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Frugalistas Week 1: jan 1-8


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Hi all! 

sorry i am late posting this--i have a bad cold and just have zero energy. 


I know there were a few of you interested in a Frugal/Savings Challenge so I thought it might be nice to have a thread where we can all post our budgets. If you don't feel comfortable posting your budget, you can just post your over and under amount :) You can include whatever you like--my dh pays mortgage and a few other bills, so this just covers what i am responsible for. And these are just the things I need to work on--other things are 'set amounts' and they are not on here. You can structure it however it works best for you, but these are the areas, if I cut back on I can save more--which is my goal this year: to save more and pay off car.



Jan 1-8

Groceries: $159.31/$600 for month

Gas for 2 cars: $50.17/$200

Dining Out: $63.78/$150

Education: $87/$100

TKD and Gym $0/$200

Books: $0/$25

Car Payment: $0/325 (want to pay more each month)

Coffee Shops: 0/10

Transfer to Savings: $200


My major goals this year are to pay off my car (at least 50% of remaining, if not all), save $200 a week by cutting Fat like coffee, dining out, and other ancillary.





Edited by Halcyon
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I'm glad we're a third of the way through the month! Lol! I've mostly stuck to my budget, mostly out of necessity. I'm playing catch up! So far,so good! Lots of prayers being answered! My little-bits-at-a-time spending habits are being slowly broken, as I wanted them to be. I never buy big, but boy can I nickel and dime us to death! Especially with curriculum and books!!


i hear that. i've had a rough 3 months, and consoled myself with starbucks caramel macchiatos...no more!! and books....gotta go easier on that...and i've just resumed scrapbooking, but i am determined to use my stash!! 

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I need to do this.


Me too! I'm game. I'm currently on an Amazon Prime fast! :) This will be a good kick in the pants to get some number goals written down rather than just telling myself "we're going to go out to eat less." 

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Hi, is this the new "mindful spending" series?


I was forced into Amazon Prime so I am buying stuff via Amazon Pantry.  Not sure if this is actually going to save money or not.


I got a flat tire and the tire fixit place convinced me to buy 4 new tires as the other ones were getting old.  This might have saved me some money vs. getting them from the dealer when my car gets serviced.  However, I did screw up on my insurance - I used to have roadside assistance for a couple bucks a year, but when I bought a new car I didn't realize I needed to add the roadside assistance again, so I had to pay for the tow.  :/  Need to add that service before I have another problem.


I don't foresee any unusual spending now that all the birthdays and holidays are over.  I don't really have a goal, but maybe I should set one ....  I know I won't spend as much as last year because a couple of last year's big items were one-time things.

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I don't know which mindful spending series you're referring to SKL, but we're trying to be mindful here.


I just got VERY lucky--didn't realize a tuition installment was due for younger's private school and they waived the late fee, which would have been 400 dollars. Thank you Lord. 


I am sick (dh thinks it's walking pneumonia) and may have to pay for a doc visit today. I also hired an inexpensive housecleaner to work on the bathrooms and kitchen today as my back went out last week and i can't keep up and I hate a messy house. I figure if i do this once a month we can still meet our goals.


Otherwise no weird expenditures so far this month.

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Me too! I'm game. I'm currently on an Amazon Prime fast! :) This will be a good kick in the pants to get some number goals written down rather than just telling myself "we're going to go out to eat less." 



Okay, I am going to try and limit Amazon Prime too. The thing is, those purchases go on a card that I am technically not responsible for paying LOL -- it's DH's amazon card-- so somehow i feel like i am "getting away' with something when i buy from amazon, but of course, I'm not LOL. It's all one pot. So i am going to be more aware. 

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I'm not doing strict budgeting, but in line with my new focus on journalling, I'm writing down 'extra' purchases in my planner when they happen.  I think that this will enable me to enjoy them more, but do them less.  I don't have a huge spending problem, but I do want to get back to being more mindful.  I feel like I went a little crazy at Christmas this year, but it was a pleasure and pleased others, and affordable, and worth it.  I want to make sure all of my discretionary spending is like that, and well-enjoyed as well as well-considered.  I've read that most purchases feel good in the moment but that that feeling doesn't last, but I think this practice will at least extend it.

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I just worked on budget stuff. It appears that we are currently on track(barring emergencies and assuming I'm not missing something, either of which could totally happen), with a bit of wiggle room even. I have been a bit more loose on the grocery budget it was really tight the last couple of weeks of Dec so we were running quite low on supplies. On the plus side I don't believe we've had or will need any clothing items this month, we've not ate out in ages(last I believe was just me in Nov), no big Scout expenses(thank goodness for that), I do have $50 scheduled for HS expenses this month for Mystery Science as it is on sale but I'm hoping to fund that through selling some other HS items.  


