


I'm so bummed.

Even though it was available to him, he probably just had not pulled it up and viewed it yet. At least I would hope so.

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I am not suggesting every single day. I am simply suggesting becoming a friend to the store if she isn't already. Of course, if she already is friendly with the folks there, it would look weird to suddenly increase her presence.


The truth is, it's unlikely that unless she shows up at like 8am every single day....that she will encounter the same person. The person working at noon on Wednesday is likely to be an entirely different person than the one who works on Thursday at noon. Or Thursday at 2pm. Or Friday at 8pm. They are likely to all be different people.



I am talking about just becoming friendly and gathering information. Information like what day the truck comes in, like how nice are the people working there, etc etc.



CVS has a high turnover rate. The store I was at, which was in a nice area, very few problems, and one of the very few in the Indy area to NOT have been robbed within a 5yr period (Like really, in the Indy area, CVS robberies for Vicoden, etc, were at such a high rate, you could count on one or more in the news each night.) BUT, within a year, I was the only one, including the manager, still left there. Really, they mostly just want bodies to beep the milk and advil. Bodies that won't steal from them. If you won't steal, and you are nice enough, you will get hired. Unless of course you are talking about a manager who is a complete BUTT.....which....who wants to work for that anyway.

This, just be patient & don't seem so deperate.

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I have no idea when the truck arrives. To be honest, I don't believe I have ever stepped foot in this particular CVS. I pass by it a few times a week but I frequent another CVS which is closer to my house but they don't have any available positions.


What about the assessment they do? They have questions that remind me of a personality test and questions about WWYD in certain store circumstances. I could have messed up any of those questions. One that is bothering me is about whether I would talk to the manager about something. I believe in doing what the manager tells me what to do. I don't think it's a good idea to make executive decisions when you're not management. That type of question was asked 3 times and each time I chose follow the manager's rules. What if they are looking for someone who will take the initiative and make their own decisions? I hate personality tests.

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Those personality type tests seem to be common for retail jobs. My daughter took one recently and at the start the instructions said to answer honestly, not to try to figure out what they were looking for. So if you answered honestly you did the right thing.  While you are waiting, why not look for some different jobs to apply for?  Are there other stores close by, such as clothing or department stores?   



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Those personality type tests seem to be common for retail jobs. My daughter took one recently and at the start the instructions said to answer honestly, not to try to figure out what they were looking for. So if you answered honestly you did the right thing.  While you are waiting, why not look for some different jobs to apply for?  Are there other stores close by, such as clothing or department stores?   

I actually asked at one point and apparently, they don't seem to care much what the answers are, they are testing your honesty. So they ask the same question worded in many different ways to see if your answers are consistent.

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I have no idea when the truck arrives. To be honest, I don't believe I have ever stepped foot in this particular CVS. I pass by it a few times a week but I frequent another CVS which is closer to my house but they don't have any available positions.


What about the assessment they do? They have questions that remind me of a personality test and questions about WWYD in certain store circumstances. I could have messed up any of those questions. One that is bothering me is about whether I would talk to the manager about something. I believe in doing what the manager tells me what to do. I don't think it's a good idea to make executive decisions when you're not management. That type of question was asked 3 times and each time I chose follow the manager's rules. What if they are looking for someone who will take the initiative and make their own decisions? I hate personality tests.

My assumption would be that cashiers should follow the manager's rules. I'm sure your answers were fine, and it's good that you were consistent.


I hate tests like that, too.

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I have no idea when the truck arrives. To be honest, I don't believe I have ever stepped foot in this particular CVS. I pass by it a few times a week but I frequent another CVS which is closer to my house but they don't have any available positions.


What about the assessment they do? They have questions that remind me of a personality test and questions about WWYD in certain store circumstances. I could have messed up any of those questions. One that is bothering me is about whether I would talk to the manager about something. I believe in doing what the manager tells me what to do. I don't think it's a good idea to make executive decisions when you're not management. That type of question was asked 3 times and each time I chose follow the manager's rules. What if they are looking for someone who will take the initiative and make their own decisions? I hate personality tests.


I've had to take a million of those stupid tests.  Honestly, most retail jobs are looking for someone who is going to do what their manager tells them to do unless it's illegal, follow instructions, ask if they have questions, and not be dumb enough to say they would steal things or ring up their friends for lower prices.

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