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Pain reliever for orthodontics?


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My ds got spacers yesterday for the palatal expander they're putting in next week, and he says the ibuprofen I'm giving him isn't working. He has autism, so that's subjective. Like normally he wouldn't even say much about pain, and he's saying it's not working. He's less fussy when he's taking it, but still. 


His weight is 57.5 pounds, and I had been giving him 2tsp of liquid suspension using the cup included with the packaging. At 60 pounds it bumps up to 2 1/2 tsp, so I gave him that tonight before bed. Can I go higher? Is there something else that would work better? 

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I definitely wouldn't have any worries about bumping it up slightly like that.  I'd keep it up around the clock for a few days.  Keep in mind that lots of ibuprofen can contribute to constipation, in case you need to address that.


(I remember being worried about the palate expander, but I think ds actually seemed happier with it; so weird.  I don't remember the spacers being painful for more than a few days.)


I don't know about the liquid dose.  I'm pretty liberal with the ibuprofen when it comes to things like orthodontic pain.  A little while ago we got home from the ortho where other ds13 had a big adjustment (back teeth being moved vertically on both top and bottom) and he was asking for it as soon as we walked in the door.  He's around 120 lbs and I gave him 400 mg.  Then again, other ds13 is more like 80 lbs and if he has a lot of pain, I give him the same dose - kinda big but he can use all the anti-inflammatories he can get.


Edited by wapiti
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I will bump him up.


My DS2 just got his braces on and his sister has them too.  We've used ibuprofin and it helps some, but not completely.  Sometimes it just needs a day or two.


This article says Tylenol also works for orthodontic pain, so maybe you could alternate with both, kind of like what one does with stubborn fevers.





This article suggests alternating every three hours when using both meds:






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I'd alternate tylenol and ibuprofen.


Also: When are you giving him his first dose? We find it helps to dose the kid up one hour before the appointment, then immediately when she comes out, well before she's feeling any pain.

Edited by Tanaqui
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DD alternates prescription strength ibuprofen with prescription strength naproxen and it keeps the pain just bearable.  Tylenol is pretty much useless for pain; we only use it for fevers.  If you are planning to up DS's dose to prescription strength, though, be sure you know what strength that is.  Course I'm no doctor and this shouldn't be taken as medical advice, but this is what DD does each time she visits the orthodontist (she is 14 and she bumps up the ibuprofen dose to 800 mg).

Edited by reefgazer
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He woke up AWFUL, throwing things, hitting the wall over and over with sharp objects (as in damaging the drywall), sigh. It was awful. I bumped it to 3 tsp in the cup, added in a small amount (1-2 tsp) Calm Child (chamomile tincture), stirred, poured into another cup, meaning there was some loss of the ibuprofen, and gave to him. 20 minutes later, blissful calm. Now admittedly I gave him a new little lego kit, but that was my motivator even to take the stuff. So the hitting and stimming and destruction has stopped and he's smiling and laughing again. 

Edited by OhElizabeth
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The tincture is a GREAT idea!


Does his mouth hurt all over or only in certain spots?

You could try a DROP of clove (essential) oil, mixed with a carrier oil (about a 1:5 ratio),

then swab on the most pained areas. Clove is POTENT so only a couple times a day

and no less than a 1:5 ratio. Meaning, 1 drop of clove oil mixed in about 5 drops of carrier oil.

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Super good point! I think we'll try that next week when he gets the expander in!


We would stop at Smoothie King on the way home from the orthodontist.  She would also put lots of crushed ice in her drinks to make it extra cold....no crunching or chewing on ice as that could damage the braces and hardware in the mouth.....just suck on it or drink it

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You have my sympathy. I don't know how AU/sensory kids can tolerate braces at all.


I got braces as an adult 2 months ago. I had them as a young teen, but my teeth moved some over the past 35 years. Well, the past two months have been the pits. I don't remember my teeth hurting this much when I was a kid. Depending on the specific issues, here is what I helps me.


Frequent teeth brushing with "sensitive" toothpaste

Braces Care mouthwash

Ice cold drink to swish around my teeth- ice water or unsweetened tea for me

Warm salt water


Lots of dental wax- That won't help with the spacer, but be prepared for later

Soft "comfort" foods such as ice cream, pudding, jello, mashed potatoes (doesn't really help the pain but makes me feel better anyway)

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We would stop at Smoothie King on the way home from the orthodontist.  She would also put lots of crushed ice in her drinks to make it extra cold....no crunching or chewing on ice as that could damage the braces and hardware in the mouth.....just suck on it or drink it


Yes, Smoothie King or Tropical Smoothie Cafe have become regular stops for us post braces adjustments.  :D  

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Thank you ladies! I did the Calm Child again with ibuprofen before today's appt and he did pretty well. They said whatever we did to do it again for next time, lol. Next appt will be the actual appliance, ugh. That's not gonna be pretty. I think we'll talk with him and make a plan. Meanwhile, I need to get that Orajel and things, definitely.

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