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Immediate prayer request for our lab!


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Earlier today, Monday, our 13 yo female, yellow lab ate some chocolate.  We had no clue.


DH, DD and I went to the storage unit tonight and we returned to our lab who couldn't hold it and had an accident on the floor.  DH thinks she had a seizure. 


She does have seizures every now and then, but as she ages they seem to grow in frequency. 


Our lab, Jordan, is laying on the floor right now and can not get up. 


We called our neighbor who used to work in a vet clinic.  She said to use a syringe and put a few drops of water every now and then in to her mouth.  She just shook her head!


Would you pray for her?  I want to her to be comfortable and take her in to the vet tomorrow, Tuesday.




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My last Golden Retriever had a love for chocolate. She once ate a bag and a half of nestle chocolate chips. Luckily I realized it within an hour but still....  The emergency vet had me induce vomiting and then I had to watch her especially her gums. I guess all the fat in chocolate can play havoc with their kidney's and liver. She came through it ok and still loved chocolate but never ate as much again. Do you know how much she ate? It takes quite a bit to bring down a big dog and dark chocolate is worse than milk chocolate. Why do our furry kids have to do this to us!  Big hugs and prayers coming your way.

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Thank you!  This is our 2nd lab.  DH helped her to stand and she stayed up 30 sec.  Normally Jordan sleeps on our bedroom floor!  Tonight DD offered to sleep with J!  How precious is that!!   Our DD has controlled epilepsy.   DD is fine.  She's sleeping downstairs on the sofa where Jordan has another dog bed.   We don't want her climbing stairs.  Anyway, we moved one of J's comforters over close to DD.  J was laying down and then just like that she stood up and right before her was her water bowl which I moved in from the bathroom to be closer to her bed.  She drank a bit.  She stood up on her own about 30 - 60 sec.  We put pee pee pads down. 


Girls are tucked in downstairs.  Our cat is sequestered in the utility room/office.   :)  


DD has a little lantern and our cordless phone to contact me upstairs by intercom.   And, we don't even live in a super large home.  LOL!


I hope DD gets good sleep tonight and that Jordan recovers through the night with a solid rest and sleep and back to herself tomorrow. 


Thank you for the prayers! Much appreciated!!!


Datgh,  I know.  Jordan is very smart but stubborn.  Yes, it was milk chocolate mini size.  We're not sure how many - maybe 2-5.  




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How long ago do you think she ate it & how much?   A big dog can tolerate quite a lot, esp if it was milk or regular eating chocolate. I unfortunately speak from experience as my big malamute mix got into a box of mixed chocolates many years ago & the only reason I knew was because I found the chewed box. She was completely unaffected....

It's baking chocolate that can be very serious.... 

If it was not long ago, I'd agree with inducing vomiting. http://sunrisepetclinicaz.com/vomiting.html


Otherwise, I'd find an emergency vet tonight. If she IS having a reaction to the chocolate, tomorrow will be too late. 

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Datgh,  I know.  Jordan is very smart but stubborn.  Yes, it was milk chocolate mini size.  We're not sure how many - maybe 2-5.  


That shouldn't be enough chocolate to be toxic to a dog that size. I'd consider that coincidence. Hoping your doggy is better today. 


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OK, thanks for the replies and prayers, y'all!   DD slept downstairs in our family room.   She said Jordan got up a couple/few times for water.  J did not have any accidents. 


When I woke up this morning she looked like she had to go so I took her out and she did "both". 


She's walking but very slowly.  I delayed her eating (right now she just walked upstairs unassisted and unprompted on the carpeted and stairs.  She checked out the kitchen and just walked back down!) by an hour so she eat around 9 am.  I took her out just a few minutes ago and she pee-peed. 


DH told DD and she told me that Jordan ate the whole package of Baby Ruth!  It's the Dollar Tree version.  They bundle 6 minis for $1.   It's milk chocolate which is not as harmful as many of you have mentioned.  But, it is still chocolate.   And, salt is fatal to dogs as well.  Candy is pumped with salt.  


Yesterday while I was preparing dinner she got in to the trash can and ate something. I don't know what it was.  We/I have to do a better job at putting the lid down but she can still use her nose to nudge it up!    Honestly, that dog!


So, we are looking at our pup who turned 13 yo on Oct. 8.  She has had a seizure here and there - maybe 2-3 that dh and I know about.  However, I've seen a few little seizures pick up over the last month or two. 


She's walking so I guess that rules out a muscular issue. 


It must go back to the seizures, chocolate or a combination of those 2 with maybe muscle issues.


We are monitoring her today and will take her to the vet.   Normally we bathe her but I need to take her to the groomers b/c she soiled herself of having to go and not being able to stand last night. 


Should I take her to the groomer or give her a few days to rest up?


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I'd see if the vet's office can clean her up for you. Not a full grooming, but just bathe her to clean her up. That way if the stress of the bath causes a seizure she's right there where she needs to be. Tell them you are fine taking her home wet, so they know it will be a quick easy thing. 


It does sound like maybe it was post-ictal stuff going on, with the not walking, etc. And she may be stiff and sore today from seizing. 

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Unless she normally has a sensitive stomach I wouldn't think six mini candy bars would cause much of a problem in a dog the size of a Lab.


It's my understanding that salt is rarely an issue for dogs as long as they have access to fresh water.


If you suspect a seizure I'd be leery of taking her to a groomer. Stress can be a trigger for those.

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I'd use a couple damp washcloths to clean her up.  A short haired dog, even if they get poopy is easy to clean up. 

Then I'd take her to the vet for blood work, urinalysis & an exam. I suspect you're looking at something else other than chocolate.  


Spondylosis would be my first guess as it often presents as twitching & is sometimes mistaken for seizure activity. Odds are overwhelming she also has arthritis & should probably be on an nsaid too... 

If it is seizure activity increasing, that too needs a proper dx as there are some treatments. 


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