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Pictures of the Cutest Lamb (New Picts post #13)


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Ignore if you're blogphobic   :)


For those that might like to take a break and view a seriously cute lamb I've posted 2 pictures of Miss Gorgeous on our blog - couldn't work out how to get them on here effortlessly for me :glare:


ETA: Clicking on the photos will gift you with a bigger view

Edited by Tuesdays Child
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Have to add:

Girl Lamb is totally happy to be picked up for cuddles - and the occasional kiss  :tongue_smilie: - exposed knees, or ones hidden under a skirt are fair game to be nuzzled for the possibility of milk.  


PS:  If you wish to, you are welcome to onshare the photos to anyone you think might need a smile gifted their way (just please leave the © on the photo, as the young photographer had to work hard to capture the last shot.  Girl lamb was intent on seeing if the Iphone was edible)



Edited by Tuesdays Child
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I know!


Sorry to derail here, but how can people actually eat lambs? It blows my mind.


Lamb is our favorite meat, but one doesn't eat them until they are 6 months to a year old, so they are a lot more adult looking than baby looking.  Any "sheep" meat under one year old is lamb.  Older is mutton.  It's extremely tasty, far better than beef (to us), so is our "go to" meat and we love it when we're in a country where it's less expensive than beef.  A typical slaughter age for beef is 18 months - not much difference.  Pigs are 5-6 months usually (lambs usually 6-8).  Meat chickens don't even get that unless on a home farm vs commercial.


But back to these pics - yes - super cute!

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I know!


Sorry to derail here, but how can people actually eat lambs? It blows my mind.

echoing what creekland said.  (On our property the lambs we raise for 'produce' are onsold at hogget stage, between the age of 1-2 years.)



& as is the case on our property "Girl Lamb" won't be eaten; she is a family pet.   Pets are never eaten!! 

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