Today my youngest had a check-up and is now slated for $800 of dental treatment. All but $150 is to be covered by dental insurance but we have to pay it up front, I should be able to use the HSA however to pay for it up front- I'm not sure how that works as far as the refund goes. As it is I have $400 worth of treatment I'm due a refund for, but we've got other appt's coming up and medication that I have no idea the cost of- anyway, thank goodness for the HSA for now anyway. Oh, and that isn't even taking into account the braces that are needed, le sigh. 1 thing at a time.


I have things I need to sell b/c (1) they are just taking up space and (2) money can always be used. I've got a goal of about $500 from this but that might be optimistic, a lot hinges on one big ticket item selling. Fingers crossed I hope to get several things listed this Sun(meant to do it last weekend but forgot I had training all weekend then our final Christmas dinner- I believe that I am free this weekend). This will just go into the short term savings fund. 


I'll just be glad to make it to Feb 2nd as that is when this massive bill is due, I had anticipated some increase but didn't estimate enough. I'll be glad to see it settled and see how our short term savings fares after it goes through (we've got a certain level we don't like to go below). Past that we have some savings goals for the year but I'm wondering if we've been too optimistic, there are some splurges I'd like to make, we might have to revisit the numbers. On the plus side our retirement savings is doing fabulous we are looking at hitting a milestone amount and it is neat to see how much faster it grows the bigger it gets, of course, that means little to us now in everyday life. 

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I am joining too.


So far this year money spent has been on bills,  vehicle gas, groceries and a few toiletry items.  Most of the grocery and toiletry items I used my Christmas gift cards for.  I did put back a couple small "want" items and get ds a shirt he really wanted.  He doesn't ask for much.



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okay so i really really want to get some stamping supplies.  :huh:  I have resumed scrapbooking and would really love to branch into card making. There's this card making kit I want to subscribe too. And then I'd need an embossing tool...and some clear stamps...i need to resist, or at least set up a separate savings fund for this. I said I wouldn't buy anything 'extra' til I set up my emergency fund. But that's going to take a year.  :crying:

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I am sick (dh thinks it's walking pneumonia) and may have to pay for a doc visit today. I also hired an inexpensive housecleaner to work on the bathrooms and kitchen today as my back went out last week and i can't keep up and I hate a messy house. I figure if i do this once a month we can still meet our goals.




Well that sucks! I hope you feel better and it's nothing major. Walking pneumonia can get pretty serious fast, so take care of yourself!

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This is my year to make changes...in the area of personal finance, at least. After living way too many years where we struggled financially, we have finally had about 5 strong years of doing fairly well, and we have reason to think that we may even be able to do a bit better. However, I am dissappointed to admit that I have a lot of work to do to get us out of the hole that we fell into when we were having financial problems. But thankfully, we have a nice income now, and I have the means to put together a plan and make it happen. So this is the year to do it!


My number one goal this year is to build our savings. We have debt that needs to be paid off, but I really want to build our savings up first. I also want to make and stick to a monthly budget. I've never really budgetted before...and it shows.


My biggest waste is food! I overspend at the grocery and then end up eating out for dinner because I don't know what to cook. Meal planning is another goal I am working on.


So, what's the plan for this thread? Post weekly or monthly? Just share thoughts and ideas? I certainly need the accountability. Will you guys please hold me accountable??? :D


ETA: I just went back and read the OP and see that we can list out our budget and whether we are over/under. I don't think I want to write my budget out here, but I do think I will list where I am over/under at the end of the month. 

Edited by Just Kate
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Kate -- I am horrible with meal planning.  If I ever sit down and write out what we are going to have each day something happens or I just don't want that food that day.  Instead I have made a list of foods I have on hand then using that list I made a list of meals I could make from those foods.  Now I have a list of meals I can look at each day and decide what sounds good or what works for our schedule that day.  Not the best but has helped me with food waste and getting meals on table better.

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I'll try to join in. 

I hear you on wanting stamping supplies. I am not into stamping but I have been resisting the urge to order yarn until I really, truly use up what I have and I'm trying to not get any extra things like that until at least March, maybe even June. If I look at the yarn, I'll think of some other supply that I "need' and then get carried away.

I did allow myself a pair of winter boots. Nothing fancy and it was in the yearly budget, but I was hoping to wait on clothing/shoes for myself until fall. I like shoes but I never cared about them before. Then last year, I realized I didn't really fit anything I had (partly from weight fluctuations, partly because I would settle for what was in stock instead of going online and finding ones that my apparently hard-to-fit feet) and so shoes, along with books, were my budget downfall last year.

