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Diva Cups: Opinions/Experiences?

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My little sister uses one of these, but I've always been a chicken. I'm scared of them--afraid they'll hurt, scratch, spill, smell, be an altogether disaster. I'm a Playtex queen and set in my middle-age ways.


But I'm feeling brave, green and open to new things.


So, have any of you ladies used this product with good or bad results that you'd care to share?


Would you recommend this product to a friend? Or maybe an enemy instead?:D

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I simply couldn't use it. I could feel it...and it felt wrong! I use Instead now, and love it. Look for it at the drugstore...it should be near the tampons. Instead is similar in theory to the Diva or Keeper, but it fits higher up, more like a diaphragm. If you rinse it after empying it you can use one for your entire cycle.



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I've used the Diva and the Keeper, both after childbirth.


I never could get the Keeper to fit exactly right. I always knew it was there, even when I trimmed the tail. The Diva was great. I used it a lot, though it took a couple of cycles before I figured out how to put it in so that it didn't leak a little. It was much more comfortable than the Keeper and I'm glad I finally tried it.


I probably won't use anything else. I do have some cloth pads that I use as well, but I much prefer the Keeper. I never could figure out how to use Instead.

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I like the Keeper and Diva - I tried the Instead, but they just did not work for me. I read on some other site that it seemed that most of the people who really like the Instead, didn't like the Diva/Keeper and vice versa. One or the other seemed to work better - it didn't seem like many people found both types comfortable or worked well for them.

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I have the Diva and I can't get it to stop leaking. I was told to try the Keeper as it is a little stiffer. The diva cup is very soft. It kinda feels like silicone bake ware. I might give the keeper a try. If I could figure out how to keep it from leaking, I would love the Diva.

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Anybody know if these will work with a retroverted uterus? I have trouble with tampons even, so I'm kinda doubtful either of these other options would work.

First I had to look up "retroverted uterus". After that, I remembered reading about it (under different terminology) on one of the menstrual cup websites I was looking at yesterday. Here's a quote from the Q&A about the Moon Cup (Keeper, Inc.):

I have a tilted uterus, so can I use THE KEEPER or MOON CUP?


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Ahh, but the Lunette (finland) is so much better than the DivaCup. I used a DivaCup for a couple of years but could always feel some level of discomfort with it. I was determined, one day, to find something perfect -- if it existed. I ordered one of every currently available menstrual cup in every currently available size.


In the following linked forum, the Lunette is (%wise) the fave cup. I discovered this after I fell in love with it. I also love the LadyCup but it's very soft and I have problems with slight leaking with it.




the DivaCup is the longest of the normal size cups. this seems to be the problematic factor for so many women. Also, it's very very stiff. The Lunette is a little wider - a smidge, a little shorter. The silicone is thinner, yet perhaps slightly more ridgid so it has a great seal.


I also like the UK Mooncup very very much. Fwiw, I find the sizing to be not terribly accurate. For all of the cups, I can wear the large (over 30 or after childbirth regardless of age or route of delivery) or the small. The only difference is how long it takes to fill -- and for some of them, the size affects the comfort level.


Also for all of them, I completely trim the stem. Completely.


I just can't say enough good things about menstrual cups. I can't believe I wasted 22 years messing around with pads (cloth and disposable) and tampons. I find it to be the easiest most comfy solution. Empty and wash twice a day (q12h) and aside from that, I don't have to think of it at all.



Lunette - 2 sizes...the 'regular' seems to be a perfect fit for just about everyone, the small is v small, good starter one for a girl/teen.


MoonCup UK (i love it and can use the small or large....38, have had two kids) but I like the Lunette better


Moon Cup/Keeper (US) - first is silicone, second is latex rubber


Diva Cup (canada iirc).....the longest of all of them. certainly many love it, but lots have problems with it


Mia Cup - South Africa....very cool looking pinkish/purplish silicone....but the most expensive


LadyCup - clear or pink and maybe blue? their small is the smallest of all of the cups, perfect for a girl/teen just getting started. but the silicone is vv flexible and some have trouble getting a good seal. I get what seems to be a good seal but always have a little leaking - never enough to lead through anything, but enough to have to think about it, yk? the large has the largest volume of all of the cups, which is nice if you have a heavy flow, but may not be enough of a benefit to offset the difficulties some have with getting it to pop open/seal etc


Femmecup - also from the UK and quite similar to the Mooncup UK, but not totally identical. I also like and can use both sizes of this cup.....but I still like the Lunette better:)


At the above website, you can find pictures and details galore of all of the options.


All the best:001_smile:

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Ten years ago we moved into a house with a septic field, and that was when I bought it because the thought of disposing of t*mpons in the trash was about the same to me as dealing with a Keeper. I bought a Diva several years ago, thinking that it was "better," and it just didn't fit or work as well, so after a year it went into the trash and I went back to the Keeper.


