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What is in your ballycumber?


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The ones I am currently reading are Home Education by Charlotte Mason,Gulliver's Travels and Has American Christianity Failed by Bryan Wolfmeuller .


The ones I just bought and will add to the ever growing list are Before The Mayflower and two by Margaret Laurence-Dance on the Earth and The Prophet's Camel Bell

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Don Quixote, The Fireman, La Ciudad de las Bestias, and The Illuminated Rumi.


What is deceptive is that these don't get equal or even regular read time. Some have been limping along for quite a while (lookin' at you, Don)


My tsundoku is a whole different ball of wax.

Edited by SusanC
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Snicker - I have both a ballycumber and the Japanese thingy.


How I have a ballycumber, I'll never know because I usually don't begin a second book while reading a first. however, I have four books started (Spark, The Underground Railroad, the second Mrs. Peregrine book, and a Kindle First book). I went to the library today and checked out two more books, both on weight lifting. Then there are the books I"ve been buying and storing on my work book shelf as professional interest and development. I need a long week in a snowed in cabin with a supply of chai and a never ending pot of soup or stew. 

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All the Birds in the Sky - a fanciful novel about a magical girl and a mad scientist type inventor and their friendship starting in childhood. I like it very much... but I got waylaid from it.


Also, I really, really should have finished rereading Tuck Everlasting by now and just haven't. Ds was reading it for school and I was supposed to discuss it. It will only take such a short time... but in a way that's part of what makes it so easy to put off.

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Just a few days ago, I had a lot of them. I couldn't settle & decide on any of them; also was not super-into any of them. Usually I read one book at a time. I returned a huge pile to the library. For now, my ballycumbers are:


World, Chase Me Down



Lots of those too. (Though once I actually get around to reading any of them, I try to keep them moving by passing them on to friends or donating them to the library.)

Edited by Stacia
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Seven Gothic Tales, Isak Dinesen


Brainstorm: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain (started for a book group, got busy and sidetracked by the next selection)


Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain


Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women (started to re-read, but got sidetracked by books I hadn't read yet :D )


I had the flu at the beginning of January and spent several days on the couch making my way through 2-3 more, so it's a shorter list than it used to be.


I don't have much of a tsundoku, I don't think. If I don't get around to reading something after a while I return it to the original owner or give it away.

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I had to look up Ballycumber too!  Do most people know what that means?


Mine are:


West with the Night by Beryl Markham


Eichmann in Jerusalem:  A Report on the Banality of Evil by Hannah Arendt


Benefit of the Doubt by Greg Boyd



I've probably been working on these for 6 months now!

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A Walk in the Woods and Truman. They're both great books, but I just can't find time to sit my behind down and finish them.


I bailed on that one, too repetitious. 


Mine: Such Good Girls (the Holocaust's Hidden Children), Love Stories (sex between men before homosexuality), Becoming a Supple Leopard (fitness), The Power of Habit. 


Tsundoku: a pile of philosophy books and a few really long biographies - mostly stuff I buy at the book fair even though I know I won't get to it anytime soon, because it's super cheap. 

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