Lots of goals, but the biggest is saving more this year and tracking the "household expenses" (toiletries, books, clothes, etc.) that I did really poorly on last year. I'm hoping that I will spend less if I really take time to imagine the trouble of having stuff that I don't need. I've been doing well with recording everything spent so far. The good news is I've done well with tracking things like car, house, utility, and medical-related expenses for a few years, so I have a grasp on what we can expect to spend this year. But we don't save enough, so yeah, that's the biggest goal.



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My husband knows two guys at work who do the cash only/envelope thing for groceries. I am skeptical. For one, I don't want to haul a few hundred dollars in cash to the store when I go, but also I am not sure how one shops that way- do they add it up on a calculator as they go? Can anyone speak to this?


I do try and always go with a list and stick to the list, but I have no clue what the total is going to be before I check out. I just need what I need. I go through phases with how frivolous I am though and sometimes splurge a bit much, particularly on meat. Sure- we'll have steak and rack of lamb this week! Anyway,  trying to figure out if when I'm next in a spendy phase if this cash thing would work. it seems much harder when you know in the back of your head you can just run to the ATM and get more. 

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My husband knows two guys at work who do the cash only/envelope thing for groceries. I am skeptical. For one, I don't want to haul a few hundred dollars in cash to the store when I go, but also I am not sure how one shops that way- do they add it up on a calculator as they go? Can anyone speak to this?


I do try and always go with a list and stick to the list, but I have no clue what the total is going to be before I check out. I just need what I need. I go through phases with how frivolous I am though and sometimes splurge a bit much, particularly on meat. Sure- we'll have steak and rack of lamb this week! Anyway,  trying to figure out if when I'm next in a spendy phase if this cash thing would work. it seems much harder when you know in the back of your head you can just run to the ATM and get more. 


Cash works well for a lot of people but not for us.  I'm diligent with meal planning and making a shopping list and I generally know how much things cost. I also have enough  slack in the budget to be able to stock up if I run across a great sale.  But cash- it just didn't work for us.  We'd need stamps or vitamins or maybe cash for some small thing and before I knew it, my grocery envelope was empty. 


When we started really watching our spending we looked at every receipt together and I tracked spending for a year.  After that long, we developed habits that have resulted in pretty predictable grocery spending. 

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I can't use cash for groceries as my grocery funds are SNAP right now, which comes on a debit card. That being said, I do add it up as go along. I use a calculator on my smartphone - it's easy to toggle back and forth from the calculator app and the rebate apps I use. I've also used a graphing calculator before as well. 


I've done all cash before and it doesn't work well for me. Cash gets spent faster than debit card because I think about it less. That being said, I probably run about 25% cash / 75% card. My debit card does .10 back per pin transaction so I try to use it where possible - those little dimes really do add up!


As soon as the rebates from today hit my bank, I'll be doing some pay swagbucks offers that are either break evens or profit, and then funneling the rewards into a debit card to fund a new bank account to take advantage of a sign up bonus at a local bank. 



I have been doing pretty good lately - sold some things to put towards bills. Still working on selling more. Planning on a Garage sale next weekend as finally the weather is supposed to be nice! I did splurge today at goodwill and bought a new {to me} bra which I really needed. It's from VS and was only $4, so I felt it was a good deal :) I need to watch for a few more and pick them up as possible - my old ones no longer fit due to weight loss. 


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I can't use cash for groceries as my grocery funds are SNAP right now, which comes on a debit card. That being said, I do add it up as go along. I use a calculator on my smartphone - it's easy to toggle back and forth from the calculator app and the rebate apps I use. I've also used a graphing calculator before as well. 


I've done all cash before and it doesn't work well for me. Cash gets spent faster than debit card because I think about it less. That being said, I probably run about 25% cash / 75% card. My debit card does .10 back per pin transaction so I try to use it where possible - those little dimes really do add up!


As soon as the rebates from today hit my bank, I'll be doing some pay swagbucks offers that are either break evens or profit, and then funneling the rewards into a debit card to fund a new bank account to take advantage of a sign up bonus at a local bank. 



I have been doing pretty good lately - sold some things to put towards bills. Still working on selling more. Planning on a Garage sale next weekend as finally the weather is supposed to be nice! I did splurge today at goodwill and bought a new {to me} bra which I really needed. It's from VS and was only $4, so I felt it was a good deal :) I need to watch for a few more and pick them up as possible - my old ones no longer fit due to weight loss. 