One of these days maybe I'll buy a Moon Cup because it's silicon and made in the Keeper molds. My Keeper is still in good shape though, but it's had several breaks for pregnancy/childbirth and my year with the Diva. But then, I'm almost 48, so maybe I'm almost done anyway.:001_smile:

Edited by GVA
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I simply couldn't use it. I could feel it...and it felt wrong! I use Instead now, and love it. Look for it at the drugstore...it should be near the tampons. Instead is similar in theory to the Diva or Keeper, but it fits higher up, more like a diaphragm. If you rinse it after empying it you can use one for your entire cycle.




I think it should be rinsed out with hydrogen peroxide (which eats blood) and then let it dry. Then use it again.

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The Keeper worked great for me between kids, but after my second, I had to switch to Instead. The Keeper is just too long for me (but I've heard that other brands with similar styles have slightly different sizes). I'm very happy with instead and use one cup per cycle (empty and rinse as I used to do with my Keeper), so I go through maybe a box a year.


I'm scared of them--afraid they'll hurt, scratch, spill, smell, be an altogether disaster. I'm a Playtex queen and set in my middle-age ways.



Any of these products *can* be a little messy. So if getting your fingers a little messy freaks you out, you might not be thrilled. They do not hurt or scratch -- but if they're improperly inserted or not the right size, they can be a little uncomfortable (just as a tampon might). They won't spill (except into the toilet as you remove them), but if they don't fit right or you go too long between emptying, they can leak (again, just as a tampon might). I find there's a day in my cycle each month when I need to have a pad as back-up (repeat refrain from above, lol)... They are not smelly.


Overall, I was so thrilled, I switched and have never looked back. I think I've used a tampon once in the last ten years, 'cause I was caught unprepared and that's what was available to me. But I wouldn't choose to use one again. Blech.

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I've used the Diva and the Keeper, both after childbirth.


I never could get the Keeper to fit exactly right. I always knew it was there, even when I trimmed the tail. The Diva was great. I used it a lot, though it took a couple of cycles before I figured out how to put it in so that it didn't leak a little. It was much more comfortable than the Keeper and I'm glad I finally tried it.


I probably won't use anything else. I do have some cloth pads that I use as well, but I much prefer the Keeper. I never could figure out how to use Instead.


I, too, have tried both the Keeper and the Diva Cup with the same results. I was hesitant to try the Diva because of my experience with the Keeper, but I found it online on a great sale and decided to give it a try. It took a couple cycles to get used to inserting it, but now that I have the hang of it, I love it!


I like the Keeper and Diva - I tried the Instead, but they just did not work for me. I read on some other site that it seemed that most of the people who really like the Instead, didn't like the Diva/Keeper and vice versa. One or the other seemed to work better - it didn't seem like many people found both types comfortable or worked well for them.


I agree with this, also. I have tried Instead and just cannot get them to work and have a terrible time trying to insert them. But I have a friend who loves them and they work great for her.


I think you may need to be willing to spend a little money to try some of these options and see what works for you. You could start with Instead since they are easy to buy locally and probably the least expensive option. If they don't work for you, you could order one of the other options and try it for a few cycles. Just remember that if one doesn't work for you it doesn't mean they all won't.

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I have a keeper. I also have a slightly prolapsed uterus, and it comes very low during my period. I found the Keeper tends to pull it lower still, and it freaked me out to feel my uterus so low. So, I use the Keeper at night time (no gravity) on the first two nights, along with cloth pads at night and only cloth pads during the day.

I have never heard anyone else have the issue I have about the Keeper puling the uterus lower- it may have just been as I was pulling it out.

I empty the Keeper in the shower. Easy peasy.

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So, have any of you ladies used this product with good or bad results that you'd care to share?


Would you recommend this product to a friend? Or maybe an enemy instead?:D


I love mine... There is definitely a learning curve, but I love it now. I think it took me longer than most to get a good seal because I just couldn't get it to pop open like someone mentioned. Then a friend who used to sell all sorts of reusable mama products sent some instructions to a friend who has a tilted uterus and was having trouble with a good seal and comfort. The instructions had several folds that change the way that the cup pops open. I fiddled with a few from this great site to find one that worked better than the one in the instructions. Personally, I love the Origami fold. It pops open fabulously! As for pinching, hurting, scratching etc, I think you are far less likely to get scratched etc from the Diva Cup (completely rounded edges of silicon) than playtex. You know at the end of your cycle when you aren't bleeding very much, you really can't use a tampon because if you do it either has to stay in too long or it hurts? You don't have that problem with the Diva Cup. Also, there is no bleach to be absorbed into your body (yes, you do absorb bleach and chemicals from the tampons despite what Snopes says)... I won't ever go back.

Edited by lighthouseacademy
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