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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning, ladies!  DH off on another business trip for the rest of the week so it is just me and the kiddos.



-straighten up for cleaning people

-figure out what to do while cleaning people are here

-work out (HIIT cardio)


-stick to strict Whole30 and lots of water

-take youngest shopping for some pants for cruise, new shirts, PJs, whatever else he needs

-make sure youngest reads and does math

-make sure oldest reads and does writing for tutor that comes tomorrow

-grocery store


-figure out something for dinner that doesn't dirty up my clean kitchen

Edited by Pink and Green Mom
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::hugs:: Scout!!

chores (feed critters, bedrooms, wash sheets, fold yesterday's laundry, dishes, sweep, vanities, kitchen counters)
grocery store
more gardening
pray the vacuum guy calls! (he didn't, though, lol)
seat work
read aloud
dinner -- homemade pizza & salad  (but also ran to the grocery at 8:00, so pick up sushi at DH's request).



I'm thisclose to giving up on my garden; I just did everything so backwards.


Edited by CES2005
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Morning everyone! It's another sweltering day. Fingers crossed that we will get some rain today. We need it badly!


Already done:

•fed dogs and cats

•put dogs out in back yard to wear off energy before the heat really kicks in

•round one of horse chores

•fly sprayed horses (the bugs are so obnoxious lately) and set up sprinkler for them to play in

•one load laundry


To do:

•office work (must get a lot done today!)

•go through Subscribe & Save list


•order horse bedding

•reschedule hair appt.


•dinner: breakfast for dinner

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  • Failed to wake up early to work before the kids got up.


Kids up, ready and packed for camp.  Auntie drove them again.


Took out the garbage.


Work work work....


Hoping auntie will take the kids to their evening stuff without giving me a guilt trip.


Need to pack for kids' camp overnight Thurs-Fri.


Should run a load of laundry so my kid's bear that she sleeps with won't smell foul at camp.  :P  (She spits on it and it stinks.)


Kids bathed & to bed.


Work work work ....


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ScoutTN  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  Prayers for your mom and quick recovery


Morning, all!


Everything left over from yesterday's list.  Dd has a cold or summer flu or something.  


Visit with my mom


Lesson planning,set up new agenda/binder

pick out paint for hallway

something in crock pot for dinner, in the 100s here today  :glare:


Have a great day, all...

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Good morning! It is a regular Wednesday here, practices, chores, errands. Scout, I will be thinking of your mom this morning.


To do:

ds1 and dd2 off to practice

ds3 to tennis (done)

get ds2 moving on things...

daily chores

general chores

big project lists

laundry (started)

pick up ds3

phone calls/library?

practice #2-ds1 and ds3

practice #2 I take dd2

get gas

other silly errands

home-dh is making dinner


Have a great day!


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Good morning

- laundry- load in dryer

- feed girls- breakfast and lunch done

- call school about re-entry- done

- check on dfil's ac part delivery- should be at his house tomorrow

- tidy house- round 1 done

- have dd1 read and do some math- done

- work with dd2 on letters- did a little

- school stuff for me

- crochet?

- dinner- cooking

- baths/showers

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done- ironed on dd1's Brownie patches

Edited by MomtoCandJ
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Here's a positive thought for me as I go though a difficult time.


When my kids get done with high school, I will already be DONE with menopause (right? please?).  Imagine all the positive implications of that ....


I do have to figure out a few things to really have good quality of life.  Like scaling back work.


More importantly at the moment - I need to find a solution to the pain I have in my butt.  Yep, that's right, I'm butthurt.  My tailbone hurts whenever I sit on a chair.  I can tolerate sitting, but then getting up is hell.  I would love to figure out this problem before my flight to Europe in a couple weeks.  Debating whether it is too weird to post it on the general forum, LOL.  I should probably go to the chiropractor and ask her, but whatever she might do would be both embarrassing and scary.  Plus I don't have time.

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-shower, dress, hair

-dressed, breakfast, cleanup

-My extra preschoolers are coming today, but I've already told dad we're not actually doing preschool.  They can just jump on the trampoline and color.

-violin practice for dd6 on songs for tonight

-phonics for dd6

-grammar, piano & handwriting for dd8

-math facts practice for dd6 & dd8

-pin up costume for our unreliable actress; I haven't altered that one to fit the kid because I'm worried she won't show, and I'll have to stand in for her.  But supposedly she's coming, so I'm going to employ a couple dozen safety pins.

