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Ring worm


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My daughter has ringworm... Or at least that is what we think it is. 2 spots... One on her leg, the other under her arm. The spot is about the size of a dime...red ring...raised...itchy. we bought some antifungal medicine 2 days ago. The spot send to be getting more red. Is that normal? We are currently camping our way from Nebraska to Texas.. So I am hoping a doctor visit isn't needed.


Any thoughts?



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It might be eczema or bacterial, in which case the fungal cream would do nothing. I mistook eczema in my kiddo, just because it was round.


I am not a doctor, but I would watch the spots for spreading, heat/warmth, red lines/streaks branching out from them, or fever in the kiddo...if any of those show up I'd go to a urgent care doctor or er asap. Having dealt with MRSA in our house, I might go anyway just for peace of mind.

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The spot can get more red, but it should start getting better quickly. It should die down and get flaky. Check for other spots, especially the scalp.

If it is ringworm, the cream should work pretty quickly. If it doesn't seem to be starting to get better in a few more days then I'd find a doctor.

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Do you see any water blisters at all?  Since it's under the arm and the weather is likely to be hot and humid, I would consider impetigo.  Impetigo likes the sweaty, dark areas of your body.  It often starts with a small water blister, but you don't always see that.  It is easily treated with a triple antibiotic cream -- the otc variety.

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As a mom of a wrestler with existing skin issues (eczema/sensitivities) ... first question is ... what kind of soap/body wash are you using... is there a better choice (something antibacterial like Dial or perfume free). Usually that makes some difference. Then I'd stick with fungal cream a few days to look for impact then off to the doctor.


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We had ring worm a couple times - dd and I.  We did the anti-fungal and it got better and then it got redder.  I took dd to the doctor and they gave her a prescription cortisone cream that took care of it in a couple days.  I'm sure we would have had the same result with over the counter cortisone. 

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We caught ringworm from an adopted kitten and were able to treat it successfully with anti fungal cream. If I remember correctly, it took about a week or maybe even a bit longer to go away. On the advice of our vet, we were also very diligent about laundering clothing, sheets, pillowcases, and towels after every use until it cleared up.


However, I also recently got nummular eczema, which looks similar and is very itchy. When it first appeared, I thought it was ringworm and used anti fungal cream with no luck. Then I finally figured out it was eczema and switched to cortisone cream.

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For ringworm, we put a little bleach in water (a little less than 50% strength so it won't burn), and dab it on with a q-tip. It goes away very quickly. That may not be the preferred method of treatment for most, but a vet told my sister to do it for one of her animals once, and he said it was fine for people as well. It has always worked for us.

Edited by StaceyinLA
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If it is the eczema, could it appear in two different spots like hers is? How long should we give it before we think it might be something other than ringworm?


Yes, nummular eczema can show up in multiple spots. I usually get it on my lower legs and upper arms.


If anti fungal cream doesn't seem to be working, you could try cortisone and see if that helps. If it is eczema, the cortisone should relieve the itching and redness.

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The one on her leg is getting bigger and it's sort of blistery looking. She said it hurts a little. Thoughts?


Nummular eczema will start out as a small red circle (about the size of a dime) and then expand outwards and start looking like a bullseye over the course of several days. It can be blistery, too.

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For ringworm, we put a little bleach in water (a little less than 50% strength so it won't burn), and dab it on with a q-tip. It goes away very quickly. That may not be the preferred method of treatment for most, but a vet told my sister to do it for one of her animals once, and he said it was fine for people as well. It has always worked for us.

Yep, bleach works every time. No messing with days of creams :)

Little tip I learned from working at Head Start.

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Dd has something on her arm and I still don't know what it is. I took her to two doctors, her regular ped. and a dermatologist. We did one application of anti fungal cream before she went to the derm. and he said it wasn't ringworm because it wouldn't have cleared up that fast. It was not red when we got to him but you could see the round area of tiny bumps. He discounted my theory of eczema because he said eczema is symmetrical and would be like behind both knees or something. He told me to buy over the counter hydrocortizone. Well, I did and we applied it for a couple days? but then I covered it with a band-aid because I don't like steroids and didn't want it rubbing off on her or furniture, etc. She got a reaction to the band-aids. Ugh. I just came home with new "sensitive" band-aids and I'd like to try again, but now I've misplaced the cream.


All this to say it's very confusing with skin issues and very frustrating! He said it was probably a bug bite because she had several bug bites, but I don't think so...

Edited by heartlikealion
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I just looked at the one under her arm pit... It looks nearly gone. The only thing we did differently was that one we didn't cover with a bandaid because it was covered with clothes. Would that make a difference?

Air and sun is good for ringworm. I also do the bleach... also learned from working at a daycare lol Edited by wonderchica
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