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My mom's boss was murdered...


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I don't know him personally but she worked closely with him (he was also the owner of the small business).  

It is a horrible situation.  He was robbed at gunpoint and then stabbed over 12 times.  My mom is the most together, "I'm fine" person.  What does she need from me right now?  What can I do to show support? 

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Ask her what she needs and let her know you're there for her if she wants to talk about it. Maybe you can offer to attend the wake or the funeral with her.


I'm so sorry this happened. That poor man. :crying:

Edited by Catwoman
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I grew up in a drugs and gangs neighborhood. There were gang related deaths. We felt numb, sadness and fear. The gangs do not touch the residents but there is fear of being caught in the crossfire and sadness because someone was killed. The numbness is a protection mechanism because there were exams to take and work to attend to.


Does your mom has anything to keep her busy? Just be there and let her process in her own time.

Edited by Arcadia
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This is so horrible!  Yes, if you can, ask your mom what she needs.  She may not even know but you can ask.  If you live near enough maybe you can bring her some food and just let her talk if she needs that.  And if it is feasible, yes offer to take her to the funeral.


I would be understanding if she becomes a little unusual for a bit. Even if she seems fine now, this would take a toll on someone. Just, wow. How awful.


Agreed.  She may seem off or not right now but the full impact may not hit for days or weeks or even months.  Be prepared to need to offer her more support later, when shock and adrenaline have worn off.

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I'm sorry.  In that situation I'd be open about asking if there were anything I could do - including attending the funeral or whatever is available.  Then if she said she's fine, I'd respect that too.  I don't think there is one correct way to respond.  

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It may or may not affect how safe she feels. Like someone else said, she's probably going to have trouble returning to work if it happened there. A couple nuns from my church were stabbed to death last year. It was very upsetting to the whole community. Still don't know the motive, we just speculated. Anyway, it really messed with me and how safe I felt even though they caught the guy within a fairly short amount of time. I spoke to a couple professionals about it and basically realized I had survivor's guilt (I dreamt about being stabbed to death a few days before it happened). Just talk to her. Who knows what she's thinking.

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