That's a good point. My credit card gives me 3% back on groceries, and we pay it off each month. So to me it would be like losing money to pay cash- you're right- those points definitely add up. I need to mention that to him. Perhaps those guys he's talking to carry balances. That's the only time I could see it making sense. Otherwise, it seems to be one in the same as long as you're cognizant of what you're buying and planning on paying the balance each month. 

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That's a good point. My credit card gives me 3% back on groceries, and we pay it off each month. So to me it would be like losing money to pay cash- you're right- those points definitely add up. I need to mention that to him. Perhaps those guys he's talking to carry balances. That's the only time I could see it making sense. Otherwise, it seems to be one in the same as long as you're cognizant of what you're buying and planning on paying the balance each month. 




We use CC and pay them off each month.  We use them for miles and points (travel hacking).  It has really paid off for us. We should have done it sooner than last year. 

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I can't use cash for groceries as my grocery funds are SNAP right now, which comes on a debit card. That being said, I do add it up as go along. I use a calculator on my smartphone - it's easy to toggle back and forth from the calculator app and the rebate apps I use. I've also used a graphing calculator before as well. 


I've done all cash before and it doesn't work well for me. Cash gets spent faster than debit card because I think about it less. That being said, I probably run about 25% cash / 75% card. My debit card does .10 back per pin transaction so I try to use it where possible - those little dimes really do add up!


As soon as the rebates from today hit my bank, I'll be doing some pay swagbucks offers that are either break evens or profit, and then funneling the rewards into a debit card to fund a new bank account to take advantage of a sign up bonus at a local bank. 



I have been doing pretty good lately - sold some things to put towards bills. Still working on selling more. Planning on a Garage sale next weekend as finally the weather is supposed to be nice! I did splurge today at goodwill and bought a new {to me} bra which I really needed. It's from VS and was only $4, so I felt it was a good deal :) I need to watch for a few more and pick them up as possible - my old ones no longer fit due to weight loss. 



I would love to hear which rebate apps you use.  Which ones?  How much are you getting back a week or a month?   I started using them and then gave up and never picked it back up again.  But it does all add up right? 


I just got my Ebates statement for the year we were are $350 cash back for the year.   I dont even do the app or the shopping on the go.  I would love it I could get cash back on it from grocery shopping  It does all add up fast.  I love love love ebates.  If anyone wants a referral let me know.  


I would love to know about the Swagbucks too.  Maybe you could post deals from there every week.  I again have tried SB and never gotten anything from it. 


I think it would be helpful for everyone to post their tips, that maybe other people could use too. 

What do you say?

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I would love to hear which rebate apps you use.  Which ones?  How much are you getting back a week or a month?   I started using them and then gave up and never picked it back up again.  But it does all add up right? 


I just got my Ebates statement for the year we were are $350 cash back for the year.   I dont even do the app or the shopping on the go.  I would love it I could get cash back on it from grocery shopping  It does all add up fast.  I love love love ebates.  If anyone wants a referral let me know.  


I would love to know about the Swagbucks too.  Maybe you could post deals from there every week.  I again have tried SB and never gotten anything from it. 


I think it would be helpful for everyone to post their tips, that maybe other people could use too. 

What do you say?


The rebate apps I use are Ibotta, SavingStar, Checkout 51, Receipt Hog and Shopkick {If anyone wants to join any of these let me know and I'll pm my referral links}. In 2016 here was my breakdown of earnings for the year:


Ibotta: $629.75

SavingStar: $53.98

Checkout51: $60

Receipt Hog: $5

Shopkick: $36 in Gift cards to Walmart and Target


Shopkick is painfully simple - walk around or into selected stores, scanning selected items. Each points for gift cards. Receipt Hog is similarly easy - scan in your receipts, get points. Every X many point can be cashed out for Amazon GC or Paypal. The others all involve buying selected items {which may or may not be a good deal - you have to watch closely}. But I work each weeks grocery plans around the rebates, and make it a point to maximize them with bonus offers and the like. Sometimes you get lucky and the same item is on multiple rebate apps - then you can claim them all and maybe even make money. 


I also do the CVS Extracard game - I try to keep about $10-15 in ECB {extra care bucks} and roll them weekly. I normally get at least a couple bags of stuff for maybe $2 at the most. And I use my debit card to pay because it's all tiny amounts so the dime back per transaction means sometimes I even make money. 



Swagbucks I do about $25-$75 a month on there. It really depends on my time and energy levels lol. But there are a few decent offers out right now like the home chef offer. Click through to it using Swagbucks, select 2 meals 2 people. Total will be $19.80, and you get $20 worth of SB points back. So free meals. Add in that you can get a $25 GC for $22 in SB points {limited to 1 per month} and it's a great deal. I try to at least hit my daily goal on there when possible. 

