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depression/mood issues in pregnancy


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With my daughter who is now 6 I had some anxiety/anger. I was fine with my sons. Having a girl again and finding myself very hormonal for lack of a better explanation. Not sad (until today), just not happy. Feeling very overwhelmed. Some anxiety. Not sleeping well. 


Midwife put me on 5-HTP which I um...forgot to get. It should be here later today (finally ordered it). And fish oil, which I ran out of and am ordering now. 


Until recently fresh air and sunshine were helping a lot, but I was at the park this morning, got lots of sunshine, and still feel like crap. Almost started crying at the grocery store!  Felt foggy as well, perhaps some low blood sugar as well, not sure. I stopped and got food on the way home, but I still just want to hide under my blankets. 


I'm VERY behind on my writing deadline with I already got one extension on. I just haven't felt like writing. Or reading..I went months without reading which is very unusual for me, and what led me to realize there was a problem. I read a few things since Christmas, but still am not myself. Going to force myself to work on writing today. 


The new puppy is helping some....I adore dogs, and he's reminding me how much fun they can be. But he's also a bit exhausting! I'm not exercising regularly..maybe twice a week, but I am getting 10K steps on average just walking him, walking around the dog park, getting up and down to deal with him, etc. My fitbit says I'm getting at least 250 steps each hour during the 9 hours it advises. 


Sleep...I am taking benedryl to sleep a few times a week. I often get a about 8 hours, but I am also awake 4-10 times a night to pee, wander the house, get a drink, pee again, etc. I'm sure that's not helping. 


Any other thoughts on what may help?

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I would be reluctant to take Benedryl.  If it makes you drowsy, it will make your baby much more so.


Have you had your thyroid checked lately?  It's got to work overtime to keep up when you're pregnant.  And how about iron?  I had both of those drop during pregnancy.  Although it didn't make me depressed, it did make me feel very weak and kind of like I wasn't going to live that much longer.  But in a happy, hopeful way, LOL, but under other circumstances I think it would have made me depressed.  That's where I would start, because those are known issues specific to pregnancy.


I'd totally nap, too.  It's a season.  It's not forever.  Give yourself some more space for rest.

Edited by Carol in Cal.
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Personally, I think it's totally natural to be off-balance when you have so much going on!! You're growing a new life, and you're momma-ing your kids, and you got a new pup, and I'm sure you have lots of other responsibilities, too. It's totally normal to have a rough time balancing all that! And your hormones are out of whack!! 


My general advice when folks are facing high stress times like pregnancy or grief or other rough times . . . is just to minimize the demands you make on yourself. Get help with household duties, defer projects, go easy on yourself with meals/etc, take a vacation from your volunteer activities, accept every offer of help for ANYTHING  . . . and take that extra time to get extra rest, take a bubble bath, watch a funny show, etc. Just be KIND to yourself. And to those who love you. 


When your kid drives you crazy, count to TEN, turn around and walk away . . . Bite your tongue. Acting too fast or too harshly will just leave you with more mess to clean up and angst to deal with. Walk away. Let it go. Let her watch too much TV. It's OK. This too shall pass. 


I'd definitely check with your health care team about the Benadryl. It's been a long time since I was pg, but it was on my no-no list back in the dark ages when I had my babies. :) (Then again, EVERYTHING was on my no no list!!)




SOON you will have an amazing little pink precious bundle of snuggles to enjoy . . . it'll all be worth it!


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I have PTSD (from a previous stillbirth, very triggered by pregnancy) AND allergies. My OB and midwife both okay Benedryl. Have you had your iron and Vitamin D levels checked? Do you have a light box? Do you take a probiotic or eat fermented foods regularly? Are you taking a prenatal DHA? 

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I would try melatonin for sleep as it is naturally produced by the body - whereas benadryl is a rx.


pregnancy can affect adrenal and thyroid function - and those can affect mood/energy/sleep/etc.   especially adrenals. 

there are a number of safe options to support adrenals and thyroid, but you do want an idea of what they're doing  so you use the right stuff.

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I would be reluctant to take Benedryl.  If it makes you drowsy, it will make your baby much more so.


Have you had your thyroid checked lately?  It's got to work overtime to keep up when you're pregnant.  And how about iron?  I had both of those drop during pregnancy.  Although it didn't make me depressed, it did make me feel very weak and kind of like I wasn't going to live that much longer.  But in a happy, hopeful way, LOL, but under other circumstances I think it would have made me depressed.  That's where I would start, because those are known issues specific to pregnancy.


I'd totally nap, too.  It's a season.  It's not forever.  Give yourself some more space for rest.


Iron was fine and so was my thyroid (iron was checked agin recently, thyroid was at the beginning of 2nd trimester I think?)


Vitamin D is good too. 


