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FOX news-why is it considered conservative when...

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it seems the most sensational? They always have the most sensational headlines and include lots of disgusting/sexual news reports. I'm surprised they are considered to be the ones who have a "conservative" bent. I find their reporting quite offensive and shocking. I don't get it. :confused:


Oh, and I'm conservative by the way.

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I'm surprised they are considered to be the ones who have a "conservative" bent.


Some of their commentators and personalities have conservative viewpoints. They have others who are more liberal to provide balance. But overall, their shows and personalities tend to lean right of center. A couple are pretty far right. Contrast that network to CNN and NBC which lean left of center and in the case of personalities Anderson Cooper and particularly, Keith Olberman, far left of center.


For the shocking things, news is news so I guess they're covering what's out there.

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I agree. I prefer CNN in many ways. They are trying to be "edgy" to get people to watch it and it's equally sad how well it works.


As one conservative to another... have you ever had just a lot of fun reading the headlines to Word Net Daily? The Nephilim are attacking from their space ships and Obama is calling them home! :lol: :lol: :lol:


I know there are plenty of perfectly sane conservatives out there. I've met some so I haven't lost hope.

Edited by CLHCO
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Foxnews.com has changed over the last year, from serious news to sensationalism. Both my dh and I have noticed this change - it's set as on homepage but we are thinking of changing it for this reason. Even some of the headlines are NOT things I want in my head!!!

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Foxnews.com has changed over the last year, from serious news to sensationalism. Both my dh and I have noticed this change - it's set as on homepage but we are thinking of changing it for this reason. Even some of the headlines are NOT things I want in my head!!!


I agree. I usually check foxnews.com first, but lately I've been having to jump to msnbc.com to get coverage that doesn't have to do with death, destruction, or entertainment.


It makes me wonder if their internet team is truly news focused.

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The criticism extends beyond Fox News to nearly the whole of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp enterprise.


The Fox television network has run some of the most prurient, sensational, and family unfriendly shows on television (although the other networks are hardly paragons of virtue these days).


His newspapers (the WSJ exempted for now) are sensational, sexualized, and sleazy.


That Fox news doesn't get more heat from conservative minded people surprises me.

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The criticism extends beyond Fox News to nearly the whole of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp enterprise.


The Fox television network has run some of the most prurient, sensational, and family unfriendly shows on television (although the other networks are hardly paragons of virtue these days).


His newspapers (the WSJ exempted for now) are sensational, sexualized, and sleazy.


That Fox news doesn't get more heat from conservative minded people surprises me.


I have to agree with you Bill. I used to watch SkyNews very regularly but I find myself watching CNN Europe and BBC World more and more often. I don't normally like them for news because they feel more like documentaries than what is actually going on. But lately SkyNews is more of entertainment rather than news.

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As one conservative to another... have you ever had just a lot of fun reading the headlines to Word Net Daily? The Nephilim are attacking from their space ships and Obama is calling them home! :lol: :lol: :lol:




World Net Daily! What a joke!!!


I'd trust the National Enquirer before I trusted anything I saw as a headline in World Net Daily!



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Foxnews.com has changed over the last year, from serious news to sensationalism.


Even some of the headlines are NOT things I want in my head!!!


Can ya tell I don't watch much news, until lately? I wouldn't have seen this change, we've only had cable for a year or so. So agree, the endless looping and sensationalizing by all of them is wearisome. And the "breaking news" thing they all use is a pain.

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ITA!! Fox News is horrible for the trashy headlines and ads. So can anyone recommend a conservative news source that isn't trashy?


Have you tried the News Hour on PBS? You couldn't call it "conservative" but they do a great job of trying to present various sides of issues in a non-sensational fashion. Some might find it "too boring" but is is substantive.

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of an appetite (real or perceived) for trash. The propensity to enjoy gossip, lurid stories, scandal and general garbage is not stronger in political liberals than it is political conservatives. There are political liberals who are very conservative as far as personal behavior, language, and focusing on "higher things" and there are political conservatives to spend all day looking at p@rn.


I don't think "conservative" in the case of Fox news goes beyond the political into the realm of "old fashioned values."

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That's part of why I rarely watch Fox news and my political views are right of center. I watch the debates on Fox but some of the other news programs are so over the top. I don't watch other news channels either so I don't know if Fox is more outrageous than any other channel. Sometimes you can see the glee on the reporters faces. I guess they are imagining our horrified faces at home as we watch. Sometimes dh and I will watch the local news and laugh at most of the stories that are considered news. We live near Phoenix, why do we care about a big fire in some building in, say, St. Louis? Why would that be considered news here?! I think it is because some reporter got some amazing video. And of course the more deviant and sensational the story, all the better. Do we in Phoenix really need to know about some child molester in New Jersey? But people tune in just so they can shake their heads and tsk-tsk over the story I guess. :confused: I don't get it.

