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Doctors Find 27 Contacts in Woman's Eye


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I don't understand this either.  One of my contacts went in the back of my eye while I was trying to remove it.  This was painful.  I started to cry, and thankfully the tears flushed it out.  I just can't imagine not knowing 27 contacts were in your eye.

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I wonder how she got as far as being prepped for cataract surgery before they found them. Didn't someone look in her eye before then? And if so why didn't they see them?

This was my first thought as well. When I read the article, it said "under her eyelid", so I thought maybe they weren't actually covering her eye. But still, it is surprising that they got that far.

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How do you think you dropped a lense when you can STILL SEE out of that eye??? And how would a second lense on top effect your vision? This makes no sense.

I think what happened, is that she had one old lenses stuck behind her eyelid. Over the day, the fresh lens would stick to the old lens,  pulling the fresh lens off her pupil (sticking to the others behind her eyelid) and her vision would go blurry.  She would assume than the lens fell out.  She obviously couldn't feel the stuck lenses so they just kept settling one inside another like stacking cups.

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I was wondering if she had dementia or something because I don't understand how she could not notice a serious problem. I wear contacts and can't imagine having a 2 1/4 year supply in one eye and not going to the doctor for relief.

Ditto! One day I got distracted and accidentally put both contacts in the same eye. Took me about five seconds to figure out something was wrong.

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