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S/O from how much TV thread

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So, I was just browsing the headlines at Yahoo and noticed a link to a list of the 25 most popular TV shows.




Now I know why I don't watch more. There is, literally, not one of the shows on that list that I watch regularly.


Full disclosure: My husband watches House, and I am sometimes in the room while it is on, but I rarely see any espisode all the way through. We have watched Heroes, but have skipped several episodes and finally took it off our scheduled recordings list. I tried two or three episodes of Fringe and decided it wasn't for me. Of the remaining 22 shows listed, I've never watched a single episode of 20 of them. The other two (The Office and 30 Rock) are shows I tried when they first came on and just didn't get into.


So, really, am I the only one who admits to watching TV but doesn't like these "most popular" shows? Gosh, no wonder I feel so out of things!

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We don't get any TV channels, so I couldn't watch even if I wanted to. Lessee, I've seen The Simpsons and SNL, but not for about 10 years, so I do hit two on the list. :) I keep meaning to rent House because I love Hugh Laurie.

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Of those I only watch House and The Simpsons... and both of those I only watch in reruns -- never the new episodes.


I do watch TV, but it's much more likely something "odd"... there are a few BBC and PBS shows I really like, and lots of stuff on DVD. :) I'm just not committed enough to watch a whole series in its first run!

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You aren't the only one. Of those 25, I've only watched Grey's semi regular and made the decision this past week to not watch it any more due to the prevailing, overwhelming glorification of immorality. Shudder. Anyway, I have watched a few Housewives episodes, but same issue there...


I like House Hunters, Law and Order, Cold Case, Without a Trace....and Food Network.


Makes me feel good that I don't watch mainstream. In general that is positive.

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I like House, but we don't watch it regularly.


We like NCIS (love Mark Harmon), Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Ghost Whisperer, Numbers. Sometimes CSI NY, but not the other CSIs. I like Cold Case and Without A Trace, but I think Without A Trace has changed nights and I usually miss it now. Dh likes The Unit; it's not my favorite.


We LOVE Monk and Psych when they are on - dh records them at work.


Clearly I am not a member of a target audience, either. We also don't have cable so that makes a difference I think.

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Wow....I'm surprised at the list. Most of those aren't things I would bother catching if I could.


I do watch Extreme Makeover Home Edition most weeks. I am not home to catch House but might if I were home.


Most of those shows I wouldn't watch because of being


1)soap opera-ish

2)having an extreme amount of immodesty/immorality

3)having to do with violence


I'm really trying to stay away from things God hates.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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wow...those are the top 25?? I only watch one which is CSI. Now I haven't watched it for about 6 months because it is on very late for me (I work at nights). Dh doesn't watch any on the list.


We mainly watch Food Network, HGTV, TLC and Fox news.



Edited by Holly IN
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So, really, am I the only one who admits to watching TV but doesn't like these "most popular" shows? Gosh, no wonder I feel so out of things!


My DP also likes House. I tease him that he'll watch anything with a know-it-all in it.


I like the Simpsons a lot but haven't bothered in years to even so much as figure out when it's on. I figure I'll catch it on DVD when the kids are grown. Right now I'd rather watch them.

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America's Next Top Model is number 1? Really? REALLY? I just...can't believe it.


Out of that list, I love CSI, but tend to watch it online because our kids are night owls who are still up around that time. I've always watched SNL sporadically, but have watched regularly this season because they've been on fire with the political stuff. We also watch Heroes, although I think Jill's analysis—


And Heroes is on shaky ground with me, right now. (I personally believe they've jumped the shark...my last blog post even mentions this, lol).



—is spot on.


The rest? Meh.


ETA: I forgot that I actually like The Office a LOT, but find it painful to watch. Every time I catch an episode, though, I wonder why I don't watch it more often!

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