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Whine....I don't have anything to plan for next year....(not a JAWM, but be gentle)

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I had a dream last night about getting to plan a classroom again, set things up, etc. It was so nice. And it hit me that I have almost nothing to plan for next year. DD is taking 9 hours at the community college. She's ready for it, she needs that level of work, but it leaves nothing for me to do but drive her there and hang out in the library or run errands. She's TEACHING an online class, so she gets to plan, but she definitely doesn't want my help there! She's doing a chemistry lab with a PhD chemist who is also a homeschool mom-I just pay for that one and drive, too.


All the stuff I used to do, both as an elementary teacher and as a homeschooler are superfluous. But I can't work a job and get her to and from the college and her other activities. So I'm stuck-all of the annoying stuff, none of the fun stuff.



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Have you considered hiring one or more college students to drive her around so you can work?  Could she take a public bus for some of these classes / activities?


Any chance of getting a job where you can work on your laptop wherever you are?


I would find that difficult too.  I hope you find something interesting to do.

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I'm hoping that one of her teen friends will do Dual enrollment, and take a couple of the days of driving off my hands. Unfortunately, public transit here stinks. I would quite literally have to drive her to the college campus so she could catch a bus, because they don't go out into the suburbs anywhere close to where we live. Her Chem class and cheer are also similarly far removed from the bus lines. It's frustrating-she is eligible for a student pass since she is a college student).


I used to do curriculum development from home, but gave that up once I finished my last contract to homeschool, so at this point my contacts are stale. The music program I used to teach at, and normally still did camps for over the summer closed completely this year, which removes the possibility of going back to work for them. I could probably get a full-time job with the school system quite easily, but part-time/flexible/from home is much harder, and I don't see full-time being a likely option until DD can drive or goes to a residential college.



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Maybe there is some volunteer work to be done at the local schools near the college.


Any chance of teaching a college class or two?  Maybe not this coming year, but in the more distant future?  Not for the pay (which in my experience barely covers parking), but to have something important to do?

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I'm planning to put in an application for the adjunct pool for the CC (I'm already in it for the state U). The chance of a CC class opening at the ideal time and place (the CC also does classes at multiple satellite locations, including the state prison and about a dozen high schools, as well as their two main campuses and a few satellite centers) seems remote, especially since they don't have a music education major, but maybe they'll need someone to teach music appreciation or an undergrad education class.


I've considered seeing if they could use a volunteer at the on campus child care center.

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Maybe NOW is the time to join a co-op. All the planning joy, no regulations, no real skin in the game since you're dd is beyond all that.


I'm kidding, though, I recognize that the motivation to plan things it for other people's kids is lacking. Although, what if you offered a for-pay class? Writing or a science lab or music?


Or, start planning a vacation?

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Maybe you could tutor some college kids while you hang out at the library?


I totally get it... my oldest is taking 75% of her subjects online, and there has been a definite shift in my role. I am enjoying becoming more of a mentor/tutor/college counselor, but miss the fun of making my own book lists, mapping out our weeks, coordinating resources, etc. Bittersweet!

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I wouldn't give up planning. There are bound to be fun things you can still plan for the two of you to do together. You could learn new skills together (knitting, crocheting, etc.). You could plan a once a week time to try new gourmet recipes or something like that. You can still plan field trips, read aloud books, art projects, etc. 


I think not having to teach the academics but having time to explore and have fun together would be amazing! 

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You can become super field trip and vacation planner! :D These transitions are hard and yours came early.  :grouphug:   The driving used to make me crazy and I had to remind myself it was time together. And yes, the hanging out in the coffee shop waiting... You can do it!! 

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Homeschool yourself. What are you going to do while waiting and driving? Fill the time with good mind food for YOU.


Plan a fitness and nutrition plan for yourself.


Plan a reading challenge for yourself.


Start a new journal project.


Learn a new hobby.


This is a season. Dress for the 'weather' and enjoy it while it lasts. It will pass soon enough.

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