Naps are just not happening...the kids get loud :(

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So...yes, sort of taking a probiotic. As in, I keep forgetting. The worse the mood issues are, the more likely I am to forget my supplements. Not helping. I'll start back on them more regularly. Iron and D are good. No light box, but I live in Florida, so lots of sunshine. I WAS taking DHA with fish oil, but sporadically and ran out. Just found some in the cabinet, so took some. Will work on being more purposeful. 


And thank you to whomever said to be kind. I'm really trying to do that and I do think it helps. Dog park makes me happy, snuggling with puppy or kids, etc. Picked up more paper plates/bowls/plastic ware to make life easier. 


Not being very on top of homeschooling, and trying not to worry about that. 

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I was depressed during my last pregnancy for the first trimester, maybe part of the second.  I am pretty sure it was mostly hormonal as one day I woke up and it had just switched off, and I felt 90% normal again.


I also peed a lot with that pregnancy, and it turned out I had GD.  Is that a possibility for you?  I wonder if they are comorbid (GD and the depression).


Definitely take the fish oil, as this is the time of year (and was with mine) when lack of sunlight and vit D can exacerbate mood problems.

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How do the times of year that your previous pregnancies were in match up with this one? Because you basically just described my wintertime, and I am most definitely not pregnant. :) A bit of seasonal affective disorder on top of the usual pregnancy hormones this time around, maybe?


Erica in OR

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Definitely take vitamin D, the sun this time of year is not strong enough in most of the US for your body to produce it. Even in the southern states the angle of the sun is lower in the sky the rays have a lot more atmosphere to cut through.


I do take vitamin D, but am supposed to take more and have been forgetting. Levels were at about 50 when checked at the start of pregnancy, down to I think 35 at last check. 

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dang, you're almost there!  time flies!


definitely up the vit d through fish oil, and be on the lookout for PPD afterward (they told me to be careful about it as I had been depressed during the pregnancy).  that lack of motivation to do things that used to be easy to do and/or make me happy to do was one of my main indicators that something was off and not in a situational way

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or if your husband is game, have him remind you to take the fish oil (we drink that stuff from the bottle - ugh, nasty, but worth it).  I found it much easier to take regularly if DH was there drinking it with me, saying "okay now your turn." - hard to refuse that way, or forget, or just put it off (which I am a champion at doing even when *not* depressed).


It is at least good that you can recognize it as possibly caused by hormone or other chemical imbalances - when I had it during pregnancy, at first I had no clue what I was dealing with and took the depression seriously (as in, I gave the feelings more legitimacy than I should have).  Once I recognized that it was most likely hormonal, a lot of the power of the depression was gone and I could deal with it pretty rationally, even as it continued to suck.

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dang, you're almost there!  time flies!


definitely up the vit d through fish oil, and be on the lookout for PPD afterward (they told me to be careful about it as I had been depressed during the pregnancy).  that lack of motivation to do things that used to be easy to do and/or make me happy to do was one of my main indicators that something was off and not in a situational way


Thanks. Will get the fish oil ASAP (I prefer the Barleans Omega Swirl..it tastes good so I bet my 6 yr old would remind me, since she gets to take it too, lol). Or set an alarm on my Echo.


And yes, I told my midwife so she can watch me for PPD and several friends who will be checking up on me. I've never had an issue before, but each time is different. 

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I'm VERY behind on my writing deadline with I already got one extension on. I just haven't felt like writing. Or reading..I went months without reading which is very unusual for me, and what led me to realize there was a problem. I read a few things since Christmas, but still am not myself. Going to force myself to work on writing today. 


I can't help on the other stuff---but Go, Katie, Go! Write that story! Make that money! Beat that deadline! Go!Go!Go! :hurray:

I need pom-poms. 

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And...I just realized I have NOT been taking my methylated B vitamins. At all. In at least a month or more. And sporadically before that. 


My lab work showed my B12 and folate were fine (above normal) so I just didn't worry about it. But...I remember now that early i pregnancy I noted that if I didn't take it I felt lousy and exhausted. Um...maybe a connection. 


I have one of the MTFR genetic abnormalities...the one that causes fewer problems ( I forget which one...did i mention my memory sucks lately?), so hadn't really worried about it because even the most gung ho MTFR websites don't stress too much about my mutation. 

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Katie--if you've been taking a general multivitamin with B in it or eating a lot of store-bought grain products, you've been blocking your folate receptors.  Are you also being careful to avoid things with folic acid so that your methyl-folate can be absorbed when you do take it?  


You took away all of the feel-good supplement things in your life. Um, yeah, take those. I can't imagine stopping those in my life.

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I forgot: my OB approved unisom for insomnia, too. Because Benedryl helps both my allergies and insomnia, I don't take it, but if you don't also have allergies, you can talk to your care provider about unisom, too.


i do have allergies, but before those started to kick in I tried the Unisom. It works great, but leaves me groggy in the morning. 

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