-print out extra scripts for the prompters

-find replacement for "jewel" prop that went missing

-make the stage "blood"

-prepare my little intro blurb

-practice waves scene with ds4 and preschooler4

-practice hair scene with dd8

-practice song with dd8

-feed them lunch, cleanup

-charge ipad and download movie for littles to watch when they're waiting

-pick up snacks for the kids in the waiting room

-check mail

-maybe find an excuse to drive around for a while until ds4 falls asleep so he will nap, so he doesn't fall asleep in the costume room tonight

-do dd6' hair for play

-load up everything in car

-feed kids early dinner

-go open up stage, get my kids all ready and costumed first

-go over waves scene one more time as soon as those kids arrive

-do hair for girls who come without it done, get everyone costumed

-make sure cross garters are on right so they don't fall off mid-scene

-Twelfth Night performance!

-sleep :)

Edited by La Condessa
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Here's a positive thought for me as I go though a difficult time.


When my kids get done with high school, I will already be DONE with menopause (right? please?).  Imagine all the positive implications of that ....


I do have to figure out a few things to really have good quality of life.  Like scaling back work.


More importantly at the moment - I need to find a solution to the pain I have in my butt.  Yep, that's right, I'm butthurt.  My tailbone hurts whenever I sit on a chair.  I can tolerate sitting, but then getting up is hell.  I would love to figure out this problem before my flight to Europe in a couple weeks.  Debating whether it is too weird to post it on the general forum, LOL.  I should probably go to the chiropractor and ask her, but whatever she might do would be both embarrassing and scary.  Plus I don't have time.


You can get one of those round donut pillows at the pharmacy to sit on.  It alleviates the pressure on your tailbone.  Or try to do your work standing as much as possible. 

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I am so frustrated.


bare bones human care done

drove ds to college for his final.

came home - went back to bed for a bit and still haven't even made 7 hours of sleep all total.

pet care done

medical care done

made bed.

got call that ds got done with his final and could I pick him up.

Picked him up.

Went to grocery store for lunch and dinner stuff

Got back in the car and ds informed me that he had left his phone at college.

drove back to college  - he found his phone - drove home

made lunch for myself (everyone is on their own)

got caught up on the boards while I ate lunch.


Now and only now I can get in the shower and make myself feel totally human and it's after 1 pm! 


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Two loads folded and put away. One load in dryer (after having been washed). One load in the washing machine. And I am just getting started on my laundry marathon. (Bigger people mean bigger clothes so more loads. ). What I need is one washing machine but two dryers. The dryer takes twice as long as the washer.






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I'm sitting here eating a chocolate bunny that one of my kids had left over from Easter. My excuse is that I've had a thumping migraine all day and maybe the sugar will make my head feel better. 


It rained today but only for five minutes. During those five minutes, the wind was so strong that a big strip of metal on our roof came loose and is hanging down the side of the house. So tomorrow we have to get that fixed.  :glare:


It's only 7:30 and I am so ready for bed. 



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Well today my kids' summer camp took them fishing.  With worms and bugs.  My kids have never actually done worm fishing, because I am a bad mom.  I bough them kiddy rods a couple years ago and we tried our luck with the lures that came with the rods, but nothing bit, and I never got around to taking them again.  (Had those stupid fishing rods in my car for ages - they might still be in the trunk.)


So anyway, considering how much my kids hated camp the last 2 days and how hot it was again and how fun it is to bait a hook with a worm, I figured my kids were gonna come home hollering that camp was hellish today.  But lo and behold, they actually liked the fishing.  They caught some fish, so yay, that rite of passage is done.  :)


BUT, they both got some kind of rash from some tall grass they walked through.  I don't know what it is, looks like a million cat scratches, and it hurt really bad to take a shower and put aloe on it.  I hope it's a lot better tomorrow.  :)


I got two loads of laundry washed and dried.  At some point tonight I need to pack for their overnight camping trip.  They need a list of about 40 things for one night.  :P  Whatever ....


I got one big report out.  Still have enough work to keep me busy all night, but it's been a rough day and I can't do an all-nighter.  I'll have to prioritize.  :/

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