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(Update to the update in post #65) Christmas for my husband: Time for my annual plea.

Jenny in Florida

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A back inverter, something like this... https://www.amazon.com/Exerpeutic-Inversion-Table-Comfort-Backrest/dp/B005P4NV3E/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1481736905&sr=8-4&keywords=back+inverter

(My dad has one and likes it--not this particular one)


Family crest, coat of arms


Ancestry DNA kit


Ancestry membership



I second the Ancestry.com membership.  It can be quite fun researching the family tree, and it inspired me to scan and catalog our family photos.  Since he was likewise inspired from a visit with cousins, this could be just up his alley.


He already has a membership, and both of us did the DNA testing a couple of years ago (when he got the kits as part of my Christmas gift).

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Babysitter, dinner and a nice overnight stay somewhere?


Since our youngest is going on 19 and rarely home, babysitters are no longer necessary, and we can go to dinner pretty much any time we feel like it and can afford it.


He's not especially fond of travelling, and the bad back/anxiety combo means that it's always hit or miss whether he will be able to tolerate being on the go.

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He does IT for a rather huge entertainment company based on Orlando.


However, it's just kind of what he does; it's not a passion.


He doesn't read or follow any comics. When he does read, it is usually something classic (think public domain) from Project Guttenberg or a similar site read in small bits on his phone while waiting for a meeting.

Maybe a subscription to Audible or something where he can listen to books when he's driving between jobs?

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If it has to be non stuff related you are stuck with electronic content, food or experiences. It seems that experiences are difficult due to his health issues and anxiety right? So that might be the hardest one. Digital content - I know you said he mostly reads free classics but is that because he only wants to read free classics or does he have a bit of a mental barrier about buying digital content? It's just dh would say I read free classics too, but the truth is I'm mostly reading them because they are free not because I wouldn't enjoy something else.


Otherwise there is the option of a gift subscription to an online news site, the music from the musical you are going to, iTunes vouchers or similar.


Then the last option is food. There has to be some kind of food he really loves especially surely?

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If I were you, I'd just declare Christmas gift exchange between you two over and done.


DH and I exchange gifts only occassionally, probably every 3 or 4 years - and we do have hobbies, interests, and enjoy "needs" or voiced wants for gifts. I'm all about eliminating unnecessary stressors in my life - there are enough unavoidable ones that I don't need to add "traditions" on top of it. This includes huge meals for traditional holidays as well. I'm much more Thankful or Christmas-spirity when I'm not in the grocery store or kitchen for hours and hours doing shopping, prep, cooking, and clean up.


Maybe I'm just a Grinch. But, I'm a low-stress Grinch. :D

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I've tried that, but have repeatedly lost that battle.


This is why I asked folks to just share what they are doing for their own spouses, rather than asking for suggestions for mine. He's basically impossible



I think the show tickets are great enough


Maybe if you buy crappy gifts, he'll be more open to dropping gift exchange in the future? ;) You are obviously way too awesome at finding good stuff for him, even if he's notoriously difficult to shop for!


ETA: Ha! i just realized - Maybe I'm a crappy gift-giver and that's why DH agrees to not exchange most years. Lol I'll have to ask him.

Edited by fraidycat
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My husband would be happy with food gifts, especially snacks like potato chips with uncommon flavors.


I think I'm getting my dh some peanut brittle, if I can find some with lots of peanuts in it.

The Chinese version is almost all peanuts. If you have Chinese supermarkets near by, the sesame honey peanut brittle is nice and much cheaper than the See's Candies version.

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Update to the Update:


Just have to share that I WIN!


Yesterday, we were on our way home from an outing to see some holiday lights with myself, my husband and our son in the car. My husband, out of the blue, asked if either of us had heard about the casting for the Shakespeare theatre production. I made non-committal noises and then listened as my husband told our son about the Michael Dorn thing and they chatted about how cool it would be to see the show.


Ha! it's so rare that I get out in front of something like this. Merry Christmas to me!



Original Post:


So, just in case anyone is interested, I think that, as of today, I am calling myself "done." 


I ordered the soundtrack (on CD so I would have a physical item more tangible than printouts) of the touring production, and I will package that with the tickets as his major gift.


Then, a couple of days ago, our local Shakespeare theatre announced that Michael Dorn (whom Star Trak nerds know as Worf from Next Generation and DS9) will be starring in one of their productions this spring. Even though I already have theatre ticekts as the "big gift," I suddenly had a vision of my husband hearing on the radio about Michael Dorn being in a local show and how cool he would think that was . . . so I hopped online and bought a pair of tickets for one of the performances. I'm really glad I did it when I did, because several of the performances are already sold out, and good tickets are scarce for many of the others.


As a silly extra, I ordered him a Jeopardy-themed page-a-day calendar for his desk. When I clicked "order," I was thinking it might be the basis for a stocking theme, but then this morning I had a brainstorm . . .


I realized that, since he's cut back on salty stuff, we've been going through packages of Red Vines at a somewhat alarming rate. I decided to do his stocking based on the dual ideas of "candy" and "red." So, there will be a big package of Red Vines, and I stopped at the M&Ms store at the mall today to buy a bag of red M&Ms. While there, I found pajama pants with M&M Darth Vader weilding his red light saber and also a pair of socks with a red M&Ms design.


I found a "Red Leader" t-shirt at one of the nerdy stores (which I realize does not coordinate with the Dark Side aspect of the pajamas -- it won't be presented as a set, just as two items that both happen to be red).


I then came home and searched the internet for any papercrafting kits (one of the few things he occasionally does as a hobby) having to do with Snoopy and the Red Baron (because he loves that song), and found a gorgeous free printable paper model of the Red Baron's plane. I printed it out on cardstock.


The final touch is a pack of RedBox promo codes.


The actual stuff under the tree is a bit thin, in terms of tangible items. But I feel really good about the stocking, and I know he will enjoy both shows. 


So, thanks for sharing and helping me brainstorm. It really did spark ideas for me!



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