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The rebate apps I use are Ibotta, SavingStar, Checkout 51, Receipt Hog and Shopkick {If anyone wants to join any of these let me know and I'll pm my referral links}. In 2016 here was my breakdown of earnings for the year:


Ibotta: $629.75

SavingStar: $53.98

Checkout51: $60

Receipt Hog: $5

Shopkick: $36 in Gift cards to Walmart and Target


Shopkick is painfully simple - walk around or into selected stores, scanning selected items. Each points for gift cards. Receipt Hog is similarly easy - scan in your receipts, get points. Every X many point can be cashed out for Amazon GC or Paypal. The others all involve buying selected items {which may or may not be a good deal - you have to watch closely}. But I work each weeks grocery plans around the rebates, and make it a point to maximize them with bonus offers and the like. Sometimes you get lucky and the same item is on multiple rebate apps - then you can claim them all and maybe even make money. 


I also do the CVS Extracard game - I try to keep about $10-15 in ECB {extra care bucks} and roll them weekly. I normally get at least a couple bags of stuff for maybe $2 at the most. And I use my debit card to pay because it's all tiny amounts so the dime back per transaction means sometimes I even make money. 



Swagbucks I do about $25-$75 a month on there. It really depends on my time and energy levels lol. But there are a few decent offers out right now like the home chef offer. Click through to it using Swagbucks, select 2 meals 2 people. Total will be $19.80, and you get $20 worth of SB points back. So free meals. Add in that you can get a $25 GC for $22 in SB points {limited to 1 per month} and it's a great deal. I try to at least hit my daily goal on there when possible. 



Wow on Ibottta!  That is huge! 

How does that one work? 


It all adds up doesn't it?  Impressive when you see the totals. 


On SB do you just do the offers?  I can never figure that one out.

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  • 2 months later...

I was so upset last week because I only get 2 more paychecks and then nothing for the summer (end of Aug. will be my next check after May 30th).


And I only have enough in the bank right now to cover our taxes due and fixing up the replacement window we just put in our kitchen.


Dh reminded me of what we have paid off in 2016.  It is more than what I have brought home so far!  


No wonder we have not been spending anything really but are feeling so broke!  We have been VERY aggressive with paying loans.


Paid over 3/4 of our home improvement loan

Paid off the Camry

$5K down on a used Prius 

All CC debt paid

$2K for my son's college costs

$1.4K for my other son's surgery (our cost, insurance paid the other $20K)



We still owe:


$3K for taxes

under $10K for Prius

$600 for my son's surgery balance

and we will have to pay for oldest's community college summer and fall semesters in May (roughly $3K)

And we still owe a few thousand on the home improvement loan


We don't eat out much, we didn't even go on vacation this year, and we haven't purchased much stuff.  In fact, with a possible move coming up, we are trying NOT to bring in more STUFF.


I have to be brutally honest.  Part of me feels relieved that the debts are disappearing, but part of me feels like, "Hey, wait a minute!  I worked my tail off this year, and all I did was watch my checks come in and fly out the back door!"


I will be happy when it is over though, right?


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I was so upset last week because I only get 2 more paychecks and then nothing for the summer (end of Aug. will be my next check after May 30th).


And I only have enough in the bank right now to cover our taxes due and fixing up the replacement window we just put in our kitchen.


Dh reminded me of what we have paid off in 2016.  It is more than what I have brought home so far!  


No wonder we have not been spending anything really but are feeling so broke!  We have been VERY aggressive with paying loans.


Paid over 3/4 of our home improvement loan

Paid off the Camry

$5K down on a used Prius 

All CC debt paid

$2K for my son's college costs

$1.4K for my other son's surgery (our cost, insurance paid the other $20K)



We still owe:


$3K for taxes

under $10K for Prius

$600 for my son's surgery balance

and we will have to pay for oldest's community college summer and fall semesters in May (roughly $3K)

And we still owe a few thousand on the home improvement loan


We don't eat out much, we didn't even go on vacation this year, and we haven't purchased much stuff.  In fact, with a possible move coming up, we are trying NOT to bring in more STUFF.


I have to be brutally honest.  Part of me feels relieved that the debts are disappearing, but part of me feels like, "Hey, wait a minute!  I worked my tail off this year, and all I did was watch my checks come in and fly out the back door!"


I will be happy when it is over though, right?



I could see how you feel like your just spinning your wheels.  Bringing it in and then it leaving just as fast.  

But you will be happy when it is done and you have lots less debt. 


Keep it up.

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