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it seems the most sensational? They always have the most sensational headlines and include lots of disgusting/sexual news reports. I'm surprised they are considered to be the ones who have a "conservative" bent. I find their reporting quite offensive and shocking. I don't get it. :confused:


Oh, and I'm conservative by the way.


Which disgusting sexual news reports? Are you talking about the guy in Ohio who was arrested?

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I liked Huntley-Brinkley.


dating myself :tongue_smilie:


So can you name the closing theme of The Huntley-Brinkley Report?


I also liked John Chancellor, then I pretty much stopped watching television news. During major events I'll turn on the New Hours with Jim Lehrer, but I really prefer print. This is one aspect of the Internet that I adore--being able to read practically any major newspaper any time I want. Like after the Joe the Plumber business, I read the Cleveland Plain Dealer to see how they reported the story.


Television news is, well, trite, most of the time. Lehrer and Co. at least take more than a minute or two to present a story.

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Foxnews.com has changed over the last year, from serious news to sensationalism. Both my dh and I have noticed this change - it's set as on homepage but we are thinking of changing it for this reason. Even some of the headlines are NOT things I want in my head!!!


Yep. It was mine, too, but I changed it about a year ago. There was something horrible and disgusting making headlines, and they had a headline that about made me vomit (I've since blocked it from memory) and it wasn't even newsworthy, just sensational, so I switched to Google (personalized) for my homepage.

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There is no way I could watch CNN nowadays, it's sooo far left it's sickening..when I watched their 'panel' after one of the debates...80% of them were so adoringly fanning Obama and the two conservatives they had on there were middle of the road, definitely not skilled at highlighting the obvious more government points Obama made...


I do watch Foxnews about 2x a week at 6:30 in the morning, I see nothing sensational at all..perhaps it's the timing, if you're watching it after 8am...you probably get the judge judy/soap opera/agenda...try watching at 6:30...I saw nothing offensive other than the fact that college students from New York were moving to Ohio for 30 days to register, vote, then leave..ah...the democratic youth...gotta loathe them.



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So can you name the closing theme of The Huntley-Brinkley Report?


I also liked John Chancellor, then I pretty much stopped watching television news. During major events I'll turn on the New Hours with Jim Lehrer, but I really prefer print. This is one aspect of the Internet that I adore--being able to read practically any major newspaper any time I want. Like after the Joe the Plumber business, I read the Cleveland Plain Dealer to see how they reported the story.


Television news is, well, trite, most of the time. Lehrer and Co. at least take more than a minute or two to present a story.


Good night David....Good night Chet :D


I liked John Chancellor too.

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it seems the most sensational? They always have the most sensational headlines and include lots of disgusting/sexual news reports. I'm surprised they are considered to be the ones who have a "conservative" bent. I find their reporting quite offensive and shocking. I don't get it. :confused:


Oh, and I'm conservative by the way.


I have long wondered if the news, juxtaposed with the shows that are presented for after-school viewing, is supposed to be some sort of larger joke at the expense of conservatives. Breathlessly presented "conservative" news and viewpoints, sensational wrapped up in a package with Family Guy on Fox Network TV at dinnertime.


No offense to anyone who likes Family Guy, of course. Not even to anyone who likes it at 6 pm with the kiddos. Everyone has to make their own choices for their own family. It just strikes me as an odd combo for the network.


I'm politically moderate, but I rear my young children very conservatively.

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There is no way I could watch CNN nowadays, it's sooo far left it's sickening..when I watched their 'panel' after one of the debates...80% of them were so adoringly fanning Obama and the two conservatives they had on there were middle of the road, definitely not skilled at highlighting the obvious more government points Obama made...


I do watch Foxnews about 2x a week at 6:30 in the morning, I see nothing sensational at all..perhaps it's the timing, if you're watching it after 8am...you probably get the judge judy/soap opera/agenda...try watching at 6:30...I saw nothing offensive other than the fact that college students from New York were moving to Ohio for 30 days to register, vote, then leave..ah...the democratic youth...gotta loathe them.



:iagree: with Tara. I do not let my girls watch anything sexual and they are watching Fox News every morning.

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Are we discussing 2 different things here? I don't have cable/satellite, so I have never actually seen the Fox News Channel or whatever it's called. I find foxnews.com to be sensationalistic. I can't say anything about the networks. I only watch local news for the weather, because I still like hearing a person actually explain it, but that is only every once in a while.

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